29. Sneaky

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I'm sitting in the back room and I can hear the boys perform. I hear knocking on the door and I freeze before hearing an Irish accent.

"Let me in."

I go to open the door revealing Niall and let him come in. "When Change My Mind starts get in the position and it'll rise without Harry seeing you when Teenage Dirtbag plays." He grins widely happy to be a part of this plan."

I nod and give him a hug. "Thanks for helping!"

"Anytime. Got to go!" He rushes out of the room and I get dressed. I decided on black skinny jeans because that's pretty much all I wear, a Minnie mouse top that's faded, completed with my black leather studded jacket with my hair curled at the ends like a princess badass. I can't wait to see Harry's reaction.

The beginning of the concert is alright but something is off with Harry. You can hear it in his voice and when he's talking he seems down and tired not wanting to be there.

Change My Mind starts playing and I move to under the stage where I'll pop up on stage. Once I'm positioned I listen to the song. Its honestly one of my all-time favorite songs. The song ends and Harry says a ridiculously lame joke that makes me crack up while Louis says "Wow" into the mic. I can picture Louis shaking his head. "And this is Teenage Dirtbag." Harry says and that's my cue to start playing as I slowly rise to the stage. I'm in the back center while Harry is standing in the front facing the crowd. Niall walks over to me and smiles widely while the other boys look back not so casually. They better not mess up my plan. I chuckle and shake my head at them. Harry starts the song while dancing quite sexily I might add.

Her name is Noel; I had a dream about her. She rings my bell I've got gym class in half an hour oh how she rocks her keds and tube socks.

I begin to walk forward but stay a little ways from Harry.

But she doesn't know who I am and she doesn't give a damn about me.

The boys join him singing.

Cause I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby!

He turns to walk to the side stage glimpsing at me before turning back for a double take almost tripping over his feet. His mouth drops eyes wide. He blinks once. Twice. Three times to see if I'm really there. I smile and nod continuing to play. "Sing" I mouth to him.

Listen to Iron Maiden baby with me!

He sings with the boys still focused on me. Luckily me and Niall have an interlude and Harry rushes over hugging me from behind so I can still play. "I'm supposed to be the one who surprises you." He says to me leaning down to my ear so that I can hear him.

I shrug and he moves his ear to my face so I can reply to him. "I like seeing your reaction." He pulls away giving me a kiss on the cheek right before Niall's solo.

Her boyfriends a dick.

Harry moves his mic to his crotch and I roll my eyes laughing at him and he turns to see my reaction grinning cheekily. I shake my head at him.

He brings a gun to school.

Harry makes his fingers into the shape of a gun posing like James Bond.

And he'd simply kick my ass if he knew the truth.

Harry turns around sticking his bum to the crowd and I pretend to kick him.

He lives on my block, he drives an IROC but he doesn't know who I am and he doesn't give a damn about me

Harry points to the side stage and I follow stepping up on the platform. While I'm jamming out and begins dancing.

Cause I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby!

I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby

Listen to Iron Maiden baby with me

And this is the fun part that I and Niall played. He's across the stage on the other platform and we both jump off and run to the center playing before twirling and running to where the other one was. Harry laughs and chases me. Once he reaches me he tries to hug me but I run away back to the other side Louis and Liam try to catch me but I manage to get away from them. Thankfully I'm a talented guitar player because I never missed a beat. Once I reach the platform I was originally was on Harry wraps his arms around me resting his head on my shoulder while Louis starts to sing. (Zayn does his amazing high pitched parts during the chase.)

Man I feel like mold. Its prom night and I am lonely

Low and behold she's walking over to me

This must be fake, my lips start shake.

How does she know who I am?

And why does she give a damn about me?

Louis backs up signaling us to come to him. I walk with Harry behind me as we slowly make our way to the center of the stage while Liam sings Harry wraps an arm around my shoulder.

I've got two tickets to Iron Maiden baby

Come with me Friday don't say maybe

I'm just teenage dirtbag baby like you.

Niall and I walk forward jamming on our guitars smiling. We turn around leaning against each other while we play. Harry does his shoulder thrust to the beat while the fire comes up. I've been watching videos from the concerts, first with the smoke machines blasting him in the face and then they decide to put fire as well? Are they trying to kill him?

Oh yeah! Dirtbag no she doesn't know what she's missing.

Niall and I kickoff from leaning against each other and I walk to Harry.

Oh yeah! Dirtbag. No she doesn't know what she's missing, yeah.

We finish the song and I walk over to put my guitar down on the stand and Harry walks over to me giving me a hug and twirling me around before setting me down. "I like your surprises." He says giving me one last squeeze before turning to the crowd.

"My girlfriend's here!" He yells and the crowd goes wild. I laugh and sit on the steps with Niall and Louis. Louis hugs me from behind and Harry turns around. "SHE'S MINE!" He yells into the mic and all of us die of laughter. Louis puts his head in his lap laughing and I lean back holding my stomach laughing leaning against Niall. Zayn introduces the next song and I get up to grab my guitar and play Kiss You. After the first chorus is sung Harry takes my guitar and hands it to Dan who's sitting under one of the platforms. I look to Harry giving him a confused look and he turns around signaling me to jump on his back which I do. Harry then runs around the stage acting a fool with me clinging to his back. My face is probably hilarious right now because I'm barely hanging on. He stops and lets me down when the second chorus comes and grabs my hand and we begin skipping stopping to twirl around Louis.

Harry turns to me dancing twirling me around with me laughing.

And let me kiss you.

Harry belts out leaning in to my peck my lips and the crowd goes wild.

The rest of the concert goes like that. Harry and I chasing each other on stage, flirting, stealing short kisses. I can tell Harry is a lot happier than he was earlier. After the concert we go back stage and Harry picks me up once again spinning me around. "Harry! You're making me dizzy!" I say tying to be serious but end of laughing.

"Sorry, babe. I'm just so happy." He finally sets me down turning to face me.

"I'm happy too." I smile leaning up to actually kiss him not a short sweet peck.

"OKAY. We ARE still in the room" Louis says sassily. I pull away and Harry pulls me into a massive hug as he flips off his band mates.

I chuckle hiding my face in Harry's chest. "Let's go home." Harry whispers in my ear. I smile up at him and nod liking the way he said home even though it's a hotel room. I guess anywhere with him is home as long as I'm with him. And that makes me blush.

I pull out my phone checking twitter.

@FansTwitterName: @CageTheChristiana surprised Harry!

@FansTwitterName2: After @CageTheChristiana came Harry was back to his normal self. She makes him so happy.

@FansTwitterName3: Hana! I ship it after tonight! Harry is so in love.

In love?! Love?! Love isn't real. It's just a pigment of our imagination letting us think we're in love until something happens and one of us leaves. What good is love? Absolutely nothing. Harry leans across the console grabbing my leg and I look up to him and everything that I just thought of quickly fades. Is this love that I feel for Harry? Does he love me back?

I'm hard to handle and he's stayed with me the entire time.

We pull up to the hotel luckily fans are still back at the concert and only about 20 are here. We say hi and greet them before going up to the room. Harry sets his bag down along with mine.

"How long have you been here?" He asks me.

"For about 5 hours."

"Why didn't you come see me?" He pouts.

"That would've ruined our plan."

"Our plan?"

"Yup." I say popping the 'p' putting my hands behind my back swaying innocently.

"Who and what plan?"

"Zayn, Louis, Niall, Liam, and Dan."

He chuckles at me. "Sneaky."

"Operation Make Harry Happy." I grin at him like it's the best thing in the world.

"Well you succeeded."

"Good." I say walking towards him putting my hands on his chest. He leans down kissing my forehead.

"Come on, let's go to bed." I nod yawning which causes him to laugh. I take out my shorts and makeup bag and head to the bathroom passing Harry which he smacks my bum. I turn and glare at him which earns me a wink and smirk. I smile shaking my head continuing to walk to the bathroom. I keep my Minnie tank top on and change into my night shorts, washing my face and brushing my teeth.

When I return Harry isn't in the bedroom.


No response.

I walk into the living room, nothing. I go to the little kitchen and Harry isn't here either. I frown and make my way back to the bedroom when I notice a balcony looking out towards the city of Sydney even giving a glimpse at the ocean also a shirtless Harry with his skinny jeans hugging his waist with his boxers showing slightly above. I quietly open the door and stand beside Harry on the balcony. He doesn't turn to me but keeps his focus on the view as I do also. It's a beautiful sight.

"Do you believe in God?" He asks me still enjoying the view.

"Well someone had to make all this." I say simply. I do believe that Jesus died for our sins and God created everything we see.

He just nods and looks down and I can see hundreds of fans crowding the hotel. I laugh with Harry watching them not noticing us above them. I focus my attention back to the view we have I would never have had the chance to see this if it weren't for the boy beside me. Then I realize Harry has my heart and there's no doubt about it. Love? I'm not sure about but I never want to be without Harry. He wraps his arm around me pulling me closer and I rest my head on his shoulder. I don't know how long we stay like this, enjoying the silence, enjoying the view, enjoying each other but I don't want to move. We both live fast paced lives being always in the spotlight and its nice spending it with someone who understands that sometimes you just have to sit and enjoy silence.

We eventually end up in bed laying by each other talking about stories that's been happening on tour. Harry is so easy to talk to. People make fun of him because he talks so slow and says random shit not having anything to do with the conversation. But it's just that his mind skips to things and luckily I can follow easily. I'm from the South, we talk slow anyways in fact I have trouble keeping up with Louis or Liam when they talk to me because it's like a contest to see who can talk the fastest. Harry has such a deep voice that is almost a drug itself pulling you into the conversation the way his lips move to form words coming out slowly. The way his tongue barely touches his lips when he says some words and the way his tongue swipes across his lips dampening them. I lean in while he's telling me a story about how they pranked Niall and hid all the food. I laugh and brush my lips against his before taking his bottom lip in-between my lips gently sucking on it.

I pull back, "Sorry, what were you saying?" Feeling guilty that I really wasn't paying attention but distracted by the movement of his lips.

"Erm, I'm not sure." He smirks biting his bottom lip. Why? Why'd he have to do that? Doesn't he know that, that is a HUGE turn on? I bite my lip thinking about him biting mine. We stare into each other's eyes for a second before Harry grabs my neck pulling me to his mouth. I smile kissing him with everything that I have. I push him back so that I'm straddling him but I make sure I'm on his stomach, don't need any boner problems. We're both waiting until marriage so we try to keep boundaries. Soon we are battling each other's tongues for dominance. Harry lets me win, then he wins, then I win before I'm flipped over with him hovering over me deepening the kiss even more if possible. We kiss for a bit longer before Harry pulls back looking me in the eyes brushing hair out of my eyes leaning in to kiss my forehead. I reach up grasping his cheek rubbing my thumb across his cheek before leaning up to kiss him one last time and he slides to the side of me laying down pulling me to his chest.

"Goodnight." Harry kisses my nose as I scrunch it. I find nose kisses extremely cute.

"Goodnight." I lay my head against his chest kissing his collarbone before falling asleep.

Check out the Teenage Dirtbag on the side. It's so cute that Harry's concerned about his fans and his dancing is what I was referring to in the chapter.
Also on the side is a collage of what I picture Christiana as.

Hope you enjoyed it! I would've written a concert snippet of Rock Me but I think my heart would've exploded from the feels.

This chapter is dedicated to liltinka81 for being an amazing follower!

Much love xx

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