Adding Chaos To Confusion

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"How are we going to know what's going on in the police station?"

"You seriously worried about that? Don't worry it's all been handled. "

" But how? "

" A little bit of tapping the keyboard and voila you get the live feed of the police interrogation room. "

" What's with the Wizard of Oz voice over? Hanging out too much with my dad? "

" Don't blame me. Your dad's dramatic personality rubs off on everyone. "

" True!" I was curious about the next part of the plan. "How are you going to get Ronald and his cohorts off my trail?"

"Oh that's going to be so easy. By creating a false trail. Seamus is delaying Ronald while I am adding Chaos to confusion. I'll probably create such a knot that it will take them quite some time to untangle themselves. " Adrian, the super suave ex spy was rubbing his hands like the witch from Looney toons. It was honestly disturbing.

" Umm Adrian? You're doing it again. "

" Damn your father's spoilt me too! Here take this laptop. It'll show you the live feed of the interrogation rooms. You can switch screens by pressing ctrl+space bar. I am gonna work my magic. Goddamit I am doing it again, aren't I? " When I nodded, he grumbled away and worked silently on another computer while coordinating details with his employees on the Bluetooth headset.


My mother and Ronald were made to sit in separate interrogation rooms. The rooms were similar to the ones shown in crime shows with a standard table and chairs, a mic on the table and a glass wall. My mother who I have to admit is an impeccable actress was sitting calmly and expressionless. While in the other room, Ronald who probably doesn't have an acting bone in his body was fidgeting and looked visibly anxious. That's a red flag right there. He was nervously pacing the length of the room. Then he would sit down for some time but wouldn't exactly be still. Then as if he couldn't control his restlessness, he would start pacing again. The cycle continued for at least 15 minutes.

An officer opened the door slightly and stuck his head in my mother's room.
"Would you like some coffee, tea or some other beverage Ma'am? "

" What I would like is for you to set me free and go find my daughter. But since you can't do that, water would be welcome. " She said snarkily. For God's sake mom he was just being polite. Don't bite his head off!

" Okay! I'll get you the water. The Officer in charge will be here in few minutes. " And he left like his pants were on fire. Yes my mother is scary. Officially proved.

The same Officer then repeated the same exercise in Ronald's room. He got a different result there.

" No I don't want anything except my lawyer and my phone call."

"I'll tell the Officer in charge. He'll be here in few minutes. "

True to his words the Officer in Charge came into my mother's room. He sat down in front of her and placed a recorder on the desk. They're probably taking her on first.

" Miss Carter what do you know of your daughter's kidnapping? "

" Absolutely nothing! I didn't even know she was kidnapped until she called me. And then my parents came over demanding where she was like I had any clue. "

" You sure? "

" Of course I am sure. I had nothing to do with her kidnapping nor do I know anything about it. "

Dammit I am not in love with you!!!!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang