1. Containing Anger

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Meira's POV:

The three sun's beat down on the Arena and there were no clouds in the bright blue sky. I wiped the sweat from my forehead as every girl in the stands cheered and shouted, waving swords or shooting little sparks into the air. Lady Monroe sat in the balcony in the middle of the stands, over watching the arena. Little flowers blossomed inside the cracks in the rock and her whole person shimmered like water, her long brown hair failing down in waves like a waterfall.

This is it, I thought as I shook Freya's hand and narrowed my eyes at her sneer. We stepped back twenty paces from one another, never breaking eye contact. The announcer raised a hand and everyone fell quiet. "You know the rules girls," she said, her voice magically magnifying to an echo, "But I'll remind everyone here so there are no accidents like last time." We all winced a little at the memory of the last battle.

"Okay, no combat, no armor, no weapons, no vulgarity......" She went on, naming the the ten rules of a Magic Scrimmage. I tuned it all out though, clenching my fists and trying to calm my thundering heart. Freya, however, looked completely relaxed as she checked her nails with slight interest and twirled her dark brown hair around in her other hand. Freya is the best at magic in all of the school. I'm pretty good too, but not up to her level.

The Arena was very large, much bigger than the mortal's - what do they call it again? - Coliseum and the outer walls had vines growing up it. Every Magic Scrimmage was held here and usually they're private battles with only someone from the council overseeing it, but The Day of Decision was at the end of the week. At the close of every summer, when winter is about to break out, all of the Eighth years go through a series of events so we are prepared and ready to become a warrior. Lady Monroe is always present for these events.

"Alright," the announcer said with a grim smile, "Let's do this." Roars erupted once more in the arena and I took my stance, mirroring Freya. I can do this. I can control it. "Ready." Nothing is going to stop me. "Set." I will beat Freya, I will become a warrior. "Fight!" Someone hit the gong and it had begun. I quickly dove out of the way, a disk of energy exploding behind me.

Freya didn't hold back. She ran forward, throwing more blood-red disks at me as I ran and dodged out of the way. The Arena shook with all the force of the noise as the crowd roared. I ran to the wall, climbing two quick steps up it and flipping into the air, over Freya. The second I was landing, Freya was skidding to a stop, her fists clenched and an aura of red surrounded them. Don't loose control. I swung my arm back at her as I ran away, a blast of fire heading towards her.

Just in time, she deflected the fire with small force field, yet the impact pushed her back a little. It went on like that for a little while, Freya chasing me back and forth and me throwing blasts of fire at her or waves of water I took from the puddles on the ground. It was frowned upon not to use your own magic in a Scrimmage, but magic was magic, no one could deny that.

Once more, I flipped off the wall, though this time behind Freya. She slid into the wall with surprise; she had been running so fast she couldn't stop. I waved my hands at her quickly, not wasting a second, and water from the puddle a few feet away hit Freya with such force she fell to the ground soaking wet.

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