64. Sweetie

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The boys and girls stayed for a few hours like they always do. It was so nice catching up with them. I hope it's always like this though, even when we're all 80. They stay for hours and we have the time of our lives simply being with everyone.

Now it's just Harry, Thor, and I. Harry and I sprawled out on the couch, my feet in his lap and his propped on the coffee table. Thor is laying on the beneath us on the floor and everything is perfect. I sigh contently and look over to Harry whose head is supported by his hand as he's drifting to sleep.

"Hey." I say softly smiling at him and his eyes jolt open.

"Hi." He murmurs sleepily.

"Let's go to bed, love." I move my feet to stand in front of him accidentally stepping on Thor's tail. "Sorry, buddy." Thor just licks my ankle and starts to walk upstairs to Harry's room, I'm guessing.

"'M too tired." He says while yawning.

"C'mon." I giggle at his sleepy state. I tug on his arm and he finally stands with me supporting his weight. I wrap his arm around my shoulder and my other around his waist and pull him with me up the stairs.

"Love you." He mumbles resting his head on mine once we reach the top of the stairs.

"Shouldn't I be the sleepy one? I did have a 8 hour flight and then another 6 hour visit with our friends plus not mentioning the 6 am work out, press conferences and our final concert." I tease him though I doubt he can hear me in his half asleep state. Once we make it to his bed he drops, resting his head on the pillow.

"Harry." I whine but end up laughing. He hates more than anything sleeping in his jeans for the night. I sigh and begin undoing his belt really glad he's almost fully asleep and probably won't remember this in the morning and how red my cheeks are.

"Don't stop." He mumbles which causes my face to blush even more, if possible. I ignore him and unzip his jeans and try to wiggle them passed his butt.

"Stupid skinny jeans." I have enough difficultly getting my own off much less a passed out British popstar whose jeans a little tighter than my own. I contemplate cutting them off of him but he lifts his hips off the mattress which makes it easier and I successfully pull them down to his knees. By now I'm just as tired as he is and consider leaving them on him but I take each pant leg by his ankle and tug and pull them right off and throwing them in the corner along with forcefully pulling mine off and snuggling into bed beside Harry.

He instantly wraps his body around mine and holds me in his arms. "Missed you." He says and I know now that he is fully asleep by the way he relaxes against me.

"Missed you too, baby." I kiss his neck and fall asleep wrapped in my lovers arms.


In the morning, we're awaken by the doorbell and Thor running out of the room barking.

"Hmph." Harry moans rubbing his eyes.

"Mornin'" I grumble too tired to function. Harry gets out of bed, leans down to kiss my forehead, and finds a pair of sweatpants and pulls them up his bare legs. I stretch my arms and legs out before getting up and pulling up my own pair of sweatpants. I hear talking downstairs but I take the time to brush my teeth and fix my mess of hair. I never will understand how my hair gets so tangled in my sleep. Once my hair is brushed and braided to the side, I walk downstairs to greet our company. Just as I suspected, it's the girls ready for a day out. Thor is no where to be seen so I'm guessing Harry let him out the back door in the kitchen. Harry has really made a place for Thor here and it makes me happy, also a little worried. Maybe that's my insecurity settling in. I push my thoughts back and stare at my friends along with a new girl.

"Hello, my name is Sophia." A pretty blonde girl steps forward with a sweet smile etched on her face. Her outfit is absolutely perfect and classy.

"Christiana, pleasure." Incredibly insecure by this girl, I try to put on a genuine smile because I am happy to meet her. I just didn't think she would be so beautiful.

"So what do you lovely ladies have planned today?" Harry enters the living room from the kitchen, I assume, and places his arm around my waist causing me to automatically lean into him.

"Shopping." Eleanor and Gemma say at the same time. Perrie and I lock eyes a sign of terror flashing through them. Both of us love shopping but just not the girly shopping where we go to 15 stores and try on 10,000 outfits and only buy one.

"Actually, can we go to Winter Wonderland? Because I've never ice skated." I ask and everyone's face pales and Harry clears his throat.

"I think shopping will be good." Sophia says quickly.

"Well we could grab lunch and then see a movie?" Perrie suggests.

"That sounds good and after we can do a little shopping." I smile and they agree.

"As long as you're back by 7, have fun." He kisses my forehead and walks back upstairs.

"Let me get dressed!" I say excitedly and rush up the stairs. I crash into a shirtless Harry in only boxers as soon as I enter the room.

"Well if you wanted me that bad, all you had to do was ask." He snakes his arms around my waist and hugs me close to his chest.

"You're kind of irresistible." I say confidently, surprising myself. He chuckles and gives me a sweet kiss on my lips causing me to sigh happily.

"Have fun today, sweetie." He pecks my forehead and walks to the bathroom to shower and I hurry to get dressed and walk down the stairs.

"I want to do your make up." Sophia tells me once I reach the bottom step. I eye her skeptically as I do all beautiful girls and nod, only finding kindness in her.

"That would be lovely. I admire the way you do your own make up." I smile at her and she smiles back accepting my compliment.

No matter how much I improve, how much I get better, I will always be insecure and guarded around new people. Maybe that'll change in time but I have my doubts. But then again, I look around the room at Eleanor, Perrie, Sophia, and Gemma, and I'm happy to call them my friends.

"Now, we're ready to paint the town." Sophia smiles and stands up, holding a hand out to help me stand.

"Let's go." I smile and lock arms with Gemma and Eleanor as we leave Harry's house.


Sorry it's short. I've had a lot of family drama and haven't been able to think properly. Also my depression is acting up again so I've been dealing with that.

Vote, comment. I love talking with y'all.

Thank you for reading. I never thought people would even read my story much less actually like it.

I love y'all very much. Even the ghost readers who don't comment or vote.

Much love and a Merry Christmas xx

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