60. We Aren't Going To Die

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"Better?" Caleb asks plopping down beside me on the concrete wall. We've been stuck on this roof for 45 minutes.

"Much better." I smile at him leaning my head on his shoulder. "When are Steve and Jerry getting here?"

"They aren't." He shrugs.

"What?!" I raise my head. "What do you mean they aren't coming?"

"They're all on dates with the boys. They can't leave."

"So we're left to die?" I panic.

"Will you calm down? We aren't going to die." He has the nerve to laugh at me.

"Calm down? Calm down, Caleb? We're stuck on the freaking roof of a movie theater!" I throw my hands in the air while talking to prove a point.

"Learn to live." He kicks his feet out.

"What's that noise?" I hear a loud whistling noise and the wind picks up.

"Who is that?" I back up on the small wall squeezing my knees to my chest. A helicopter is beginning to land. "Did Steve and Jerry send them? Or is it paps?"

"I don't know." Caleb says smugly.

"Do you know what's going on?" I ask him angrily.

"No.." He does. He's lying, his face giving it away. I turn to watch the helicopter land trying to see who's in it but I can't tell due to the darkness.

Two figures hop out of the helicopter and I lean into Caleb not knowing who's coming. "Don't be scared." Caleb wraps his arm around me.

"Hi." The cheeky boy announces and I jump into his arms for the first time in three weeks.

"Harry." I breath in relief, tightening my hold around his neck.

"Hello, love." He spins me around causing the both of us to laugh.

"Hi, Paul." I giggle at the man I've become close with through many visits with Harry.

"Hello, Christiana." He greets me warmly.

"Sorry our plans had to change." Harry says sadly like he's disappointed me which he could never do.

"What plan?" I ask once he puts me on the ground.

"Well.. I was going to surprise you during the movie but Caleb called and said that the fans surrounded the theater."

"You knew?" I turn my head to Caleb and he nods smirking.

"I'm still confused as to how to ran up that wall like that though."

"I'm magic." I smirk before turning to Harry pecking his lips.

"Eww! PDA!" Caleb shrieks.

"Go away." I mumble before pressing my lips back to Harry's. "It's a lovely surprise."

"I didn't want to see that movie anyways so we can rent a movie or just go to sleep because I am tired."

"Whatever you want but I did just fly all the way here from England and then a 45 minute helicopter ride."

"Sleep it is." I take his hand walking to the helicopter. Caleb follows and my hand never leaves Harry's.

"I missed you." I smile to my beautiful boyfriend.

"And I missed you. Don't spend that much time away from me again."

"I won't. One week and I'll have 3 months with you!" I smile happily.

Cage The Princess (A Punk Harry Styles Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora