39. Ring?

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*Harry's POV* WHOOOOO Haven't done his POV in a while.

"Come on get dressed. I have a surprise." I tell her once we finish breakfast the next day. I can't believe what's happened in the last few days even before Christiana came. I was mobbed, someone found out my number, and girls keep texting me. Luckily I got my number changed when I was out looking for a ring.

I look over at the beautiful girl walking straight towards me. Thank god I'm sitting or my knees would've failed to hold me up at the sway of her hips. She crawls into my lap straddling me and wrapping her arms around my neck placing her forehead against mine.

"I love you." She whispers eyes meeting mine.

I tilt my head slightly capturing her lips with mine taste of maple syrup still on her lips.

"I can't believe it." She says once she pulls away sitting back some with my hand supporting her back. God she is beautiful. She not even wearing anything sexy or revealing. She's wearing the shirt I wore yesterday and sweatpants with no makeup and her hair in this weird bun on top of her head but she's so beautiful and all mine.

"Can't believe what baby girl?" I ask her knowing she loves it when I call her baby girl.

Her eyes light up and she leans down pecking my lips and pulling away too soon.

"It's been one crazy year." She giggles tightening her hold around my neck.

"I never thought I'd be this in love with someone." She quietly admits. I smile and rub my hands up and down her back.

"Me either." I tell her in the same tone she used with me.

Her eyes light up and her smile make its way across her face. She always tells me my smile could light up a stadium but that's not true because her smile could light up the world. And now I'm instantly reminded of our first single which is how I met Christiana in the first place.

"2 years since my family and one year with you." She shakes her head trying to process everything.

We decided months ago that our anniversary would be the park because that's when I fell for her and that's when she started giving me a chance so we thought that would be a good date and here we are a year later.

"We've had our ups and downs but I've loved every minute of it." I smile up at her and she puts both of her small hands in my hair lightly tugging on my curls that are draped across my forehead for once. She then leans down resting her forehead against mine and closes her eyes sighing contently.

"We need to leave soon." I admit not wanting to leave.

"What do I need to bring?" She asks me still not moving from her place.

"Just your purse would be fine."

She nods slightly but not removing her forehead.

I thought I would get over the feeling of having her so close to me but every time she touches me it's just as vibrant as the first time.

We eventually make our way upstairs changing and walking out the door driving to the airport.

"Where are we going?" She asks excitedly bouncing in her seat. I laugh at her childish ways and reach across the console capturing her hand in mine bringing it up to give her a kiss on the back of her hand and resting our hands in my lap.

"Not telling." I say in my high pitched voice that makes her burst into musical laughter.

She groans but from the corner of my eye I see her smiling.

Once we make it to the airport and one my private jet we're off to our destination.

When we've almost landed I take out a blindfold and place it over her eyes.

Cage The Princess (A Punk Harry Styles Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt