33. I Love You More

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I feel fingertips graze up and down my arms and I open one eye before shutting it quickly. Too much light. I groan and Harry chuckles at me.

"So I take it you had fun with my sister?" Harry whispers knowing I'm hungover.

I open one eye slowly giving my eye time to adjust before fully opening it. Instead if answering him I groan again.

"Well personally I love waking up to the smell of vodka and my girlfriends face covered in chocolate cake."

Both of my eyes shoot open and I blush. I didn't really change clothes nor did I wash my makeup off or wash my face. Harry laughs at my reaction which causes me to blush more.

"I'm also guessing Gemma is the same way. Mum is going to have a field day with you two."

I groan once more covering my face with my hands until I feel the stickiness of my face and I moan in disgust.

"Come on, let's get you cleaned up. Lucky for you I have the morning off though you'll probably leave in an hour or so." He picks me up bridal style and walks me to the bathroom. Luckily his bathroom connects to his room so there are no possible awkward encounters with his mom just yet.

Harry sets me on the counter next to the sink and grabs a washcloth getting it wet and standing in front of me starting to scrub off my face and makeup.

"What did you two do last night?" He laughs once more.

I finally speak for the first time this morning. "Well, it started out just drinking one glass of cherry vodka" I say before he cuts me off.

"Oh god. Never give you cherry vodka; I thought we already discovered this?" He looks innocently at me.

I shoot him a glare and continue. "ANYWAYS.. We started talking and we have a lot in common and then we had the brilliant idea to bake a cake and watch a movie while eating the cake and continuing to drink."

"You two eat an entire cake?" He asks appalled with wide eyes.

I nod embarrassed. "In our defense we were drunk!"

Harry holds his hands up in a defensive way continuing to laugh at me.

"You're mean." I tell him crossing my arms and pouting.

"I'm sorry." He leans in to kiss my pouting lips but I hold him back.

"Nope. Not today." I shake my head like a little kid.

"What? No morning kiss?" He pouts this time. I almost give in but I realize my stomach hurts probably from all the cake and my head is pounding plus I reek of vodka.

"Nope. Now leave, I have to shower. You might need to wake Gemma though." I push him out the door but he stops turning around and kissing me on my cheek before leaving.

I giggle at him and shut the door turning the water on the perfect temperature. Luckily I kept my shower stuff here last time so I don't have to use Harry's body wash although it smells amazing but I settle with my coconut body soap and strawberry shampoo. Once I'm showered and smelling like I didn't drink my weight in vodka last night I open the door slightly to make sure Harry isn't in the room before opening it completely walking out in my towel. I quickly pick out an outfit which is dark washed skinny jeans, a black t-shirt, and a white oversized sweater. London weather is freezing being as its January almost February. I gasp almost February? That means Harry's birthday is coming up! I have to do something special. For my birthday Harry had said he wasn't going to make it but he flew out and surprised me taking me to dinner at a little restaurant that only cooks burgers and fries and then laying out underneath the stars in a random park that he had found. It was simple but romantic. That's what I love about Harry and I. We don't go out spending loads of money on anything. We just like being with each other and that's what is important to us.

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