Chapter 9. Philip

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Peter walked into the throne room wearing his crown proudly

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Peter walked into the throne room wearing his crown proudly. He was only a young man but already the king of a country. Wondering how he even got this position, Peter sat on his throne and looked at the map which was on the wall next to him. The strange markings on it bothered him. He knew Narnia was at war with whatever evil managed to crawl inside, but he refused to believe that there was no way to win. Caspian already marked some territories which were saved from the witch's power; evil still works even when it's dead and gone from this world. Peter feared that above all the witch still owned the hearts of some Narnians whom she managed to trick, including his brother. He knew that Aslan died for Edmund, but he doubted the strength of Edmund's heart, what if a mended traitor goes back to betrayal.

"Morning, Pete." Edmund walked into the thrown room, tying his belt around his pants and securing his sword. His hair was wet and he had an unusual smile on his face.

Peter looked at his brother, remembering how good he was with swords. It was like Edmund was a natural, the sword was a brush and Edmund, the artist. At any point, he could take over and kill Peter. Fear was slowly taking over Peter's thoughts. "Good morning, Ed."

"What's wrong?" He noticed his brother's worried face.

"Narnia is losing to the witch's powers. We need more backup, more soldiers. I don't know, I guess I am just stressed out." Peter confessed. He caught the thought he had earlier, about his brother betraying them again, and locked it far away. He was thinking ill of his own family and that was exactly what evil wanted.

"Don't worry, Narnia will always win, with Aslan. Plus we have a secret weapon among our midst and we don't even know it," Edmund gave his brother a bright smile and a pat on the back.

"And how do you know that, Ed?" Peter questioned, knowing that Edmund knows a lot more than him.

"Because I know things, things I cannot reveal." His brother smiled again and sat on the throne beside him. When Edmund gave Peter the book of Narnia to read about the keeper of light, Peter was more focused on the war and refused to read a silly book when his mind could have been focused on battles. So Edmund realized that he couldn't confide in Peter with this one particular thing that could change everything. He kept the secret to himself.

Peter slouched in his throne, trying to figure out where his brother got enough optimism to say such things. He knew that Narnians were strong, but there was still a slight chance they might lose. That slight chance worried Peter, he didn't sleep well that night thinking about the war. Even Caspian didn't show signs of distress, even Susan. Peter felt alone like it was the witch's army versus him, and his siblings were just watching him fight in the distance.

He pushed all the bad feeling aside and stood up, "we are meeting the king of Telemar."

"How come Caspian didn't want to stay there, he was the prince?" Edmund asked his brother referring to the lands they gave to Telmarines who decided to stay.

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