24. You Look Beautiful

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Today has been fun. I didn't realize how much I've missed being around girls. My only friend was Ashley and even though I was in a sorority I avoided girly things unless I had to. Picking out the dresses were like in the movies where we grab a whole bunch of them ugly and gorgeous and then model them in front of each other. We laughed and took pictures with each other like Blair and Serena did in Gossip Girl. All of the girls decided we wanted to match being as the boys would.

 (A/N I suck at describing stuff so the picture is in the side bar. If you're viewing this from the app you won’t be able to see it.)

We picked out dresses that were black at the chest and then flowed into a different color.  Mine is baby blue, El's is pink, Danielle's is yellow, Areal's is purple, and Perrie's is green. Cliché and cheesy I know but then we went to get our nails done which was a LONG process because we couldn't decide what to get. After 15 minutes of discussion we settled on a simple French manicure with the fake tips. I'll have to take them off before continuing tour because there is no way I'll be able to play guitar. I already miss my black finger nail polish but I'm kind of enjoying the manicure. We then got a pedicure and the massaging that they do and then the warm water is heaven. I almost fell asleep. But heaven forbid we then went shoe shopping. We all got the same pair as well to match our dresses. I wanted to wear my converse because I'm already 5'11 and Harry is 6'3 so I couldn't get much of a heel. I went with a three inch heel and they grumpily agreed. I don't want to be taller than my man. I already get enough hate for being tall. I hate to admit but I kind of like this girly stuff. Don’t tell Caleb he’ll make fun of me for sure.

So after 5 and a half hours of girl time we rush back to El and Louis's house to get dressed. Lou is there waiting for us. I'm up first.

"Hey I'm Lou, I've heard a lot about you." She says sweetly.

"I've heard a lot about you too." I grin.

"Good things I hope." She winks.

"Oh of course." I joke with her.

"Okay. You have beautiful skin so we won't use much foundation. Do you want to go with your normal look or a different one?" She asks examining my face before turning to her make up bag.

"Umm, different." I shrug. I'm in London might as well.” I laugh and she laughs with me.

She nods and gets out her tools. I sit quietly only moving when she tells me to. She pulls out a brush and two blushes before swiping the brush over both and sweeping it over my skin. She smiles and grabs the eye shadow box. We’re going to be doing a smokey eye but not what you’re used to, more of a natural look. Imagine your hair being braided with flowers and in a field.”

I laugh at her description and she continues her magic. “Okay close your eyes and try not to move your eye lid.”

I nod and obey before feeling the eye liner being brushed over my top lid. “Look up.” I obey and she does the same to the bottom lid before getting out a brush to smooth the line. She applies mascara to my long lashes.

“You have beautiful lashes, so we won’t put too much.” She smiles at me. She gets out a lip stuck tube which I see is a light pink color and she puts a clear coat of lip gloss over it giving it shine.

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