32. They Like You

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I'd never thought I'd be here in London waiting until Harry came home. I honestly really do care about Harry. We haven't said "I love you" yet, it didn't bother me because I wasn't for sure if I did love him. I like him a lot more than I should probably. His fans are really hurtful to the both of us but I don't let it bother me. It's overwhelming at times but they don't know about us. They don't know how much he means to me. Do I love Harry? I've never been in love before. Does love make you happy even on your worst day? Does love make you want to be with him all day long? Does love leave you with butterflies all day long as cliché as that sounds? Maybe I do love Harry but I'm not going to tell him that until I know for sure. Ever since that tweet said we were in love these thoughts have never left my mind. Harry is my best friend, boyfriend, someone who I could honestly see myself with for a long time.

I'm cooking lasagna for tonight's meeting his mom. My hands are shaking as I'm making the cornbread to go with it. Does she like cornbread? Oh god. She probably doesn't. I sigh and put it in the oven anyways and walk to the living room resting on the couch. Thor jumps beside me and I pet his head which rests in my lap. My thoughts continue to think about Harry and when he called us a family.

My thoughts are broken when a tired and angry looking Harry walks through the door.

"Hey, Haz." I say brightly.

He nods coldly and walks into the kitchen.

Well that's odd. He's never acted like that towards me. I try to think if I'd done anything that would make him mad at me and I come up with nothing. I walk towards the kitchen door and lean against it. Harry is leaning against the counter with his head down.

"How did the meeting go?" I ask quietly.

"Fine." He says still looking at the ground.

I nod and don't say anything else.

We stay like this for a little bit not knowing what to say to him.

"Harry, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." He says coldly.

"I know that's not true."

He gives a fake laugh.

"The meeting was great. They love you, they love that we're together. They love that I'm happy. They're glad I'm not a womanizer anymore." He stops talking, taking deep breaths to calm himself down.

"Then what's wrong?" I ask still in my position against the door.

"The fans. They don't like that their heartthrob is happy. The paparazzi isn't happy they don't have their womanizer so they're photoshopping me with random girls. The magazines are accusing me of not being worthy of you and that you should be with Caleb. People on twitter telling me to quit the band because I can't sing anymore" He says bitterly before takes a breath. "I'm just sick and tired of it. I can't win. Before you I was lonely, I felt empty, like I didn't matter to anyone but everyone else was happy. But now that I'm happy, no one else is." His voice starts to crack and he turns facing away from me not wanting me to see his break down placing his hands on the counter.

I give him a few seconds by himself before walking over and wrapping my arms around him laying my head against his toned back like many times before.

He tenses at first but soon relaxes.

"Harry, I don't know what to say to make you feel better but I want you to know that I'm happy too. You came around and saved me even though I didn't want to be saved. I thought I didn't need to be saved, I didn't need anyone. But you came and showed me how much I needed you. My fans have even noticed that I'm happy. The thing that Caleb is better for me than you is crazy and Caleb and I could never date. We'd end up killing one another before the first date even ended. I don't pay any attention to the rumors so I don't even know what is going around now."

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