Long list of Interruptions

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Alex again took me to his Grandparent's estate. This time we were not escaping the press but we did crave solitude. There were a lot of things that needed to be discussed. A lot of issues that needed to be fixed. And then there was my stomach which was emitting sounds similar to a whale's mating call. I was hungry but we couldn't afford to walk into a restaurant and be recognised by anyone (since the press conference).

And Alex's home was perfect. It was isolated enough that nobody would disturb us but it was close to the city so we could go back if anything came up.

I was enjoying the sunset on his backyard deck with a glass of wine and cheese on crackers. The view was amazing. His backyard was not organized. It was like he had a small piece of jungle. It reminded me of the Secret Garden.

Alex had promised to feed me something substantial but he had to check if his kitchen was stocked. Plus since the house staff was on leave, he was going to cook.

Now I have weaknesses when it comes to dating. Let me explain. I have a list of qualities that I look for in the guy that I am dating. And if any guy has any four or more qualities, that guy is a sure shot keeper for me. I am sold on him. The qualities that I look for are as follows-

1. He should never ever insult Harry Potter. In fact if he loves Harry Potter as much as I do then well I am going to be very happy and so is he.

2. He should be open to any weirdness that I might exhibit at all times. No criticisms about them.

3. He should be willing to rescue me from awkward situations. (This is an important one)

4. He should be able to mix in and chill out with my friends. And my friends should like him too.

5. He should know how to cook so he can feed me. Because I am learning how to cook and I am not yet good at it.

6. He has to love Big Bang Theory. If he doesn't, its a deal breaker.

7. He should love animals because I love animals and probably plan on keeping pets.

Now the guys that I have dated in the past hardly ever met my standards because a) they were chosen by my mother and b) they were jerks. Alex was the first guy who had successfully met atleast 3 standards. So I wasn't completely sold on him but I was getting there.

Alex came back with substantial food like he promised. He cooked me Mac and Cheese from scratch. And it smelt heavenly. I took a bite and it was so good that I think I moaned.

"So I'm guessing it tastes good?"

"Mmhhhmmm....its good. Who taught you how to cook?"

"I just learned by myself when I had to live alone during my University days. All my room mates were hopeless in the kitchen. I took a part time job in a pub. The tips were good and also, the owner Tony didn't mind me hanging with the cooking staff. I picked up simple recipes after observing them. Then went on to more complicated ones."

"Is there anything that you can't do? Like is there anything you are bad at?"

"Okay since you asked....I am hopeless in skating. Can't do it and trust me I've been trying since I was eleven and still haven't succeeded. My failure in skating led me to bikes and cars."

"So I guess I can't take you ice skating for our first date when we are back in New York?"

"Oh so you do plan on giving me a first date. I thought you would chicken out because of Donald."

"His name is Ronald. And no I wasn't going to chicken out. I never chicken out."

"Good then because I am not going to let you deprive me of your beautiful self for our first date."

"But we do have to face up to the fact that we are going to be disturbed on a regular basis. Because if I know my mother she is going to push Ronald at us at every opportunity."

"Trust me I have a plan. I was expecting interruptions. Nobody will disturb us on our dates."

"Okay since we are on the subject. You know you have to deal with my mother and Ronald as nuisance. What do I have to deal with?"

"Mostly my mother's attempts at getting me married to some businessman's daughter. And a few clingy blind dates. And also my mother herself. I am warning you beforehand- she is not going to like you. And there will be some attempts at breaking us up."

"Awesome. You piss off my mother and I piss of yours. Is she as big a bitch as mine?"

"Probably a bigger one. I think they both will get along fabulously. What was the saying....'birds of a feather flock together'."

"I'll keep my claws sharpened then. Anything else?"

"Nope thats it from my side. Anyone from yours left that you forgot to mention?"

"I have a big list of some jerks I dated courtesy my mother. They might or might not interfere. I can't say."

"We have a long list of people who might not want to see us together. How romantic!"

"Aren't we a pair! We are probably gonna have to suffer media attention too. Why can't we be normal like everybody else?"

"Because we aren't normal. I am a businessman belonging to a family that inspired 'The Bold and the Beautiful' and 'Game of Thrones' and you are the lovechild of a socialite with runaway bride complex and an award winning scriptwriter with the mind of a teenage boy high on weed. We are fucked up. Thats what probably makes us best for each other. We will have each others backs."

"Yeah that and the fact that I am addicted to your kisses. Also the fact that you can cook amazing food is a brownie point for you."

"Good that you are addicted to kissing me because I plan on kissing you a lot of times these coming days."

"Kiss away to your heart's content. I plan on kissing you too. I am craving one right now."

"The lady shall recieve what she demands." And he obliged me by kissing the hell out of me again. I swear I could see stars. His soft warm lips were pressed against mine while his tongue was playing hookie with mine. We were so wrapped up in each other that we didn't notice that someone had graced us with their presence. I could hear someone coughing but I was too lost in kissing Alex to pay attention. Unfortunately, the person decided that coughing was not helping and screamed at us to make us stop kissing.

"Would you both please stop kissing each other. Its not polite to do it in company."

On hearing the voice, Alex stiffened and growled. It was a sexy sound but it was one of immense frustration. Like he could strangle the person who dared to disturb us. Separating himself from me he ran a hand over his hair and face. Then turned to face the guest with an expression of annoyance.

"Must you always interrupt me when I finally have something good going on? Is it too much to ask of you to leave me alone mom?"

Well guess what I get to deal with another bitch today. Yay me! And going by the look on her face she has a bone to pick with me. There seems to one drama after another for me to deal with today. Awesome. Lets see how I piss off this one.

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