46. Shit

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I'm staring in shock at my best friend who I'm sitting next to his ex-girlfriend who just confessed to me that she wants to get back with my best friend after breaking his heart. I don't want them back together not one bit. I want Caleb to be happy but not with someone who broke his heart and made him spend countless hours upset. I was there for him each and every time just like he was always there for me.

Everyone makes mistakes though but this isn't the movies. You can't just break up and then get back together and everything be okay.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Caleb asks upset and Kristi looks down not wanting him to see tears forming in her bright blue eyes.

Caleb glares at me eyes turning almost black as his anger stirs. "Christiana? What the fuck is this?!" He shouts not moving any closer but glued in his spot a couple feet from the door.

"I-I, umm, she.."

"Save it." He cuts me off and looks to Kristi eyes softening as she's looking right back at him.

Harry bursts into the room and I'm assuming he heard my name and the harsh tone Caleb used. He observes the room before he looks to me to see if I'm okay and I nod my head. He looks around the room before going back out the door to wherever he was before.

"Look Caleb, I'm sorry."

"You're sorry? You're sorry. You break my heart, don't answer my calls or texts, and you're sorry?" He shouts at her.

"I'm going to go.." I awkwardly say attempting to get up before Kristi grabs my hand.

"No. You're staying." Caleb tells me.


"No." He says and turns back to Kristi. "Why are you here?" He asks in a lighter tone than he used with me. What the fuck? She broke his heart and I was there for him and he yells at me but talks nicer to her?

"I came to see you."

"Well here I am." He moves to sit in front of us at the coffee table and I'm in an incredibly awkward situation.

"I really need to go.." I try to get up but this time Caleb grabs my arm.

"No, you really don't." He says sarcastically and I huff falling back on the couch crossing my legs under me.

"I just wanted to apologize and maybe we could start hanging out?" She says but the last part came out as a question.

"I don't think that's a good idea, Kristi." Caleb tells her, his head falling to look at the ground.

"Why not?" She asks desperately.

"I can't hang out with someone who means the world to me and she's dating someone else."

"Joseph and I aren't dating anymore." Kristi tells him quietly and I wait for his reaction holding my breath.

"What?" He snaps his head up to look at her.

"He broke up with me."

"Kristi, I'm sorry but I don't see how this has to do with me." Caleb says sadly and I know he's dying on the inside right now.

"It has everything to do with you. I should have never left you. I should have never started talking to him. I should have stood by your side through everything. I should have never broken your heart. When I first saw how torn up you were I should have come back." She says and tears begin to fall down her cheeks. Caleb raises his hand to wipe them but stops himself placing them back in his lap.

"I can't do this." Caleb says getting up walking out of the room. Kristi's head falls into her palms and she begins shaking.

I'm torn between running after Caleb comforting him or calming Kristi down. I choose to sit with Kristi because she has no one else here.

"It's okay." I attempt to calm her down. I rub her back pulling her into my arms and she rests her head in my neck crying. I wrap my arms around the skinny redhead and she wraps her arms around me. I feel like a mother comforting her daughter.

"It's not okay." She mumbles trying to control her breathing.

"It will be."


"He'll come around. He's just hurt right now." I tell her and she looks up to me.

"How do you know he'll come around?"

"Because I know Caleb and I'm a very good persuader." I tell the crying girl. She nods laying her head back down and Harry enters the room awkwardly.

"I was told to check on her." He says coming to sit in the spot where Caleb had left earlier.

"I'm fine, thanks to Christiana."

Harry smiles at me and I give him a small smile back curious about Caleb. As if Harry could read my mind he gives me a look and nods his head telling me Caleb is fine. Harry rubs my knee with his thumb before getting up and walking out of the room.

"You two are too perfect for each other."

I blush which I've done a lot of today. "Thanks." I mumble shyly.

"How can I get Caleb back?"

I think for a little bit before answering her. "You have to do the slow approach. Show him you care about him and never stopped. Come to the shows wait no don't do that we have rules where y'all will have to pay and shit. But maybe send him a text or two and show up when we go out to eat, I could text you the address. Slowly show him you still love him. He's blocked his heart ever since y'all broke up and basically you have to unblock his heart again."

"Okay. He loves you, you know Caleb I mean."

"I know. I love him too. He reminds me so much of my younger brother Christian."

"I don't mean to say he's replaced your brother at all but maybe he was sent to you be serve as a brother."

"I think about that a lot. I had four brothers growing up and then they were taken from me and now I basically have four new brothers."

"I'm happy you're better. Even before in college I've never seen you this happy or bright almost glowing as you are now."

"Thank Harry for that." I smile and she giggles still in my arms causing me to giggle right along with her.

A few minutes later both of our boys walk into the room looking at us like we are crazy which we must be. We are practically laughing out heads off both tangled in each others arms.

"What in the world is going on here?" Caleb asks amused and Harry laughs.

"We were thinking that the four of us should go out to eat." Caleb says really fast and if I wasn't used to him I would have never caught what he was saying.

"What?" Kristi asks confused and Caleb looks sadly to me knowing I caught on and being Kristi has spent months away from him she had forgotten how fast he talks when he's nervous.

"The four of us are going to dinner." I say sweetly and Harry tries to lighten the tone.

"Well I'm glad someone caught that." He slaps Caleb on the back playfully and he turns to glare at Harry.

I laugh and stand up reaching for Kristi. "Come on let's get you cleaned up." I take Kristi to the dressing room and call Tessa.

Tessa walks in and does Kristi's makeup and fixes her hair in a cute braid. Her red hair has gotten so much longer since last I saw her. Tessa puts her in my black skinny jeans and a tight blue sequined tank top. She borrows my favorite pair of black studded DMs. I change into a plain loose white tank top and my black leather skinny jeans. Tessa touches my makeup up and teases my hair some more and Kristi and I walk out where the boys are.

"You're dressed like Christiana." Caleb comments and Kristi blushes.

"I knew it was too much." Kristi looks down.

"No you look great. Different but great."

"I thought you'd like it if I dressed more like y'all."

"Kristi don't ever change for me. I like you in your hideous pink clothing." Caleb chuckles and Kristi joins in. I hook my arm around Kristi's and we walk out of the room.

"Where do you think you're going?" Robert asks when he meets us in the hallway. "And who is this?"

"We're going out to eat and this is Kristi."

"You know the rules, Christiana."

"We won't be out too late." I tell him like I'm trying to convince my father in letting me go out past curfew.

"Only for an hour."

"An hour? Half the restaurants in New York at this time won't even get you seated in an hour." I half lie. At this hour we could get a seat in 25 minutes at the most but he doesn't have to know that.

"Fine two hours and that's pushing it. Everyone has to be in Virginia by tomorrow at 8."

"Yes sir." I salute to him sarcastically dragging Kristi out the back door towards my Jeep that Harry drove up here in. "Will you sit with me so it won't be awkward?" She whispers in my ear and I nod understanding though I wish to sit with Harry.

I hear the doors unlock and we both climb in the backseat with me behind the passenger seat which Caleb gets into. Harry cranks up the Jeep and drives us to a small restaurant that looks really busy.

We all get out and Harry walks beside me entwining our fingers and Kristi walks on the other side of me. Caleb chooses to walk next to Harry to avoid anything awkward but I have a feeling tonight will be slightly awkward.

We arrive at the restaurant and give our names.

"The wait for a table is 35 minutes." The hostess smiles at us. We choose to sit in the chairs they have to wait in and a large man walks next to her and tells her something before retreating back into the room he came out of.

"Excuse me we have a table."

"How did you get one so soon?" Harry asks.

"Robert called." She smiles and walks us to a booth in the very back.

"Robert?" I mouth to Caleb and he shrugs.

With Harry still holding my hand we follow the lady to the table Kristi sliding in on one side and Harry walks me to her side helping me slide in on the end as Caleb slides in on the other side soon following Harry.

I pick up the menu surveying my options. "Hmm, the four cheese chicken penne sounds good." I comment and I can see Harry smile at me from above my menu. I send him a wink before checking the rest of the menu before making a mental confirmation.

"What would you like to drink?" The waiter asks us.

"Water." Caleb says.

"Same." Harry adds.

I laugh "Same."

Kristi blushes. "Uhh, coke?"

We all laugh, even the waiter. "I'll be right back unless you're ready to order?"

"I'm ready if y'all are." I look to my friends and they nod.

"Ahh a southern accent. How cute." The waiter smiles at me and I blush not used to being flirted with beside Harry. Harry's flirty remarks are warm and welcoming and meaningful. When others compliment me or flirt with me they seem foreign and unnatural.

I clear my throat looking at the menu still quite embarrassed. "I would like the four cheese chicken penne, please."

"Yes you may. So polite." He adds.

I feel someone grab my hand and I immediately recognize that its Harry and I'm grateful for it. His touch always calms me instantly. I know its only simple flirting and Harry should be jealous but it makes me uncomfortable. I guess years of self hatred, self harm, and everything my mother would tell me about myself made me unwelcome to compliments so hearing them from someone who doesn't know me and someone I don't trust makes me feel absolutely insecure. I look up to Harry and he has a concerned look on his face and something else that I can't pinpoint. I give his hand a little squeeze and he turns to our waiter.

"I'll have the same. Can we have the cheese dip as well?"

"Yes." The waiter tells him and Caleb orders baked chicken and Kristi orders a shrimp quesadilla.

"So." Caleb says.

"So." I add.

"You ok?" Caleb asks concerned and Harry grips my hand tighter.

"Yeah." I tell everyone. I feel Kristi's hand on my knee squeezing it in a comforting manner.

The waiter brings the drinks out and leaves quickly.

"How's y'all's band doing?" Kristi asks quietly to Harry who smiles at the nervous girl.

Harry goes into detail about them working hard on their fourth album and their tour right now and how their on break. Caleb and I start our own conversation but we communicate just by mouthing to each other a skill we've perfected during meetings and meet and greets and during concerts. I giggle at an inside joke he mouthed to me and Harry and Kristi stare at me like I'm crazy.

"Sorry." I look down and our waiter brings our food out and I start eating the creamy chicken and pasta. "Mmm." I sigh and Harry chuckles.

