Chapter 37. Royal Proposal To A Queen

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He could make any girls heart skip a beat if he wanted to, but he could never make hers. Angelina always saw something suspicious in his demeanor. Nicolas, his smooth words and good looks, didn't attract Angelina, in fact they scared her. The more he was around her, the more she'd try to get away as if her insides warned her of his charming danger, that or it was her instinct pulling herself closer to Edmund.

Hunting and fighting, those were some of his main hobbies. Prince Nicolas also loved collecting wild plants for some strange reason. He was a man of good posture and past, his vocabulary made him look good in front of any king or queen. To say the least, Nicolas was all that a young woman wanted in a husband.

Discovering him did not come as hard as discovering Edmund, he was opened towards the idea of a young lady getting to know him. Nicolas seemed almost flawless, but past experience told her that was a lie. No one human in their right mind is capable of being flawless. Not even Edmund Pevensie.

It took her one day in the gardens and another one out riding to get to know prince Nicolas. As open as he was, she wished he would leave some things a mystery for her to discover. It scared her how close they had become over the past two days, or how close they seemed to have become. He would compliment her and she would smile without saying nothing of such sorts back.

"You know, I also know about the book of Narnian prophecies. My father told me about the great book. He also told me about a beautiful woman who was destined to become queen." Smiling, he looked down at her, being much taller than she was.

Nervous laughter took over her body, suspecting what he was hinting on. "Queen? Whoever the lucky girl is, I hope you find her."

"I know I already have." Prince Nicolas smiled.

He got down on one knee in front of her and she knew that the world was suddenly moving too fast. With only two days of getting to know her, he was already proposing. Then again, this was a different time and they did have different ways of doing things.

"Be my queen, together we will rule Telmar. With our borders you can definitely save Narnia! Our army is stronger than King Peter's." Nicolas said.

She didn't want to, not even thinking of it, she shook her head in refusal. However, she didn't know how to refuse an offer of hand and marriage. So, doing the best thing that she could come up with, Angelina ran. She ran away from her worries, the proposal, and Nicolas.

Like all bad things you want to run away, you find yourself stumbling on the good in the process. As she ran to the stables, opening the door wide open and stumbling in like a hurricane, she landed on someone's body preventing her from hitting the cold ground as she pulled him down with her.

The person groaned and she recognized the sound of none other than Edmund. A feeling of safety filling her senses, a thought and knowledge of protection. If only he would recognize her this instant and tell her that she didn't need to run away. If only he looked into her eyes and smiled, showing her that he was familiar with her. But, Edmund didn't, he simple grabbed his head, rubbing it from the contact with the ground. He rolled his eyes when he saw her.

"Do you ever watch where you're going?" His words made her snap back to reality.

Angelina frowned, "I'm sorry. I was running away from something. Or maybe towards something."

"Well that something you ran towards is me, more like ran into." He stood up and brushed the dirt off his pants.

"Indeed I have," she looked over at him smiling at how the person she happened to run into turned out to be the person she hoped she'd run into.

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