59. You're Perfect To Me

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"I haven't seen it." I shrug as Caleb rambles about some pirate movie with Tom Hanks. Apparently it’s the movie of the year. I’m not myself today. It may be because we’ve been nonstop for the past few days. I’ve maybe gotten 2 hours of sleep on a good night mainly not getting any sleep.

"But you have to! It's the funniest movie ever." He shakes my shoulders and my eyes widen from the movement.

"I really just want to go back to the bus and sleep." I reply pouting. “It’s the first night we have off and it’s already almost 7.”

"Please! You never spend time with me." He pouts like a child not getting their way.

"Okay fine." Not being able to resist my best friend. "But you're paying" I stick my finger out at him.

"Deal!" Caleb jumps up and I shake my head.

"You're seriously dragging me to the movies to watch a movie you've already seen?" I say once we get out of his car. We have no security with us since all of them are spread out between the other boys and their girlfriends. Even Robby has a date! Since Harry is touring and Caleb isn’t back with Kristi yet we decided, well he decided, that we should do something.


"Crazy." I mumble but walk into the building. "Why is there a long line?" I stop in my tracks.

"I don't know." Caleb says reaching for his wallet in his back pocket. "When's the last time you've heard from Harry?" He asks looking at me and once again I shrug.

"Three days. We've both been busy. Why?" I ask as questions start to cross my mind. Has he heard something? Has Harry talked to him?

"No reason. It's just been three weeks since you saw him."

"Thanks for the reminder." I cross my arms and shift my weight to my left leg.

"This movie is great though. You're going to love it." He says attempting to distract me but its not really working due to my impatience and already bad mood.

"If we ever get there." I mumble looking at the ridiculous long line and we're in the back. Literally. Our backs are against the doors.

"Where even are we?" I ask curious at my location. We just arrived four hours ago.

"I think we're in Seattle." Caleb answers looking up in his ‘thinking’ face.

"That sounds right. All these cities are starting to look the same to me." I almost groan. Traveling has always been one of my passions. But I wouldn't even call what we're doing as traveling. Yeah we get to see new places but we don't really get to see them. We take a step forward in the line and that's when all hell broke loose.

"Christiana!! Caleb!!" I hear screams.

"How'd they even know?" I groan ducking and running out of the door. I hear Caleb's footsteps behind me along with the crowd. "Over here!" I shout seeing the bricks of the building and climbing them.

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