38. You Know..

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This chapter gets smutty. ;)

I wake up lying beside Harry on his couch and Harry playing with my hair.

"Hi." I whisper with my eyes still closed.

Harry chuckles but kisses my forehead.

"Hey babe."

"Why'd you sleep on the couch?" I ask him.

"Because you wouldn't let me in.." He asks unsurely.

I open my eyes. "No you have like three other bedrooms. Why not pick one of them?"

"Because you were mad at me and I'm and idiot and I felt like I deserved to sleep on the couch."

My heart drops at the sincerity of his voice.

"Awww! Harreh!!" I beam pepper his face with kisses.

"Okay okay!" He chuckles grabbing my face pulling it off of his. "Am I forgiven for being an idiot?"

"Yes." I smile and he leans in kissing my lips.

"Let's go eat breakfast!" I perk up jumping off the couch and running into the kitchen.

We cook breakfast successfully without a food fight and we take showers, separately. Although the thought of Harry, naked, wet, and beside me thrills me more than it should.

Cheeky boy turning me into a cheeky girl. I laugh shaking my head and getting out of his shower getting into my underwear and pulling my skinny jeans up. I don't know if you've ever put skinny jeans on after just taking a shower but it's a pain in the ass getting them on. After I struggle with my pants I throw on a sweater since it's a little chilly in the house and I walk down stairs braiding my hair to the side. For once my hair is dyed to my natural chestnut color which is almost the exact shade as Harry's.

I find Harry lying on the couch curls still damp from his shower. I grab his hands and pull him off the couch and upstairs.

"Woah, if you wanted me in bed all you had to do is ask." He winks at me and I roll my eyes lying down on the bed and he lays down beside me.

"I want to nap because I didn't get a good night sleep last night."

"I know baby girl. I'm sorry." He kisses my forehead.

I playfully glare at him pretending to be upset and he catches on.

"You know.." He leans in centimeters from my mouth. "I think I know of a way for you to forgive me." He grazes his lips against mine and I gasp when he rolls on top of me knees placed on either side of my hips.

"But we might have to take off a couple articles of clothing." He smirks leaning down kissing my neck but not my sweet spot which frustrates me. I tilt my head trying to motion him to kiss the area but he doesn't.

I feel him smirk into my skin as his hand slowly makes its way down my body. Hands grazing my boobs lightly squeezing them before trailing down my stomach and hooking his fingers in my pants. He pulls away from my neck and kisses my lips as he unbuttons my jeans raising my hips and pulling my jeans down. I help him by kicking them off my ankles and he grazes his hands up my legs massaging as he goes starting from my ankles making their way up to my thighs.

One hand holds my hip as the other cups my panties. He leans down kissing over the fabric before removing his hands and pushing up the sweater revealing my stomach giving it a light kiss. I look down at him and he slowly raises his gaze to meet mine sending me a small smile. (You should so totally check out the gif in the side) He leans forward kissing my lips. Instead of asking for entrance he slides his tongue through my lips as his fingers enter my panties trailing down touching a spot that makes me gasp into his mouth. I feel him smirk against my mouth before turning his head kissing the left side of my lips. He continues to rub my clit making me moan. I bite his bottom lip causing him to moan as he slides his finger up and down my folds. I buck my hips once he grazes over my entrance but not entering.

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