47. She'll Tell You A Tragedy

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Hey ya'll!

First off, before I say anything else, I just want to tell you guys that I saw the new Star Trek movie. And it was awesome!!!! Personally,I like The Next Generation ( the tv show - just to clarify) more, but I thought this was a really good movie and I loved it and would totally see it again.


This chapter made me sad. Just going to warn you.


Meira's POV:

It was Saturday, the morning after the attack on the Amarog camp.

Unfortunately, the mission failed. Thor had carefully explained that wherever these metal pieces were hidden, the place would be heavily guarded and more of an Amarog base than a camp. Turns out, there was not a piece to the key in this camp. I stayed awake all night waiting for them to get back - Aaron had fallen asleep an hour after they had left. 

They were all beaten and bruised once they got back. Tony's Iron Man suit was clawed, Natasha limped greatly and Clint had trouble breathing from being thrown, Lee had a broken arm, and Bruce didn't even go out into the field. Steve and Thor were the least injured (minus Bruce and Tony) who only came back with a few gashes and large bruises. 

"You know I'm a scientist, right? I can't set broken bones with the snap of my fingers." said Bruce, holding Lee's crooked arm. Lee had refused to go to a hospital last night, despite what anyone said, and slept with a broken arm until this morning. He was quiet and tried not to make it seem like a big deal, but I could tell he was in serious pain.

It was hard for me to understand what he was going through. Thoranians feel pain much more than the average mortal because of the science and magic that goes into creating life on my planet, but since I was not born the way I raised to believe, pain is a strange subject to me. I feel pain, yes, but it's different. It's almost as if most of the pain takes place inside, like in my mind, rather than any physical injury. 

I don't understand it myself, and I suppose this is what separates me even more than anyone I will ever know. 

"Just do something," Lee hissed, sweat trickling down the side of his face. "Anything." Bruce sighed and went to work. I sat on the ground next to Lee, handing him a water bottle and trying to think of encouraging things to say. I wasn't entirely sure what I was feeling. I wasn't angry towards Lee anymore, but I didn't feel like I completely forgave him either. What he said may have been true, but it was out of line and hurt me deeply. And those words will be something I will never forget. 

"Son of a b-" Lee bit his tongue, hitting his head against the wall and and slamming his fist into the ground. Bruce didn't say anything as he wrapped up Lee's arm, but I swore I saw a flicker of smirk. A few more minutes later, Lee was walking around with his right arm in a sling. I hadn't moved from my spot and I picked at the brown hay on the ground.

Banished| Book One In The Series | Avengers Fan-fic| ****ON HOLD****Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora