Spanish Inquisition

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On his signal, the bulky men accompanying the Senator took out guns and pointed it at Alex and me( since I stepped in front of him). Alex looked calm and composed while I think I was panicking.

"Livvy move away! "

" No. "

" Livvy nothing is going to happen to me. Trust me and please move. " When I refused he removed me himself.

" Are you crazy? Those hired gorillas have their guns pointed at you and you want to play superhero? Do you realise they can shoot you now. "

" No they won't. And stop panicking. We have it under control. "

" If anything happens to you, trust me surviving them would be the least of your worries because I'll kill you myself. "

" Duly noted. " He smirked. He freaking smirked like this is a James Bond film instead of a real life situation." Senator are you sure you want to do that? Wash away years of solid reputation with an act of fury? "

Something must have rankled the old man's brains because he paused and seemed to contemplate his actions. A public execution were the actions of a mafia gangster and not a political figure. He must have reached the same conclusion because he signalled his hired gorillas to lower their weapons.

"Now that you're clearly rational let's talk business. Why are you doing all this? "

" Isn't it clear boy ? I am doing it for my grandson. "

Very good. Vague answer which makes him sound like a concerned grandfather instead of the manipulative douche he is.

" Are you doing it for the right grandson though? Because even you know that Ronald will never be what Seamus was. "

" Hey! I take offense to that! " Ronald said.

" Like we give a damn. Do you see that? What is that? Is it a bird or a plane or a seagull? No its the flying fuck no one gives for your opinion. " Levi replied.

" Shut up Ronald and let the grown ups talk. " Ooh burn. Grand daddy clearly agreed with Levi too." What do you mean? "

" Senator you're clearly on the wrong team. You retired due to a scandal in which you were named but never proven guilty of being involved. And now you have a chance to redeem yourself in the public eye and you chose to ally with Senator Macdonald. A politician who thrives on controversial stands and has not been associated with any good policy or action. Do you really want to bet your legacy on the losing horse? "

" What the hell does that mean? "

" It means that in your desperation to win back your lost reputation, you clearly never noticed the hyenas you allied with. And there is a rule in the jungle - big fish eat the small fish and not invite them for dinner to discuss alliances. You want political influence? You want your legacy restored? Then take off your blinders and truly see what you've done. Maybe you'll realise it then. "

" Speak clearly boy. I don't do riddles. "

" Good for you Senator because I share the same trait. You'll understand very soon. Father do you have an office in this church?"

"Yes. It's right next to the storeroom. "

" Thank you. And does it have a computer? Do you mind if me and the Senator continue our conversation there. " The priest gave his permission." Come Senator we have business to discuss. No one accompanies us. We go alone. "

Alex and the Senator went towards the office leaving the rest of us in confused and anxious.

" Livvy think about it.... Its not too late to reconsider your decision. I'll take care of everything. Think of the family name at least! " Yes you guessed it. Despite my marriage, my mother had still not let go of the hope that somehow I would leave Alex and marry Ronald. Hope springs eternal like they say and in case, even delusions.

" Were you thinking of the family name when you were engaged in hot wild sex with men old enough to be your sons? "

" I am your mother and you will not talk to me like this!". Boy does she love to play that card even though she's not been maternal to me in decades.

"If Livvy can't ask you that because she's your daughter, which at this point judging by your actions is highly debatable, why don't you answer to your mother then? " Mami asked. I've never seen her so angry. Not even when my mother had secretly arranged my marriage with Ronald.

" Mother it's not true. They're lying. You know Blaine hates me and would do anything to torment me and tarnish my reputation. "

" I trust Blaine. He might hate you but he would never do anything like that because unlike you he cares about other people. Specially those whom he's indebted to. Besides you did a splendid job in tarnishing your own reputation on your own without anyone's help. So stop blaming and answer the question. And preferably in the next ten minutes or so. "

" Mami is seriously angry! " Levi commented discreetly.

" This... Pfft! That's not angry. She was angry long time back. This is pure rage mixed with a heavy dose of Embarrassment and disappointment. "

" Mom..... Really its all being blown out of proportion. They were not affairs, just minor flirtations. "

" Minor flirtations that occurred in hotel rooms? "

" Butt out of this conversation Blaine. You've caused enough trouble for me. "

"Sure thing! I was just pointing out the facts."

"Don't tell him to Butt out of this conversation Virginia. He has as much right to those answers as us. After all he is the father of your daughter. "

" Does no one support me? Even you dad? " When no one answered." Fine then. It's all false. Those were not affairs but business consultations. For your kind information, I too have a man in my life. He's standing right there. Also he happens to be a Senator. "

" Really mum... Out of all the eligible senators out there, you had to pick the one who could give Sarah Palin a run for her money? "

" Please Sarah Palin has some personality. This guy is a block of wood. Actually scratch that, since the evidence suggests he pretty much lacks in the wood department. He is a block of ice. " Dad said.

" What did you ever see in him despite the obvious requirements? "

" Why am I being subjected to an interrogation for no reason? Is it so bad to be in love and make sacrifices for it?"

"I can't believe you just went there! If you do it its love, if I do it then it turns into family shame even though it's the other way round. "

" Please Peggy! Words like love don't sound good coming from you. " That was my father's reaction.

" When have you ever been in love with anyone other than money or fame? " Mami spared no thought to my mother's feelings or the reporter's cameras.

" Pfft.... Love! I wasn't born yesterday Virginia and neither were the rest of the family. Don't try to wiggle yourself out of this. You're digging a deeper hole. " Papi called Bullshit on this faster than a bullet.

" Why is it so hard for all of you to believe that I could be in love with someone? "

" Because you don't know the first thing about love. If you can't love your own daughter, do you really think we would believe that you're in love with an actual person. Even the senator. If you were in love, you wouldn't be forcing me to give up on mine for your sake. You're in love. Bullshit! The Day you fall in love is the day fish fly in the sky and birds live underwater. "

" Did we miss something? "

Dammit I am not in love with you!!!!Where stories live. Discover now