Gretna Is So Clichéd!

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"Hold on peeps! Ruby's on the phone. I'll put her on speaker." Cady told us to wait.

"You called her didn't you? " My father pouted like an angry kid in the park who's been told on by his siblings.

" Blaine darling don't worry! I am proud of you. And congratulations Livvy and Alex. I am so happy for you."

"Thanks a lot Ruby. Now it won't be weird at your wedding since I'd be married too. Plus no stress about me or my situation. "

" Oh honey you know I don't mind that at all. But I do have a question to ask the both of you. Gretna Green really?"

" Well..... We don't know any other place which will offer us a quick wedding like Gretna. And Vegas ain't safe for us. That doesn't leave us with many options. "

" Despite my connections, no place would be willing to offer us a marriage license as fast as Gretna Green. "

" Well you have a point there. But what if I told you that I have the perfect destination for your wedding and a contact who could arrange a marriage license in hours. Would you reconsider then? "

" Really? You do? "

" Well yes I do! And I have at least three perfect venues if you agree. And it is all going to be private if we just loosen up our pockets a little. "

" Alex what do you say? Do we go the Clichéd route? "

" Well we were given the title of America's Newest Romeo and Juliet. I think we should live up to their expectations. But at the same time maybe we could carve our own path. So lets ditch Gretna! "

" Okay Ruby we'll consider your idea. Where is the destination and how fast can you get us a marriage license?"

" Oh you're going to love this. I am taking you to...... Wait for it..... Mykonos in Greece. Its picturesque and lovely. Plus they have many Roman Catholic churches willing to perform weddings. All you need is a license but that can be arranged in a matter of hours. My best friend Julia is married to a local businessman who can get us the license before you land. "

" But how will we get to Greece? If all of us leave at once, it will raise suspicions. And what about my wedding gown? "

" Don't worry about your gown. Just give me a basic idea of what you want and I'll get you the gown. " Cady told me.

" And don't worry about your travel arrangements. I know a thing or two about clandestine meetings and escaping from my old days. Between me and your father we'll work out a plan to get you out to Greece and married within a day or two. " Adrian reassured me.

" And don't worry about Ronald. He won't be able to find you in time. I'll make sure of that. "

" Thanks Seamus ! And Alex will you stop glaring at him for god sake. The man is on our side."

" I am sorry but I can't help it. He reminds me of Ronald and that gets my blood boiling. I have nothing against him personally. "

" Well its not the first time someone's told me that. But believe me even I have a score to pick with him. So get in line Alex. I am gonna crush him first. "

" Amen to that! " Levi agreed with a nod of his head and cracking of his fists.

" Well looks like I am getting married in Greece!"

"Yeah and it's so much better. I mean admit it Gretna Green is so Clichéd! " My dad pointed out.

" You weren't playing this tune a moment ago." Alex teased him.

" Well of course not but my soon to be wife had a better plan and which father doesn't want his daughter's best day to be perfect. I am a dad. Sue me! "

" Awww daddy! " Never knew my father had thought of my wedding day and wanted it to be perfect." I love you! "

" I love you too honey! Now lets get cracking and plan your wedding. Ruby darling mail us the venues and we'll choose one now. Alex call your jet and keep it on standby. Adrian we need to get Mami and Papi but without anyone knowing. Levi we need you to go and book decoy tickets for Mami and Papi to confuse Ronald and team. Cady go work your magic and I want the best of the best for my girl. Seamus you and I will figure out a way to confuse Ronald and Peggy. "

" Let's roll everybody! Moonlight is wasting. " Levi whooped excitedly.


Alex was busy arranging our travel plans and simultaneously choosing his clothes on the ipad. Cady and me were working on my wedding dress. Levi was on the laptop booking decoy tickets for everyone. Adrian, dad and Seamus were brainstorming ideas to fool Ronald and company. Ruby was arranging our marriage license. We had chosen a small picturesque church right by the beach and our reception was to be held in a vineyard close by.

Everybody was working their asses off as we were on a tight schedule. This was our last chance to permanently put an end to this whole mess with Ronald. Everything had to be timed perfectly and had to go on without delays. Timing was everything.

I was going to get married. In about 24 hours I would be Mrs Lavinia Alexander Seymour. I should be nervous right now but all I could focus on was the fact that me and Alex would belong to each other for eternity. It was a silly romantic notion but what can I makes us all silly and romantic.

Planning a wedding in 24 hours took some serious hard work. This was just to get Ronald out of the way. Me and Alex we had promised Mami and Papi that we would have another ceremony in the states for our friends and families. I mean we were a high profile couple now. Got to keep up appearances too.

But this ceremony this was just for us. A private event for our loved ones to witness our memorable moments without any paparazzi and interventions. I mean I saw what happened at Felicity's wedding. I don't want my wedding ceremony to be the fodder for gossip magazines and bored housewives of Chicago. I've had enough gossip to last me a lifetime. There will be fireworks in the second ceremony. That is to be expected but I rather enjoy my original wedding day without any troubles.

Let's see how that works out. I mean I can only hope. A miniscule one at least. Cos you and I both know God enjoys playing with me. And expecting everything to go without a hitch is... foolish. My track record seems to suggest so. Yeah yeah yeah call me a pessimist. But when you know that a lightning bolt (metaphorical) always seems to hit you from above without any provocation, you tend to believe in worst case scenarios more than best case and plan accordingly. After all my life is an example of Murphy's law. What will go wrong has to go wrong and nothing could change it.

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