9. Unwilling Protectors

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Sorry for the long wait, y'all! I had some intense writer's block and literally stared at my computer screen all week, trying to figure out what to write. This chapter is pretty short, but I hope you enjoy it!

Two days later.

Third Person POV:

Tony Stark and Thor walked quickly, not saying a word as they went down several turns and hallways, heading towards the lab which somehow always becomes something of conference room to the Avengers. Tony had tried to make conversation, but Thor wouldn't indulge until all of the Avengers were present.

Thor looked exhausted. His eyes were red at the rims from lack of sleep and he looked as though he hadn't eaten in days. Mjolnir was tightly clutched in his hand until Thor's knuckles turned white, all the while thunder rumbled not far off from the helicarrier. And because of this, for safety precautions, the helicarrier had sunk back down to the sea below.

Tony himself didn't look well, but it was only his growing worry at what must be so terrible to make Thor this way. Tony only hoped it was something the Avengers could stop. Finally, the two men arrived at the lab to find the others and Nick Fury waiting for them.

"Thor, you look exhausted." Steve said, surprised to see the Norse god in such bad shape. Thor gave a weak chuckle, but it was short lived.

"I do admit, my friends," He said, "I am not feeling my best." They gave Thor a minute to collect himself, watching as he set Mjolnir down heavily on one of the tables. "I wish I had brought better news," Thor sighed, "But Heimdall has seen something."

"Does it have to do with our new friend?" Fury asked, then received a nod.

"Yes," Thor said, "Unfortunately the girl is part of a much greater picture than one we could have imagined."

"I had to visit Thorix, the planet Meira came from, to find out what happened." Thor began to explain. "The Thoranians, however, were not pleased with my arrival."

"You know, that's really odd because I had this strange feeling that they adored you." Tony interrupted. They all looked at him.

"Anyways," Thor said. "Head Council Member, Lady Monroe, was the most unpleased. And when I asked her of Meira, she would speak nothing of it, which raises many questions for it was Lady Monroe who banished Meira to Earth."

"Meira told me it was because she couldn't control her magic." Bruce said as he wiped his glasses clean on his shirt.

"Indeed," Thor concluded. "Heimdall said he had been watching when the Crystal took over Meira."

"Crystal?" Natasha said. "What crystal?"

Thor gave the woman a slightly puzzled look and gestured to his neck. "The young girl wears a crystal necklace that contains Thorix's very magic inside - it was given to her at birth to save her life." Natasha and Fury exchanged a look, but didn't say anything.

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