9. To New Beginnings

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Over the next week and a half all I'm consumed with is rehearsing for tour. All I do is eat, sleep, and breathe music, which reminds me I need to eat. I get too involved with anything I'm doing and I forget the necessary things. When I was on soccer and baseball teams it was the same thing. When I wasn't practicing, I was working out or doing foot exercises and stretching my muscles. I get a little obsessed. I make me a sandwich and go to sit on my couch. Today is a half off day. We won't start rehearsals until 2 giving us a little break. The tour starts a week from Friday, which is tomorrow. I'm slightly freaking out, Caleb worries about me. He doesn't believe I'm fine and haven't had a panic attack in over a year now.

My thoughts are cut off when I hear a knock on my door. I walk to my door and open it to reveal a nervous looking Harry Styles who I haven't seen in a couple of days both of us being busy but we have remained in contact.

"Hey" He says shyly.

"Hi." I smile at him wondering why he's so nervous.

We stand there in a semi awkward silence before I break it. "So umm do you want to come in?"

"Uh, yeah." He says distracted.

We walk to the living room and I lean against the back of the couch while Harry paces in front of me. Pacing always made me nervous "Harry, just spit it out."

"I like you. A lot, so much it scares me." He blurts out.

My eyes go wide, "Oh" I reply not expecting that.

"I know this is all new to you and you're not used to people, but would you like to go out on a date with me tomorrow?" He says reaching up to scratch the back of his neck.

"Yes, Harry, I would love that." I smile. I couldn't resist his puppy eyes.

His eyes light up as he comes to hug me. I tense when his arms wrap around me but relax soon not wanting to push him away. I slowly wrap my arms around his torso and he buries his head in my neck. This boy gives the best hugs, like all your worries fade away. He pulls away and caresses my cheek with his large hand. "I'll pick you up at 5." He smiles.

"Okay." I return his smile.

He drops his hand and walks out of my house. I didn't even realize I was holding my breath until he shut the door. A date. With Harry Styles. Do I like Harry more than a friend? Ever since the park a couple last week we're been hanging out and talking a little here and there whenever one of us had free time. I like how he was taking things slow and how he doesn't push me.

2 o'clock comes way too slow so I walk down to my studio anyways. It's only 12 now. I start practicing a part in our song that I always slip on. After I'm satisfied with that, I take out my violin. I haven't played violin in so long. I play random classical songs that I learned before I start to play Temporary Bliss by The Cab, one of my favorite songs. I hear someone start to play piano behind me and I turn to see Robby playing along with me as Caleb, Warren, Kirk get on their instruments and we play the song. As much as I love our own music, I love just playing around with my band playing popular songs or our favorite songs.

We start our practice but since it's a short day we finish around 6. We sit in a circle and have our Princess Time. There's not much to discuss since everything is set in place for our first tour.

"How do you think people will react to us?" I ask nervously.

"I think they'll like us. From what I've read on twitter, people are excited for us." Kirk says confidently.

I nod my head. We talk a little further before Caleb turns to me.

"What's the story with you and Harry?"

"There's no story, but we're going on a date tomorrow at 5."

Their eyes all light up and congratulate me. "It's not that big of a deal" I say blushing.

"Sure it is." Warren says.

With that we break and decide to meet on Monday for another hardcore rehearsal.

I decide to go for a run to clear my head. I smoke, I'm trying to quit but it's not easy. That's why I now run. When I get back from my run I take a shower and curl into my bed without bothering putting on clothes. I haven't had much sleep the past couple of days due to rehearsals. I sigh and wonder what Harry and I will do on our date. Not gonna lie I'm excited, it's my first date ever.

I hear my phone ringing and I quickly try to find it in the covers. Kristi?

I also realize that it's 2 pm. I slept 14 hours.

"Hey, Kristi."

"Hey, Christiana" She says nervously.

"What's up?" I ask, unsure why she's calling.

"Caleb said you have a date and I was wondering if I could come over and talk and help you get ready." She says very fastly.

I laugh and agree "Yeah that sounds like fun. What time will you be over? I'll cook us some lunch."

She laughs now, "It's 2 o'clock I've had lunch but I'll be there in five minutes."

"Alright then, see you."


I hang up and put on my sweatpants and a tank top and go to fix me some lunch. I put the water on boil when I hear a small knock on the door. I run and open the door.

"Hey Kristi!"

"Hey." She says shyly. I don't blame her; I did after all push her away.

"Come on, I'm making mac and cheese."

"I've already ate, not everyone sleeps in until 2."

"Old habits die hard." I laugh and put the noodles in.

"How've you been?" She asks,

"I've been good actually. Caleb talked some sense into me and Harry has been persistent."

"I'm sorry." She whispers.

"What? Why? If anyone is sorry it's me for pushing everyone away."

"I shouldn't have given up. I should've been there for you." She states almost in tears. I go over and hug her, surprising the both of us.

"I don't blame you. I blame myself for being cold hearted."

We just sit there and hold onto each other until I realize my noodles. She laughs as I run to them saving what isn't burnt to the bottom.

I get the wine glasses out and pour us some cranberry grape juice. I raise my glass "To new beginnings"

"To new beginnings." She raises hers and we clink our glasses together.

We sit on my couch and she tells me stories about Caleb and the cute stuff he does for her. I talk about the band and what's coming up for us. We talk about college and how my old friends and sorority sisters are. We have a good time until I realize its 4:15 and Harry will be here at 5.

We rush to my closet picking out black leather shorts, an American flag tank top, my blue jean jacket, and my black studded DMs. She curls my hair with my wand while I do my makeup. I do smokey eyes, a little blush and I put on my strawberry chapstick. We both finish as I hear a knock on the door. I check myself out before answering. Not gonna lie, I look hot. My long dark hair is curled perfectly and my outfit definitely fits my image. I smile and open the door to reveal the one and only.

Harry Styles.


Hey y'all!
This is kind of a filler.
The first date is coming up!! Ahh!
She said yes!
I'm getting excited just writing about it!

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Much love!! xx

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