5. Twice In A Day

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I shut the door and lean against it.

"What the crap!?"

Harry Freaking Styles.

I always joked around saying I would marry him one day. But that was it. Joking. I knew I'd never meet him and if I did he wouldn't give me the time of day. Because I'm just me but he just drove me home and asked me out. I didn't date much before everything happened and I sure haven't after because love doesn't last. Everyone leaves in the end.

But Harry.. Why does he have to be so attractive? The way the concentrates on something, eyebrows scrunched together, tongue out and eyes fixed on whatever. Why was he staring at me eariler? I sigh and go take shower and get ready for bed. I crawl into bed staring at the ceiling.

Why can't I get Harry out of my mind?

There have been other boys asking me out the past year. I shut them down just like I did Harry but none of them tried again like Harry did. After tonight Harry won't either. Three times in a night. 

I don't mean to reject people. It's just i'm better off alone. I can't make myself happy, why would I be in a relationship?

*Beep beep*

From: Nialler
Hey tomorrow at 10?

To: Nialler
Sounds good.

I sigh and set my alarm. I hope we're just doing music. As much as I love One Direction, I've pushed people away too much and I don't know what to say or act around people anymore. My band and manager and stylist know me and they don't push me or talk to me because they know I won't talk back.

I roll over and eventually fall asleep.

"You don't know oh oh!"

"YOU DON'T KNOW YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL" I belt from the backseat as my brother, Branden is driving and Christian in the front seat. I would've gotten front seat had Christian not tripped me and Branden held me back as I yelled shotgun.

Branden turns down the radio.

I sigh and have a goofy grin on my face, "I'm gonna marry him one day."

"Which one, i'll beat his ass if he comes near my baby sister." Branden says as we come to an intersection.

I sigh, "Harry.. Branden watch out!!!!"

A car slams into us as I bolt out of bed.

Well there goes sleep I look to the clock. 3:45 a.m. Great, Niall won't be here until 10. I get up and grab my Ramones record and put it in my dad's record player. Nothing like a good ole record. I grab my laptop off my side table and fall back onto my bed and pull up tumblr. I click a new tab and go to twitter.

"Harry Styles drives Cage The Princess' Christiana home!"

"Did Harry 'get some'?"

Great. I'm already labeled as the next girl in his line of many. I sigh and close twitter without even looking at my mentions.


I hear a knock on the door as I shoot out of bed.

"Just a minute!!" I call out. My phone is always messing up and not going off. Or I just ignore it and sleep. I find my skinny jeans and my Dad's shirt. I used to steal his clothes anyway but I have his whole closet now minus the boxers.

I pull my long hair into a bun, grab my black fedora and run to open the door to find the one and only, Niall Horan.

"Hey, Niall." I say shyly. 

Cage The Princess (A Punk Harry Styles Fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