26. I Could Stay Like This Forever

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I wake up to a pounding headache and an empty bed.

I groan and move to use to bathroom. After I finish peeing I wash my hands and brush my teeth before walking downstairs to find Harry in nothing but his boxers cooking breakfast. I slowly wrap my arms around his waist. He tenses at the surprise but places his hand on top of mine. I rest my forehead in the middle of his back hoping the warmth would ease my headache. It doesn't but it's worth a shot and I don't want to move because today is my last day with Harry.

"Hey, you're supposed to be in bed and I was supposed to bring up breakfast like they do in those cheesy romantic movies that you don't like." Harry chuckles.

I groan, "I couldn't sleep without you." I say quietly.

"Here." He turns around so now my head in on his chest and he reaches to grab the water and Advil sitting on the counter. I open my mouth which earns another laugh from him and he puts the medicine in my mouth and gives me a sip of water which I drink about half the glass before I settle back into Harry's chest and he wraps his arms around me.

"I think this is more romantic anyways." I say softly.

Harry nods and rubs my back.

"I do have to finish otherwise the pancakes will burn."

I nod and let him turn back around but don't remove myself resting in the original position.

"Someone's cuddly." Harry chuckles and my face drops. I'm only super cuddly during my period.

"I'll be right back." I tell him giving his back a kiss before going back upstairs.

"Great." I sigh seeing that I started my period. "Wonderful. Fan-freaking-tastic." I mumble. I'm also grumpy when I'm on my period because I get the worst cramps. I grumpily go to my bag and grab a tampon before stomping back to the bathroom putting it in and washing my hands before walking downstairs with a frown on my face and I grab plates and set them for me and Harry. He finished cooking and brings it to the table.

"What's wrong?" Harry's faces drops once he sees mine.

"Oh nothing." I try to perk up but my stomach sends a painful cramp. I shove a big piece of pancake in my mouth and smile. Kind of like Thor did before smashing his cup demanding Another!

I also eat about a week's worth of food in one day.

"Do I need to make more?" Harry chuckles.

"Oh no. I'm full." I say slightly embarrassed.

"Okay... I think we should stay in today." Harry grabs my hand running his thumb over my knuckles.

"I couldn't agree more." I smile at him as he brings my hand up to kiss each of my knuckles sending me a wink when he's finished.

We clean the dishes and Harry's little mess he made while cooking and we make our way to the living room.

"You pick out a movie and I'll grab the blankets and pillows."

I walk over to his movie collection-which isn't near as big as mine but whose is?

I glance through the titles not finding one. Harry returns and comes over to me wrapping his arms around me like I had earlier.

"How about 50 First Dates?" Harry reaches up pulling it down.

"Sure." I answer giving him a peck on the cheek. He puts the movie in and I walk to the couch where there is a fluffy down feather blanket. I wrap myself in the blanket and Harry walks over frowning. "No cuddle for me?" He pouts.

I smile and open the blanket so he can rest next to me. Harry wraps the blanket around himself and I cuddle into his side before I groan from a painful cramp in my stomach.

"I know you're on your time of the month."

"What? No..."

"I have a sister and I can sense the mood change."

"If I don't talk about it it's not there."

Harry probably rolls his eyes before he picks me up, kicks one leg behind me and pulls me to his chest resting his hands on my stomach giving it a soothing massage.

"Feel good?"

I hum in response and Harry chuckles before leaning down to kiss my forehead.

"I could stay like this forever."

"Me too." Harry moves my chin up so he can give me a proper kiss.

"I'm going to miss you." I say once his lips leave mine. He takes my hand putting it over his heart while taking the other putting it over my heart.

"Whenever you miss me, feel your heart because I'll be missing you as well. See how mine beats faster, that's all because of you." I smile at his cheesiness giving him another kiss but this kiss more passionate.

"I don't want to leave." I pout when I pull away.

"You have your fans to get back to."

"Who needs fans when I have you?" I mumble.

"I'm not the only cheese-ball."

"Hush." My cheek flushes realizing what I said.

"It's cute." His rubs his nose against mine giving me an Eskimo kiss.

"My tour doesn't end until the week after my birthday and your tour doesn't end until next April and I have warped tour in the summer when you have another tour set up."

"We'll find time, trust me."

I nod. "But we still won't see each other for another 3 months."

"There's this little invention called Skype and FaceTime."

I laugh. "I know Mr. Sarcasm."

"How about we FaceTime or Skype before every show."

"What happens if the other is busy?"

"We'll always pick up." Harry responds.

I nod.

"Will it ever get easy?" I sigh.

"Eventually, yes but for now I'm afraid no."

"Why can't we be like normal couples and not famous." I turn my body so my head is resting in the crook of his neck.

"Then we may have never met."

"We would have. Something like what we have is too strong for it not to happen."

Harry stays silent but continues rubbing my back.

"We should probably watch the movie." I laugh.

"Or push play." Harry laughs with me.

The rest of the day is spent like that. Little remarks of how much one means to the other. Watching cheesy romance movies, we even end up having a pillow fight and before we both know it Harry's driving me to the airport. We have to have about 6 body guards though because word got out that I'm leaving tonight and fans are everywhere blocking the entrance.

"Stay close to me and look down." Harry whispers in my ear.

"Stay together and look down no matter who wants a photo." One of the guards tells us.

I nod and entwine my fingers with Harrys.

"It's about to get crazy." Harry says before Paul opens the door and we get out.

The 6 guards form around us keeping the girls from attacking us but that doesn't stop them. They're grabbing at my shirt and Harrys trying to touch us or get a picture. We move very slowly as the fans are blocking the entrance to the airport.

