15. Healing

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When I return home my apartment doesn't feel the same. I was so used to being here by myself having no visitors but over this month I've had visitors almost every day. I sigh and walk to my bedroom beginning to pack for the tour. It's now June and tomorrow I leave for California. I have no clue what to pack so I give up and walk into the kitchen getting a glass of orange juice and walking to the living room to watch a movie. I'm what you would call a procrastinator. I wait until the last minute possible. I just can't stay focused for very long to finish anything.

I put in 21 Jump Street because I want a good laugh. I end up falling asleep and waking up three hours later so I decide to walk Thor and give him a bath.  

As I'm walking back into my apartment Thor runs to the water bowl and my phone rings. 

"Hello?" Not looking at the caller i.d.

"Hello beautiful."

"Hey Hazza" I smile widely "How was the flight?"

"Long and boring"

I laugh. "Sounds exciting" I say brightly and full of sarcasm.

"Yeah. Not really. What have you been doing?"

"I watched a movie, took a nap, walked Thor, washed Thor, and now I'm deciding that I should pack since I leave for California in less than 6 hours."

He laughs. "Yeah you should probably do that. Good thing we bought that cage for Thor."

"I just hope he doesn't out grow it before the end of the tour."

"He probably won't. It's only a two month tour"


I begin packing all of my punk clothes and then my sweatpants. Sweatpants are worn year round for me even in the summer in the south. Not outside of course. You must be crazy to walk outside in sweatpants in the blazing summer of the south but I kept my room ice cold so I could wear sweatpants.

"When are you going to visit?" I ask hopefully.

"Erm. Soon I hope. We're meeting with our manager tomorrow to get a schedule. I know our world tour starts in July. When does your headlining tour start?"

"September 1st. A week after this one ends." I sigh.

"We'll be in Australia then. Maybe you can fly out before it starts?" He says hopeful.

"I'll see." I reply smiling.

"You should finish packing. I'll let you go." He says sadly.

"Okay." Not wanting to get off the phone. We stay in silence until we both start laughing.

"Aren't you tired?" I ask him still laughing. 

"No. Jet lag sucks."

"I guess I'll be figuring that out." I laugh.

"It's a pain in the arse." He replies.

"Does it work the same for buses?"

He laughs "Yeah. But since you'll be in the states it won't be so bad. But when you start visiting me it'll effect you."

I smile knowing that he wants me to visit him. I don't know why but it warms my heart.

I finish my clothes bag and then start packing my shoes. I normally only wear my DMs or my vans but lately I've been into high heels. So I pack every shoe I own into my shoe bag.

"I think I'm finished packing."

"Yay!" He says happily.

I laugh at his reaction and lay down in my bed.

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