I Think I Saw My Sister Naked

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After the totally amazing day and almost a shitty evening, Alex had to report back to his office. But he had messaged me saying that chances were he could get free sooner than later. So I was waiting for him to message me back.

I was catching up on the old reruns of Seinfeld when my phone buzzed next to me.
Sorry but can't make it. Leaving for Haiti in an hour. Accident happened at one of our sites. Expertise needed. Going to miss you.

Looks like I was going to have to spend the day alone. After spending more than half of my morning waiting on Alex and watching television I was yearning for outdoors. What better way to spend the rest of the day than shopping. I really needed to stock up on clothes and window shopping seemed like a good pastime.


I was browsing through different stores and I think I had frustrated more than half of the shop's staff by refusing to buy anything. I am not a compulsive shopper. I am an instinctive one. I only buy stuff if I get a feeling in my gut that says 'buy this'.

I was roaming around Macys when I spotted my sister walking hand in hand with another girl. Nothing new in that right. Except for two things. My sister was in the mall around midday. She never ditches work. She didn't ditch work when Mom had organised the Charity Luncheon for her pet organisation. Also my sister as far as I knew preferred the opposite sex. So who was this woman being treated to extra affection in public.My sister never behaved indecently with her own fiancé. She never kissed him when they were out in public. The most PDA they probably did would be a peck on the cheek. So why was my sister planting kisses on a woman while grabbing her butt ?

I had my doubts and decided to follow them. They never entered a shop and frankly I was beginning to think they never will. But finally they stepped into Victoria's Secret.

I waved off the attendant and acted like any other shopper there in the shop. Except I wasn't shopping. I was snooping on my sister. After selecting a few lingerie sets, my sister and her friend ( for lack of a better word) entered the trial rooms.

Here is when another weird thing happened. I have accompanied my sister and my mother on their various shopping trips. So I am familiar with their shopping quirks as I like to call it. My sister hates trying on clothes. She is always sure of her size and never tries on clothes. That's a golden rule. A non breakable one at that.

So imagine my surprise when I spy my sister modelling lingerie sets to her friend. But what's even weirder was she wasn't even self conscious or anything. It was like she's done it many times. After some posing in front of the mirror, she pulled her friend in with her in the trial room.

Now I was intrigued. That's totally unlike her. My sister does not share her bathroom. So sharing trial room was a big thing. And it got me curious about the nature of their relationship. Only one way to find out.

I took a lingerie set in pale pink in my size and made my way to the trial room. Thankfully the trial room to the left of the one occupied by my sister and her friend was empty. I quietly made my way in and tried to listen in on them. There was a lot of giggling and rustling. Typical. But after few minutes of 'How do I look?' and 'Does this make them look big?' there were couple of other sounds. Sounds which were similar to moans and grunts.

After living through five years of Ronald sneaking into my sister's bedroom during the holidays, I knew what my sister's moans sounded like ( again against my will). As far as I know trying on lingerie has no connections to the sounds coming out from the trial room. So its pretty obvious what was going on.

My sister was doing the dirty with another woman. Did anyone know that my sister was a Lesbian or Bisexual? Is that the reason Ronald was after me? I hated myself what was going to happen next but it had to be done. For my peace of mind as well as for investigative purposes.

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