47. Challenge Accepted

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A/N I apologize for my overreaction. I just don't appreciate receiving hate. I love y'all and I decided to double update because y'all are amazing and I love y'all. Thanks for the sweet messages y'all have sent and comments. I've deleted the previous post about receiving hate but I screenshot y'all's sweet comments.

I saw This Is Us and oh my gosh it was amazing!

Thanks so much! Enjoy xx

"I erm, we just got finished with, erm, dinner?" I stutter a little confused.

"I know, come on in we have some things to discuss." He says sternly opening the door and Harry walks closely behind me not wanting to reveal his ruined jeans from the white creamy pasta.

"What is wrong?" Robert asks looking back.

"Nothing!" All four of us say and Robert eyes us.


"I have to pee." I blurt walking to the back of the bus with Harry behind me. I start laughing once I turn around and see the stain.

"It's not funny!" Harry chuckles searching through his bag which I strategically placed here while moving my bags here before the concert.

He quickly changes into some basketball shorts and I swoon. He looks so fit. He turns around smirking at me and I walk up to him wrapping my arms around his waist glancing up to meet his eyes. He wraps his arms around me and pouts because I'm still laughing.

"I think it's funny." I kiss his lips sweetly and pull away. "And you handled the situation like a gentleman." I grin proudly.

"Nah." Harry shakes his head.

"No you did!" I tell him reassuringly.

"I guess." He mumbles and I hear a knock of the sliding doors to our bunk sections and I open the door unfortunately having to remove myself from Harry.

"Everyone meeting in the back room. I know Connor and Mariha are here as well." Robert says walking past us to the back.

"Well here goes nothing." I mumble grabbing Harry's hand and following behind Caleb and Kristi who are walking farthest apart from each other as they can.

I really do hope they get back together and Kristi won't break his heart again.

Once we all are seated around the large couches in the back Robert stands in the center of the room.

"Okay as you all know of the rules I have no need to go over them again." He moves his hands as he speaks addressing all of us. "I now realize that it is not fair and I am willing to compromise."

I gasp tightening my grip on Harry's hand.

"Your girlfriends and boyfriend" he waves to me and I smile at him. "Can join you on tour only if like tonight they leave 10 minutes before show and aren't allowed during press time. Agreed?" He asks and we all nod. "Okay that is all. You have a safe drive and we'll see you in Virginia." He smiles at us and turning to walk out of the door. Caleb and I jump up at the same time running towards each other happily hugging and jumping up and down before I run back to Harry jumping in his lap hugging him. The rest of the group jumps up and down while I hug Harry.

"Told you we'd find a way." He smiles at me and I kiss his nose.

We all decide to watch a movie in the room before all going to our bunks. Kristi sleeps in the guest bunk being as her and Caleb aren't really dating.

I'm laying in my bunk before Harry returns from the bathroom in nothing but boxers.

"Harry!" I scold laughing at him and he gives me a "what" look which causes me to laugh at his innocence. This tour my bunk is in the middle between Robby and Warren.

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