53. If I Marry, It'll Be Harry

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Tour has been going great! We have about a month and a half left. All Time Low will be joining us for the rest of the tour which I'm PUMPED about.

But if I'm being honest I'm a little bummed. Everyone has noticed my attitude change and Caleb is concerned. I've told them nothing is wrong.

Currently I'm working out with Alex from ATL and he's a really cool guy. He's very chill and I enjoy that. He decided to work out with me because he said he was getting fat from all the pizza he's eaten. I didn't argue I enjoy having someone to work out with though he stopped halfway giving up and saying it was too intense.

I've got a six pack of abs already starting to show and my legs and arms have become toned. I've dropped a pant size so Tessa had to get me more skinny jeans because one pair fell down during a concert. Most embarrassing thing of my life. I was mortified. Luckily I was wearing a long shirt but still!

Rumors of Harry, Louis, Larry, and Lourrana are going wild. Yes they made a ship name for Harry, Louis and I. I've chosen to ignore them. Harry calls every day and Eleanor calls most days. She's told me that Danielle has become distant after the breakup with Liam. I'm still in shock of the breakup but hopefully they'll reunite. I know its hard having a relationship with someone who's never there and the opposite.

Eleanor is planning a girls night when I get to Doncaster. Apparently she is coming up every weekend once her classes finish on Friday to visit us. Perrie, Eleanor, and hopefully Danielle will be at the girls night. Harry has decided to stay with Louis as well as I and I'm worried about more rumors that will spread.

I adore the fans, I do but there are limits that they need to learn before spreading vicious rumors and sending hate to us and our families. Caleb has even received hate for being close to me.

"Christiana!" Ronaldo shouts at me and it snaps me out of my thoughts. "Quit lolly dazing and get to work! Penalty shots now!" He tosses a soccer ball to me and I kick it in the goal on instinct. "Perfect. Again!" He shouts and this repeats several time. "Alexander can you get in the goal? I have to watch her technique."

"Yes sir." Alex jumped up afraid of Ronaldo just as I am. He's quite scary when he's in trainer mode.

"Okay use the techniques we've been working on. Don't forget to turn your hips before kicking."

I nod and set up a few feet back from the ball focusing on the ball then the spot where I want Alex to think I'll be shooting. I lean back on my right root before taking off towards the ball and kicking it to the top right corner of the net and scoring.

"Perfect!" Ronaldo says proudly.

I grin satisfied for the first time since training about my goal.

"You'll be great." Alex shouts.

"Thanks!" I run over giving him a hug before running to Ronaldo. We pack up the gear and I run the 6 miles back to my bus while Ronaldo drives Alex to wherever his bus is parked.

Once I make it to my bus I hop in and grab a water from the fridge. When I close the fridge I nearly jump three feet in the air because there's a boy with a cheeky grin standing in front of me.

"Caleb! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" I shout covering my heart for dramatic affect.

"Sorry." He giggles but grins.

"What's your problem?" I narrow my gaze at him.

"Nothing." He looks to the ceiling and I know that something is up.

I walk to the back lounge area of our bus and chug my water before plopping down on the couch. Caleb enters the room with his hands behind his back.

"So.." He sways moving his hips side to side. "I'm sure you got the email saying we have a break coming up."

"And?" I furrow my eyebrows looking confused.

"And it's a four day weekend.."

"Caleb get to the point."

He takes his hands from behind his back and hands me an envelope.

"What's this?" I ask noticing that the front his blank.

"A present from the band and I." He says as Kirk, Robby, and Warren enter the room sitting around me.

I open the envelope and I see that its tickets to visit England.

"What?" I ask suddenly excited.

"We talked Robert earlier in the month about a break and the band bought you tickets to see Harry since he is having a break conveniently at the same time." Robby says patting my knee.

"We called Harry and asked when he had a break and then talked to Robert." Kirk says excitedly.

"Thanks y'all!" I smile at my band mates giving each a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Y'all are the best."

"We try." Warren laughs after I release him from the hug. "Now go pack you leave in 24 hours."

"I have half my clothes at Harry's house anyways." I shrug settling back into my seat.

"Seriously why don't you just sell your house in New York and move in with him?" Caleb asks as he decides to sit in my lap. I wrap my arms around his waist and lean into his back. I'm suddenly remembering the times that my older brother did this to me before his cancer won. I snuggle my head into Caleb and shrug.

"Because he lives in London and I live here."

"So? We're barely home anyways." Kirk leans back on the couch placing an arm behind the couch.

"Then how will we record?" I ask.

"I'm actually looking for a new place." Robby says.

"I'm not giving up my apartment." I giggle shaking my head at my boys.


"Because it's my home. You know I don't like change."

"What if Harry asks you to marry him and move in with him?" Warren asks turning his head to look at me.

"What? He wouldn't do that. Our careers are too intense right now."

"I asked Connor to marry me." Kirk shrugs from beside me.

"That's because y'all have been dating since basically elementary."


"And that's it." I say sighing.

"Exactly. We're engaged but that doesn't mean we're getting married right now."

"If I get engaged I want to be married at least a year later. I hate long engagements." I mumble. "Plus Cage The Princess has a few more good years and so does One Direction."

"Kellin is married and has a kid and his band is still popular." Caleb comments still sitting in my lap semi squishing me.

"Why are we talking about this?" I groan untangling myself from Caleb and leaning back against the couch.

"So you don't want to marry him?" Robby asks confused.

"If I marry, it'll be Harry."

"But not anytime soon." Caleb states.

"But not anytime soon." I confirm.


Whoop update!

Comment because I love reading them!

I'm super busy with college right now and super stressed but I've found writing fanfics help calm my brain.

I love y'all and thank you so much for reading! I've been compared to After and that warms my heart because I absolutely love After and I don't categorize myself with her because she is such a talented writer!

I fangirl when y'all comment or send me nice messages.

I have the best fans.

Much love xx

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