2. Princess Time

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It's almost been a year since the accident and so much has changed. We got our first album out and our first tour since being signed is coming up in the late summer. We grew up a lot in the last year but I changed the most. I don't have a family anymore. My brothers are dead, my best friend is dead. I have no one but my band.

After the accident I shut off everyone even my band. Caleb is my best friend and I no longer talk to him. I wasn't the same. I'll never be the same. Love? It doesn't last. Everyone I've ever loved and cared about are dead. You can tell me all day about how awesome and fan-freaking-tastic love is and all about your damn butterflies in your stomach when you see him or her. Blah. Blah. Blah. My mind isn't going to change.

I didn't go out on Friday nights or any night for that matter. I stayed in writing music, listening to music, and browsing tumblr. I pushed my emotions aside and built up walls around whatever is left of my heart.


I rushed in my mother's room after hearing she had woken up.


Even though we had a rocky relationship. She hated me, I hated her. She was still my Mom and I, her daughter.

She didn't say a word just handed me a piece of paper as her eyes rolled back and the monitor stopped beeping.

"Momma no!." I hugged her as the doctors pulled me back. I collapsed in the hall and read her letter.

My Dearest Christiana,

I know you hate me. I hate myself too. Yes I did hate you for most of your life for stupid reasons. But as I pushed those reasons aside and actually tried being a mother to you, it was too late. I had pushed you away. I don't blame you, I would've done the same. You have a heart like your Daddy's. Use it to make a change. You are beautiful, strong, independent, and loving. When I told you last week that you were my biggest regret, you took it as my mistake to keep you as a child. But no baby, I meant it as my biggest regret of pushing you away and making you believe I hated you and giving up on us. Don't make the same mistake I made. I know it'll be hard because we left you, but you'll make it. You always do.

I love you baby girl. Even though you are alone, we'll be in your heart always. See you soon.



So she did love me.

End of flashback

I moved out and sold my parents home. After being signed the band and I agreed to move to New York. We lived together for awhile sharing apartments. Caleb and I, Kirk and Warren, and Robby alone. Something about Robby needing his alone time. Silly boy. Evenutally we all got our own houses. I stayed with Caleb until I found a studio with an apartment above it. The studio was sick and just what we needed to practice and record in and a place for me to live.

"Okay that's it for today y'all. Now Princess Time!"

Princess Time is where we sit in a circle and discuss every thing that happened in practice, the good and the bad. We bounce ideas off each other, express feelings, and have a good time. This way we won't have any bottled up feelings that could destroy us later on. If I lost this band after losing everything in my life, I don't know what'd I do.

"Warren, nice job composing the melody, but you could probably play louder I lost you with the drums," said Robby.

He nods, "Yeah i was thinking the same. Nice rolls you added in the chorus, Kirk, that's what the song was missing."

And so on we begin discussing what we wanted to happen on tour when my phone rings.

No one calls me anymore so I don't bother to turn my phone on silent, like I make everyone else. Practice time is our time. No distractions. No outside people. Just us, creating our beautiful music.

Steven. The man that changed it all and made us famous. Well semi-famous.

"Hey Steven, What's up?" I put him on speaker phone.

"I disrupted Princess Time didn't I?"

"Yeah, but it's fine. You're our manager."

"Good, you'll love this news." He says joyfully.

What news is he talking about? And why isn't he getting to the point?

"Well get on with it. I do have a life." I joke.

"You know One Direction?" He asks

"Did you seriously just ask that question?"

Everyone knows I'm a hardcore Directioner. Quite the contrary, girl in punk rock band obsessed with One Direction.

"Well, you guys will be doing a cover to What Makes You Beautiful for the next Punk Goes Pop."

"Seriously, Steven it's y'all.. WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?"

He laughs, "Judging by your reaction, you heard me just fine. This is big for y'all. That's a big song and even if people are or aren't fans they'll check it out. So what do you say?"

I look up to my bandmates and they nod.

"A MILLION TIMES YES!" I scream into the phone.

"I thought so," He chuckles.


My wheels in my brain are spinning. We start bouncing ideas off each other and decide to break and start rehearsals the next day. Caleb stays behind and walk to the computer and start remixing What Makes You Beautiful. This is bringing back memories. I get up to make popcorn with M&Ms in them just like old times. We stay glued to the computer for hours until we both get tired. He gets up and goes to hug me but I back up. I haven't let anyone hug me since the accident.

He sighs, "It's been fun, Cricket. Just like the good ole days."

I only let the band and Steven use that nickname. My Daddy gave me that name because I used to eat crickets as a child and grew up terrified of them.

"Look how far we've come. From remixing songs on our laptop in one of our dorm rooms to owning a studio."

"Yeah, it's crazy. Can't wait to see where the tour will take us."

"Yeah me too." As he leaves.

I feel bad for rejecting him but I can't help it. I don't want to be loved. I don't want to know that everything is fine. My family is gone. Nothing will ever be fine.

I download the remixes onto a CD, this is going to be fun.


Hey y'all I decided to go ahead and post the next part. Hope you enjoy it.

Vote, Comment, Follow, whateves.

Much Love!! xxx

Cage The Princess (A Punk Harry Styles Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt