19. Attack and The Truth

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Hey ya'll!

It's me again and I have another chapter for you awesome peoples!

Hopefully this chapter will start making things smooth out a little more, give the Avengers a little bit more....personality? I don't know. I just think that my writing is getting kind of sucky :/

So here ya go! Enjoy!

Third Person POV:

"So you'll move the king that way, and then -"


"Yep. Perfect. You're practically a child prodigy."

Lee leaned back in his seat, resting his arms behind his head. The agent was teaching Meira how to play chess, who was staring intently at the checkered board, making up moves and patterns in her mind. 

The group had left New Zealand a little over an hour ago and were now heading to the Sunshine State, also know as Florida. They had to stop once at a small SHIELD base as they were leaving to refuel, but didn't stick around long enough for the base to start asking questions. And so, with nothing to do, and the jet on autopilot, the group relaxed and chatted among one another. 

Tony, who sat near Lee and Meira, scratched his head and muttered something under his breath as he tapped a few things on his translucent phone. No one bothered him and no one really paid him any mind. Steve sat in a seat farthest from the group, looking out the window with a hard expression across his face. He wore his uniform and his shield sat on the floor next to him. 

Thor and Bruce conversed quietly about nothing in particular on a long couch across from Natasha and Clint who would chime in from time to time and laughs would be shared. The group, despite the troubling situations in the past and many more to come, remained cheerful and lighthearted. Lee and Meira carried on with the game, Meira quickly picking up the concept and begun wining in minutes. It was a peaceful morning.

"Would you be quiet!" Meira suddenly shouted, slamming her hands on the table between her and Lee, making the chess pieces rattle. Everyone fell silent, turning their heads toward her, but she was focused on a shocked Tony.

"What?" He said, glancing at Lee who had a wide eyes and was looking back and forth between the young girl and the billionaire. Meira didn't falter. Her eyes blazed a bright blue and her hair that had been tied up in a long pony tail swooshed behind her back.

"You're yelling all these equations and crazy words I don't understand and know seems to be fazed by it!" She exclaimed. Meira was now standing, as was Thor, Natasha and Steve. The Asgardian prince was pale and he watched Meira carefully, but he didn't intervene. 

"Kid, I don't know what the hell you're talking about. I haven't said a word since I got on this plane." Tony shrugged and shook his head. This time, Meira did pause. Her brow furrowed and she looked at Lee who nodded, agreeing with Tony.

"B-but I don't get it," she said, her arms dropping to her sides as she stared at Tony. "I heard you. You just said 'Maybe Veronica?'. I heard your voice. I heard you." Tony snapped his head towards Thor, saying, "Man, you have to do something about this mind reading thing, it's seriously creeping me out."

Banished| Book One In The Series | Avengers Fan-fic| ****ON HOLD****जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें