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As soon as the Lambhorgini pulled up near the entrance of the Mayfair Hall, the horde of press reporters and photographers focused their lenses on us. Always the gentleman, Alex opened the door and helped me out of the car before throwing the keys at the valet.

" Take good care of my car and I promise at the end of the night you will be rewarded with a very hefty tip. "

Alex then escorted me till the red carpet. He had his arms around my waist and kept me close to him. We posed for the shutterbugs and answered the questions thrown at us. We looked every inch the glamorous couple as any other Hollywood celebrity attending the Ball. Our relationship was no secret and we were basically quized on each other.

" Mr Seymour are you single? "

" No I am very happy to inform you that I am not. In fact I am dating this wonderful lady right here. "

" Miss Carter weren't you supposed to come to the Ball as Mr Ronald Dwight 's date? "

" No you had been misinformed. I always intended to attend the Ball with my boyfriend. "

" Miss Carter your boyfriend has not been invited to the Ball. What are your thoughts on that? Was it an oversight or deliberately done? "

" Well as you know my relationship with my mother is really rocky right now. And she doesn't approve of my boyfriend. So I guess it could be an oversight on her part. But she forgot that the Ball's invite clearly states that a plus one is allowed per invitation. So I guess I invited Alex. "

After answering a few more questions we made our way inside the Hall. Two heavily muscled guys checked my invitation and then allowed us to enter.

I guess my mother had spared no time in publicising the news that I was coming to the Ball as Ronald's date. Because as soon as we entered the Ballroom all eyes were on us. Mission accomplished!

I was being ogled by a lot of men in the room but they all stopped when Alex glared at them with a fierce expression on his face. All except one. Yes you guessed it right. The bane of my existence Mr Ronald Dwight. And he wasn't alone. I could feel my mother's glare from across the Ballroom where she stood in a circle of her so called buddies (they were mostly gossiping females bored with their lives). My mother made her way to our side of the room. So did Ronald. Its showtime.

"Lavinia what is the meaning of this? " She hissed at me." Why have you come with him? You're supposed to be Ronald's date. You can't ditch him now. Not when everyone expects you to be on his arm. "

" Well mom you should have thought about it before you harped about it to the world that I am Ronald's date. I never made any promises about showing up as his date. I just RSVPed the invite. I never made any mention of whom I am coming with. Plus Alex is my boyfriend. Why will I go as another man's date? "

" Why are you dressed so scandalously? Why aren't you wearing the dress I sent for you? "

" Oh that sorry excuse for a Ballgown is currently lying in some goodwill clothes pile somewhere in the city. Actually Alex and I decided to make a date night out of this. So I decided to dress accordingly. "

" Do you have no sense of dressing? What you're wearing barely constitutes a dress much less a gown. I have nightgowns which show less skin. "

" Why what's wrong with it? " I knew why she was making a fuss. The dress was very provocative and a daring choice to wear at a Ball. It was a Ruby red gown with thin noodle straps and a very low neckline that bared my cleavage. It also had a thigh high slit. I had paired the gown with a Swaroski diamond ring and Blue Sapphire dangling chandeliers. I had an exclusive Sapphire blue scrappy pair of heels on my feet. All in all I was smoking hot.

" You look like a hooker in it. This is not modest and it looks hideous on you. "

" I disagree. I think she looks magical and very beautiful. And she most definitely has no appearance of a hooker. " Alex came up to my defense." I really take offense at you calling my girlfriend a hooker. "

" See he likes it. And doesn't seem to think that I look bad. Well its been a pleasure seeing you Ronald. Hope you find another date." I know I was being nasty but I couldn't help it. All my troubles were somehow related to this guy. And it felt good to be mean to him. " Let's go to the bar Alex. There's a champagne bottle with my name all over it."

On the way to the bar we were stopped by many people who were acquainted with Alex. He greeted all of them and introduced me. I saw many women fawning over Alex while glaring at me. But he only had eyes for me. It is an exhilarating feeling when you see your boyfriend ignoring a room full of beautiful women to focus just on you and you alone. After exchanging greetings and making small talk, we finally reached the bar.

Alex ordered a glass of champagne for me and Scotch on the rocks for himself. But before we could enjoy our respective drinks we were interrupted.

"Alexander I didn't know you were attending this ball? "

Well guess who made it to the party? And believe me in a little while she won't be a happy camper.

Dammit I am not in love with you!!!!Where stories live. Discover now