63. Last Day

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"The last day of tour." Alex says randomly as we sit in the ginormous chill room, backstage. Everyone is scattered around the room on their phones or laptops.

"Shit." I frown. "I forgot about that."

Kellin comes over to wrap his arm around me. "Its okay, Annie."

I chuckle. "Not you too!" When Louis visited everyone began calling me Annie. I look around the room at my new friends. Some who've been there since the beginning of tour and some who were added on later in the tour.

"We'll still keep in contact right?" I look at the nine bands spread all over the huge room, knowing that there's no way everyone can keep in contact. They nod anyway not wanting to upset me and Robert enters.

"Everyone sit." He orders and we all obey. Since there's not enough space I end up sitting on the table cross-legged.

"I just wanted to say a thank you to every band, some have left, some have stayed, some have been added on. You all have done a marvelous job and have changed America's view on punk rock music." He starts his speech looking at all of us in his grey suit and tie. It's hard to believe someone so clean cut can actually care about punk music.

"I know a few of us started off on the wrong foot." He turns and winks at me and I send him a smile back. "But we eventually got along. I've enjoyed being the sponsor and manager of the Warped tour. Next year we'll have all of the same bands and more."

We all cheer, fist bumping each other. "And!" He raises his voice over our chatter. "We'll be adding more dates, internationally."

"Internationally?" Caleb gasps.

"Like as in other countries?!" I clap my hands excited looking back to Caleb.

"Yes." Robert chuckles at our faces, my band has never toured outside of America, Canada, or Mexico.

"That's amazing!" Robby smiles reaching up to hug me from my seated position on the table.

"I'm proud of you." Robert says directly to my band. "I had my doubts and you've proved me wrong." He smiles and leaves the room.

We all sit chatting and all of us are called to the stage.

"We want a group photo with every band, crew, and security guards." Robert tells us as a member of the arena we are using takes the camera. We all position ourselves and smile, all of us being the weirdoes we are some are quite interesting.

"Okay three more." Robert tells the guy.

Before I know it I'm being lifted and I'm being held sideways by Kellin, Vic, and Alex. "What are y'all doing?" I giggle and pose for the picture before they put me down.

"I'm going to miss y'all." I give everyone a hug. We're called off for our last concert. I’m excited to see Harry in two days, sad that this is our last concert, stoked for next year’s concert, and nervous as I am before every concert. I hear a ringing from my pocket and I pick up my phone.

“Harry!” I say into the microphone.

Hey!” He answers chuckling at my tone. “Someone is excited.”

“Yeah and nervous and sad and happy, all at once.” I express to him in a fast speed.

Breathe.” He laughs at me which causes me to frown. “Now stop frowning, you’ll be fine.

“How’d you know I was frowning?” I smile.

I know you too well.” He says in a loving way which warms my heart.

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