31. Did You Just Bite Me?

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I awake the next morning in an empty bed, already missing Harry. I groggily make my way downstairs to see him cooking breakfast in nothing but sweatpants with a beanie covering his curls. I wrap my arms around his waist while resting my head against his back like the morning of the day we kissed.

Harry hums, “I could get used to this.”

I giggle into his back tightening my hold around his waist. “Yeah?” I question.

He turns around kissing my forehead. “Yeah.” He confirms before turning back around tending to the pancakes and bacon while I hop onto the counter.

“What time is your flight?” I pout.

“In five hours.” Harry mumbles flipping a pancake.

I nod not daring to speak. Harry moves over slightly bumping his hip with mine in a comforting way. Once the pancakes and bacon is done he puts them on a big plate placing it on the counter top next to my leg and turning to get a fork and the maple syrup, pouring it over the pancakes, cutting a bit and moving the fork up to my mouth. I smirk at him while he sports his famous smolder look. “Are you feeding me?”

He just nods raising his eyebrows impatiently. I open my mouth slightly keeping me eyes on him. He bits his lip and waits until I finally open my mouth enough for him to put the fork in my mouth allowing me to bite down on the fork and he slides it out of my mouth again. He slices another bite and feeds me again but this time I steal the fork and feeding him. “Always the romantic, Mr. Styles.” Once I said that his eyes light up and his dimples begin to slowly peak out at the corner on his mouth. He steals the fork from me feeding me once again. Once breakfast is over he places the dishes in the sink and comes over parting my legs and resting between them. I wrap my arms around his neck securing him there. “I’d never thought I’d be in this position.” I tell him quietly.

“With me?”

“No, well yeah, but with anyone feeling this comfortable. After my family died, for a whole year I had myself convinced that I would spend the rest of my life by myself and you’ve come into my life and made me happy.”

“I make you happy?” He whispers stunned.

I laugh and nod pulling him closer so that I can rest my forehead against his.

“You make me happy too.” I barely hear him whisper but feel his warm breath against my lips. I slowly lean in pressing my lips against him still tasting the maple syrup from breakfast. I teasingly gently bite his bottom lip before pulling away smirking. “Did you just bite me?” I bite my own lip and nod feeling confident from the smirk that he’s giving me.

“You’re something else.” He chuckles rubbing his hands up and down my back.

“I try.” I kiss his nose which causes him to close his eyes. I look to the clock, “We only have four hours now.” I pout.

He looks back at me shaking his head. “Don’t pout; we’ll be back together before you know it.” He moves his hands from my back and rubs them up and down my thighs in a comforting way.

“I know.” I sigh.

He perks up. “Come on, I have the perfect idea.” I narrow my eyes at him but I follow jumping off the counter and following him into my living room. Where he’s moving my two couches the backs facing each other in front of the TV so there is a pathway to the TV. I raise an eyebrow confused at what he’s doing but I shake my head and lean against the doorframe. Harry then takes the two huge chairs placing them on the opposite side of the TV so the TV is boxed in by my furniture. Harry then walks over to me and kisses my cheek before walking to my hallway closet pulling out four of my queen sized down feather comforters. He looks a little silly struggling with the blankets but I keep my spot still confused at what he is trying to do. He then places two of the blankets on the floor in-between the furniture and two over the furniture making sure to drape the end of one over the TV capturing it in his little idea. Then it dawns on me. This is a fort. I haven’t made a fort since I was 5 when everything was fine with my family and my brothers were all at home. Christian was just born so he couldn’t join us. I smile once Harry is through fixing the fort and looks to me for approval and my smile assures him. We then walk to the kitchen and I turn off the heat in my apartment because it’s going to get hot under the blankets if I don’t and all the more reason to cuddle. We make popcorn with M&Ms and go back picking a movie.

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