"Crazy is an understatement." I whisper in Harry's ear sending him into a laughing fit. I hear a chorus of 'awes' around us which makes me laugh. After about 15 minutes of that we finally make it to the gate which separates us from them for a little while before having to move me to the passenger loading bridge. Harry turns to me giving me a big hug and I start to tear up. He pulls away gently wiping away my cheeks. "Shhh, none of that baby." Harry whisper giving me a kiss on my lips.

"Remember the park okay?" Harry tells me looking desperately in my eyes.

I nod and wrap my arms around his neck gripping tightly not wanting to let go. Right now no one exists but Harry and me.

"Be safe." I tell him.

"You too."

"Flight 212 to Kansas now boarding."

"Kansas is fun. You'll have a great time there." Harry rubs my back but I don't let go.

We stay like this for a little bit longer.

"Last call for Flight 212."

"You need to go." Harry's voice cracks and I finally pull away giving him a kiss.

"Don't give up on me." I say to him.

"Never." Giving me one final sweet kiss and I turn to the door. Before the door closes I look back to Harry before taking off running into his arms for the last time in a while.

He chuckles and I in return laugh as well.

"Go." He pats my back.

"Don't forget to call every night."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." Harry says.

I nod and turn back walking to the door handing the lady my ticket.

I turn to see Harry one last time. He gives me a wave and sends an air kiss which I send one back.

The plane ride was long and boring and all I wanted to do was be back in London with Harry. As soon as I make it to the gate Caleb crashes into me. I laugh and hug him back not realizing I'm crying. "Hey, it's okay. Did you have fun?" He rubs my back and I just nod.

"I just miss him." I sob into his shoulder.

"I know, I know. Come on, we have a concert in three hours."

I sigh and follow him with Jerry and Gage, another security guard, as we've become more famous we've had to hire more security guards.

We make it to the arena and start sound check. I'm not into it at all. I'm tired, I'm moody, and I just want Harry.

"Okay, Stop it." I hear Steven yell.

I look up at him glaring.

"Yeah we get it. You don't want to be here, but you are not throwing your career out the window because you want to be in London with your boyfriend. I would love to be at home with my wife and these boys would love to be with their girlfriends but we have a job to do and this is your dream. Stop jeopardizing it."

I look to my band mates and they all nod. "I'm sorry, y'all. I'm being selfish."

"I think we're good with sound check lets go back stage." Caleb wraps his arm around me.

"I know it's hard but you have a dream to accomplish."

I nod my head and go to one of the vacant rooms back stage to FaceTime Harry.

It rings and rings and I almost think He won't pick up but he finally does.

"Hey baby!" He smiles a cheesy grin and I laugh.

"Hey Hazza." I reply sadly.

"Hey none of that. Smile for me."

I put on one of the fakest smiles ever and he just laughs which makes me actually smile.

"There's my girl."

"I miss you." I pout.

"I miss you too. I'll come visit as soon as I can. We have promo stuff to do tomorrow and signings all week."

I nod.

"You have a concert soon?" He asks.

"Yeah in about 45 minutes."

"You'll do amazing. You always do."

"We're adding a new cover. When You're Gone by Avril." I say happily. Caleb picked it out and I get to play piano while Caleb plays acoustic. "Except we're singing it non hardcore so it's a nice switch up. Like we can scream and sing and play but we also can be mellow and chill."

Harry nods and I sigh. We just stare at each other for a second not needing words both of us are 'man of few words' so it works with us.

"Shouldn't you get dressed?" Harry asks noticing that I don't have my concert attire on."

"Probably." I laugh. "But don't hang up."

"Oh I get to watch you change?" His face lights up.

"NO!" I say laughing.

"Darn." He smiles and snaps his fingers. I go to my dressing room and pick out an outfit laying it on the couch. It's of course skinny jeans with a blue tank top with ripped black material over it. "What about this?" I show Harry.

"Very punkish." He comments. I laugh and set the phone facing up so he can't see me change and I put the outfit on and then show Harry.

His face drops. "Uh yeah..."

"You like what you see?" I ask seductively.

"Mmm" He responds.

I laugh and then sigh.

"Hey I know you miss me. I miss you too but you have to put on a smile."

I smile at him. He's always worried about me.

"Who's touring with you now?" He asks.

"We The Kings." I answer him.

"I like their music."

"Me too. I was excited to meet them." I tell him. I hear a knock on my door and I'm guessing its Tessa ready to do my hair and makeup. "Come in!" I yell. She comes in doing my hair and makeup and I say talking to Harry the entire time.

"Okay you have 15 minutes until the show. Bye Harry!"

"Bye Tessa!" Harry shouts through the phone.

Harry and I stay on the phone until Caleb comes to get me. As we're saying our goodbyes I have an idea. "Wait Harry." We walk on stage and the crowd roars. I step into the mic.

"How are y'all doing?"

The crowd yells. "I have someone on the phone with me and he means a lot to me so give him a warm message!"

The crowd yells again and I hold the camera up flipping it so Harry can see the crowd.

"Hiiiiii" Harry awkwardly replies.

I laugh and flip the camera back facing me. "Hold on" I say into the mic and run off stage.

"Okay bye Hazza. See you soon." I give the camera a kiss and Harry sends one back.

"Go break a leg then maybe I could get time off." I laugh giving him one more kiss before ending the call and returning on stage happier than I was during sound check.


Double update! whoop!

Best Song Ever is out!!!! Video is absolutely brilliant. Go check it out!

Much love xx

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