16. To Her Broken Memories

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I'm not sure if you'll like this chapter or not. I mean, I liked writing it, I always like writing chapters..... XD

***OH YEAH! This whoooole book takes place between the first Avengers movie and Thor 2. Yes, I know, sort of a small time gap.***

Enjoy the chapter!

Five years earlier 

Third Person POV:

The morning was bright and warm, as it normally was on Thorix, and the Capital Building stood tall and strong not far in the distant from where a young girl with light blonde hair with white ends stood in a small meadow. The joyous sounds of the villagers rose into the sky and floated in Meira's ears, but she continued stepping her barefooted way through the thick grass, a handful of bright purple flowers in her hand.

Her white dress was already covered in mud at the bottom and Meira knew that she would have kitchen duty tonight if she got caught in the dirtied dress by the East House Mother, so the nine year old figured she might have to stay out here all day before she could go back to the dorms - make it seem like she had joined in on the Summer's Eve celebrations. 

Meira smiled to herself as she plopped down on a dry piece of grass and began to make a small flower crown. The meadow was quite peaceful this morning and nothing except the swaying of the small trees in the wood beside the meadow and the small caws of exotic birds and strange animals. Despite its calm air, the meadow is usually blocked off from the village surrounding the Capital Building.

This is because of the border of the neighboring village plenty miles off. The Council had to agree to ridiculous terms if they wanted to keep the peace of the land and not start a turf war, because then things would not end well for anyone. So, with powerful magic, the meadow can not be entered without saying a spell, which is a well kept secret between Botulf and his men - Botulf is the leader of the village Aramore, who owns the meadow.

But the young girl had no problem skipping her way in, which she normally does when she has break from her studies or sparing and magic lessons. Though this is because of the most valuable thing to anyone on Thorix - the Crystal. It, of course, bypassed the invisible gates closing off the meadow and Meira was able to step right in. The first time Meira had ever found the Meadow, she was running quite fast and quite blindly from a large group of girls, most being her sisters, who had been bullying the young girl for her hair by pulling and yanking at it.

That was nearly a month ago, and now Meira comes to the meadow whenever she can, picking flowers and humming an ancient Asgardian song she learned from one of her teachers one day. No one had cared much for the history of their sister planet, Asgard, but Meira stayed behind to ask a seemingly unimportant question. "How does the song go, ma'am?" She had asked. Meira had been looking through the leather bound book and found an old song written in Asgardian, something she could not read very well like many of the others, but wished to understand the song. So, with some time, her teacher taught Meira the song, and now the girl knows it by heart.

The song, translated to English, is called Tainted Beauty. Meira hummed a little louder, tying the last stems together and then placing the flower crown gently on her head before laying down singing softly in Asgardian:

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