Chapter 48. London Before Narnia

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"Well don't stop keep going!" Lucy nagged her brother as he was about to tell her what happened in London before they came to Narnia.

Edmund sighed, not wishing to recall the past. "Fine, it happened in the park."

Lucy and Edmund were just being introduced to the new school facilities by the teachers and their aunt and uncle walked around the school to approve of it. Of course, it was already settled that they were going to go there, still Edmund didn't want to. Lucy, however, was excited to make new friends. Knowing his history with friendships in London, Edmund was not so enthusiastic about it.

His sister quickly made a couple of friends who started explaining to her how the classes worked and who was in her class. Edmund shook his head in annoyance as the three girls giggled at him. Lucy just gave him a sympathetic look and returned to the conversation with the girls.

Just as he took a step forward and made his way outside, a ball hit his side with force. Blinking a couple of times and turning to the direction it came from, Edmund noticed a couple of boys his age staring.

"Pass it here mate, sorry we didn't see you there because you were so unnoticeable." The tall blonde boy said with a smirk on his face and his friends instantly started laughing, supporting him in his humor.

With a straight face, Edmund picked up the ball and threw it their way with all his force, "no problem, mate." He was a king, and he wasn't going to stoop down to their level.

The first week of school was horrible as usual. He made some unwanted "friends". Of course, it was not his fault, or any new kids fault. The boys just loved to give the newbies attention, and most of the time it was not good attention.

On his first day of school Edmund noticed her; Isabella. She was a fair and kind creature, however he had never started a conversation with her until that one time in the park. He was walking Lucy back home when his new friends decided to play a dirty trick of "who can make fun of Edmund the most". He would quietly walk and ignore them with Lucy by his side who was sheltered behind him.

"Leave him alone!" She finally said, tired of some boys teasing her brother who was a king.

"Oh, so your sister does all the protecting huh, I see she is the man of the family. You are such a girl!" The boys laughed again.

Learning to ignore them, nothing would budge Edmund anymore. He had his fare share of bullies, and these were not even half as bad as some he knew when he was a kid.

"Why don't you pick on someone your own size Alfred?" Both Lucy and Edmund turned to the owner of the voice. Isabella stood behind them, tapping her foot on the floor.

"Isabella, as bright as the morning star, always to the rescue." The boy, Alfred, made his way towards her, attempting to remove a loose strand of hair off her face.

"Piss off, Alf." She moved her head from him, but that only intimidated him more until he received a blow to his head from Edmund. The rest of the boys watched in shock and didn't want to challenge the Pevensie boy who towered over Alfred.

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