"Is it good babe?" He asks while the waiter sets his plate down "missing" the table and the food goes into Harry's lap.

"Oh I'm so sorry!" The waiter says to Harry sending me a wink and I frown.

"Oh I'm sure." I mumble and Harry gently wipes the food off his skinny jeans.

"It's fine. Do you have anymore napkins?" Harry asks the waiter politely.

"Yes." The waiter says handing Caleb and Kristi their plates and I glare at the waiter as he walks off.

"The nerve of him!"

"Christiana it's fine. It was an accident."

"Accident my ass! He did that on purpose." I whisper yell not wanting to draw attention to our booth.

"Seriously it's fine." Harry says still politely.

I mumble something to myself sitting back in my booth still fuming and losing my appetite.

Harry tried to reach across the table to grab my hand but I pull it to my chest crossing my arms.

He sighs fixing some stray hairs that have fallen from the curly quiff he fixes his hair in now. He looks more mature with his hair pushed up. Though I love it in the mornings where its wild and a mess or on a Saturday when he's too lazy to fix it and its messily laid across his forehead. I guess it's the little things about Harry that I love. I decide on waiting until the waiter brings out Harry's replacement plate before I start eating again but after 20 minutes I begin to get hungry and both Caleb and Kristi are almost finished eating.

"Alright that's it!" I whisper shout standing from the booth and walking to the front.

"Hey." I politely address the hostess.

"Can I help you?"

"Yes I'm at table 35 and our waiter spilled my boyfriends food in his lap on accident and he hasn't brought the replacement out yet and its been over 20 minutes." I tell her sweetly and saying on accident because I don't want anyone fired. I am a lady despite my punk appearance.

"Oh I'm sorry let me check."

"It says here your meal was delivered."

"Well it was except his was delivered in his lap when the waiter missed the table."

"Our apologies. We'll send him a new plate pronto."

"Thank you so much." I smile.

"Hey! Aren't you Christiana from Cage The Princess?"

"Yes." I smile at her.

"My boyfriend is obsessed with you guys. He drug me to a concert at the beginning of the year and I have to say I enjoyed it though its not my type of music." She smiles "Can I get a picture? He's going to flip!"

I laugh and nod wrapping my arm around her and she snaps the picture.

"I can sign something for him?" I suggest.

"That'd be great! We got in a minor fight so maybe this will help him forgive me." She says sadly and hands me a paper menu to sign.

"Thanks for being a supporter! Your girlfriend here really loves you! Hope to see you at a show soon! Christiana xx" I write on the menu and hand it back to the girl and she smiles hugging me.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, sweetheart." I smile at the girl before walking back to my table and I see our waiter handing Harry the plate.

I slide in the booth and the waiter turns to me.

"So you're Christiana from Cage The Princess?" He asks me with a smug look on his face.

"Erm, yeah."

"Can I have a picture? I'm a huge fan."

"Erm, sure." I get up awkwardly and stand next to him as he automatically wraps his arm around my waist dangerously close to my bum.

"Can you take the picture?" He leans forward to Harry handing him his phone.

I bring my arm to wrap around his torso no where near where he has his arm on me. I smile leaning in to him slightly as you do when taking pictures.

"1, 2, 3." Harry counts and the camera flashes.

"Okay one more." The waiter gives Harry a look and I furrow my eyebrows a little confused.

"Erm, 1,2,"

Right before Harry can say 3 the waiter moves his head giving me a kiss on my mouth.

I gasp after the picture is taken pulling away from him shocked.

"Couldn't resist kissing a pretty lady." He smirks at me and Caleb tries to push Harry out of the seat where he's too stunned to even blink.

Harry clears his throat handing the phone back and I push the guy off of me and sitting in front of my boyfriend.

"The nerve of some people." Kristi comments.

"How dare he!" Caleb shouts not caring that people heads have turned. "Huge fan my ass!"

I look to Harry and he doesn't seem bothered or doesn't look it. I stretch my leg out placing my foot on top of his showing that I'm here without showing everyone else. He smiles at me finally being able to eat.

I can't believe that waiter kissed me and had the nerve to call himself a fan. We finish eating and Harry gets out and I see the pasta stain on his pants. I sigh grabbing his hand and pulling him to where I'm standing in front of him covering to stain on his crotch. He wraps his other arm around my waist loosely and we begin walking to the front of the restaurant. Caleb and Harry pay for the meal halving the bill. With me still in front of Harry covering him we make it to the car with me sitting behind him in the back seat and Kristi climbing in.

"Well that was fun." I sigh. The car ride back to our bus is silent. We've already decided that Harry and Kristi are coming on the bus whether Robert likes it or not. Steve is going to drive my Jeep to Virginia.

We get out and the fans are everywhere taking pictures and I stand in front of Harry walking to the bus while Caleb and Kristi walk behind us.

"What do we have here? Haven't I warned you?" Robert says once we enter the bus.



Hey y'all! This chapter is dedicated to my best friend @MarihaJoe check out her fanfic and comment so she will update!

Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter!

Comment and vote!

Much love xx

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