62. I Love Harry

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Even though I've loved Harry being around we both know that he has to leave just as soon as he arrives. This is where this leaves us now.

"Just about a week." I mumble trying to hold myself together.

"Then you're in Europe for three months."

"Exactly. We can spend my birthday and Christmas together."

"You can come over for Styles/Twist family time. You can meet my dad."

Both of us trying to cheer the other up but his flight is being called causing both of us to look sadly at each other.

"I love you." He leans down to kiss me goodbye.

"I love you too." I rake my fingers through his hair one last time and he turns from me. Before entering the door, he turns around and blows a kiss to me. Which I catch and return to him, laughing at his cheesiness. He smiles once he's satisfied that I laughed, giving me a small smile.

"Let's go." Caleb locks his arm with mine, pulling me away from the window after watching his plane depart.

"I'm sad the tour is ending." I pout still emotional to saying goodbye to Harry.

"Me too, it's been the best summer/fall."

"Look how far we've come." I laugh waving to fans that have surrounded us.

"Stay close." Jerry tells us and we nod obeying. I love my job, if you could call it that, it's more of a dream come true. Though it has its downside, like saying goodbye to people you love, I get to live my dream and encourage people.

"You seem not as upset as before when Harry would leave." Caleb observes once we're on the bus ready to go to Canada.

"Maybe I'm coming around with this whole relationship thing. It has been a year." I shrug confused myself that I'm not upset. I mean I'm totally not okay with him being away from me because something could happen and I wouldn't be there. I'm very protective of Harry but I don't tell him that because he likes to think he's my protector, which he is.

"I'm glad." Caleb drapes his arm around my shoulders.

"Also it's because I'll be seeing him in a week, for three months." I say with my chin tilted upwards, proudly. "You should come visit me." I say fast realizing its three months I won't see him or the band. "And the boys!" I begin panicking.

"Chill, darling. We'll come see you." He reassures me.

"Good." I smile resting my head on his shoulder.

"When you and Harry get married, who's walking you down the aisle?" He asks suddenly.

"Get married? Caleb we've had this conversation. We're both young and have the same careers which keep us apart." I shrug not moving my head. "But I would want all the boys, somehow, not all at once. But we would figure it out." I nod not convincing anyone on how 4 boys could walk me down the aisle. "Why am I even talking about this?" I groan.

"It's just a thought, calm down." Caleb chuckles. "Why don't you want to talk about it?"

"Because that's the future and I live in the now. We might not even be together in the future." I say the last sentence quietly. What if we aren't together forever? What if we break up? I won't be able to love another person the way I love Harry. It's not possible. I love Harry with every fiber if my being, of my soul.

"You'll be together." Caleb squeezes my shoulders and I sigh. My phone goes off so I dig it out of my back pocket.

From: Hazza

"Whatever our souls are made of, hers and mine are the same."

Caleb chuckles over my shoulder. I shove my elbow to his ribcage.

"Ow!" He complains and I stick my tongue out at him.

To: Hazza

I think it's supposed to be his and mine.. ;)

From: Hazza

Well that would have weird if I would've said that, now wouldn't it?

I laugh and send back.

To: Hazza

Love you. You have perfect timing too.

From: Hazza

Love you too. Is everything okay?

I smile at his concern for me. The old me would cringe at the thought but it's nice knowing someone actually cares.

To: Hazza

Everything's fine. Just missing you but I'll see you soon :)

From: Hazza

I know, can't wait. Talk soon.

"Video games or training?" Caleb asks .

"I don't have training until 3 more hours so I'll play video games and then take a nap." I grin taking off to the back of the bus.

"You can't have that remote!" Caleb yells louder than I think he meant because his face fell after I flinched. "Sorry."

"It's fine. You people should stop treating me like I'm going to break one minute and be taken away to the looney bin." I chuckle though my words are accurate. They treat me as if I'll just go psycho. I guess there's a reason for that because I actually could go psycho any moment. I sigh and only wish to be a normal girl with a happy childhood and a wonderful relationship with their parents. Or even having parents still would be nice. Every girl dreams of her dad walking her down the aisle right?

I need to stop thinking about this wedding shit. I don't believe in marriages. My mom didn't love my dad. Half the marriages in America is couples who don't love each other and they get a divorce. I don't want that.

But then again, I can see myself marrying Harry. Finally having a happy life.

When I think of my perfect life, it's with Harry.


Sorry for the crappy update!

Who missed me?

It's been a crazy couple of weeks and I apologize for the infrequent updates. That's college life for you.

I love y'all very much and miss hearing from y'all!

Hope everyone's semester/school is going great!

Much love xx

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