The Curious case of Ronald and Felicity

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Well now that I had seen my reputations being shredded on national Television, it was time to contemplate on the root cause of our (actually mine but Alex has gotten involved) problem- Ronald and his absurd declaration of love for me.

Alex being a businessman decided that it would make more sense if we backtracked to the start of the mess to get a real sense of the situation. So here we were discussing the whole day again.

"Okay did you see him before going to the Church?"

"Nope. The bridal party was at my Mother's estate while the groom's were at the Dwights mansion."

"I think we are going at this the wrong way. Maybe this has nothing to do with today. I mean you did mention him saying that he felt like this long before today. Maybe we should concentrate on before the festivities started. Okay tell me when did the actual wedding preparations start?"

"That would be three months back in February. Actually Felicity had been planning for a spring wedding but Ronald got called away for a case outside Chicago and it was a good opportunity. So then they settled for May. Plus Pastor Johnson wasn't free during February."

"What has the Pastor got to do with their wedding? Anybody could conduct it."

"Apparently Pastor Johnson was the one who christened Ronald and also baptised him. So you know they both have a bond. He wanted Father Johnson to conduct the wedding."

"Okay then. Were you there when these guys were planning the wedding?"

"I wasn't in any way or capacity involved in the wedding preparations. Truth is if it hadn't been for mom's threatening I wouldn't have even showed up! But from what I heard there had already been too many incidents before the ceremony."

"What do you mean by incidents? What incidents are we talking about here?"

"Okay there was one with the Maid Of Honor....They couldn't decide until mid April who the MOH should be? Ronald and Felicity even fought over it."

"Hold on...if they decided on a date in February and were already looking for a venue then why did it take so long in deciding who the maid of honor is going to be? And how come you were the MOH?"

"Well because I wasn't the first choice. I wasn't even going to be the bridesmaid in the original plan and MOH was supposed to be Alicia, Felicity's best friend. You may know her as Alicia Strongberg."

"You mean Alicia Strongberg as in daughter of Maximillian Strongberg who the FBI has been searching for embezzlement?"

"Yup thats the one. Alicia and Felicity are two peas in a pod. They have been together since high school. She was going to be MOH but she left the States with her father to escape the FBI. Felicity couldn't ask Dahlia because of some reason. Felicity finally asked one of her colleagues to step in as MOH. But at the last moment because of some reason, she didn't show up either. Hence as a last resort I was asked to step in. "

"Who is Dahlia?"

"Dahlia Mcdermot is or actually was Felicity's best friend in Law School but I haven't seen her in a long time. Felicity said Dahlia isn't in Chicago anymore.Those two were close so it was weird when she chose me as MOH over Dahlia. I mean if I can come from New York surely so could Dahlia if she lived in the States. "

"So apart from the MOH issue did they fight at all?"

"Noo they were so in love it was sickening to watch. I guess they were in their honeymoon phase and she flaunted that rock she calls engagement ring all the time."

Dammit I am not in love with you!!!!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt