18. Surprises

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The Mississippi concert went amazing! Warren surprised Mariha and brought her up on the stage kissing her in front of the crowd. They went on a date that night and I've never seen Warren happier. Maybe it's easy having a long distance relationship because in the end you do meet up.

Everything else on the tour is going great. The fans love us. This week is going by so slow it's only Tuesday. Connor is here and Kirk is so ecstatic I don't think he's let go of her hand once!

We have a photo shoot today and a concert tonight. I could not be more worn out. I haven't had a proper rest in weeks it feels like.

Kristi and I had some free time to go to a spa and it was relaxing. The masseuse said I have lots of knots and that I should stay and extra hour just to work them out. Which I happily agreed.

Kristi smiles at me "So you really did it."

"Did what?"

"I remember talking about One Direction with you and you said and I quote 'When I meet Harry, I'll know he's the one and we'll get married'"

"I'm not getting married." I say to her blushing remembering looking through the magazine in the all to familiar Waffle House.

"No but you are dating him and that's something you never knew would come true."

"Dreams come true I guess."

She smiles and enjoys the rest of our massages.

We go back to the bus and the boys look bored so we put on a movie.

"Hey Christiana?" Caleb snaps me out of my thoughts of Harry, touring, my past.


"Only three days more."

I grin. "I know."

*three days later*

I'm sleeping quietly in my bunk when I hear the curtain being pulled back.

I groan and roll over.

Robby laughs. "Come on we have a signing to do."

"Go away." I mumble being hard headed.

"Harry comes today.."

"Today's Friday?"

Robby nods.

I jump out of bed only wearing Harrys shirt and my spandex shorts that I sleep in. Being on a bus all together we get used to seeing each other barely dressed. The know my past so there's no need in hiding my scars.

I get dressed in black cut off shorts and my favorite Three Days Grace tank top and Tessa comes in to do my make up.

"You ready for Harry to come?"

"Yes I can't wait." I grin wide.

"That boy has done wonders to you."

"What do you mean?" I ask her as she reaches for the eyeshadow after fixing my blush.

"Close your eyes and you are finally living. I thought after everything you gave up on living but he's brought it back to you."

I don't say anything. I don't know what to say to this so I stay quiet for the rest of the time. She gives my eyes a black smokey look with thick mascara on my lashes, hair loosely curled.

She gives me a warm hug and walks out the door to do the boys hairs.

Once we're all punked out we walk outside to the arena where we will be playing tomorrow but we are instantly surrounded by people. Fans, paparazzi, you name it and we are surrounded.

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