34. The Huntress

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Hey ya'll!

1. I'm currently listening to Black Veil Brides :D

2. I hope you enjoy this chapter, it's gonna be crazy! 

3. Don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT!

Meira's POV:

We had been on the road for six hours.

Lee had in fact slept for most of the ride, grumbling in his sleep at times and swatting my hand away whenever I tried to wake him up. It was uncomfortably quiet the whole time, with only Steve and Thor chatting a few times about where we were going and how long it would take. At every rest stop we all had to wear dark sunglasses or hoodies. Of course, Steve made me do both. 

At the moment we were having a late lunch somewhere near Nashville at rest stop surrounded by tall trees too thick to see through. I sat alone at a concrete picnic table with my head resting on my arms. I was blowing  a leaf across the table and watching the wind blow it back when Steve and Thor came back with cheap burritos.

"Sorry." Steve shrugged, handing me a soggy one. "It was all they had." 

I sighed and forced myself to smile anyways, taking one of the sodas Thor had set in front of me. Thor smiled back at me, not seeing through the act. I had been cheery and willing the whole time, but my patience was starting to wear thin. It was hot and I had to wear stupid hoodies to hide my hair. I'm actually considering dyeing it like Lee had mentioned last night. 

"Where's Lee?" I asked. Steve nodded behind me. I turned to see Lee leaning against the wall of the rest stop, blowing smoke out in large clouds. I rolled my eyes and took a bite of my soggy burrito, choking it down with fruity soda - leave it to Lee to look cool. Thunder rumbled off in the distance making me look at Thor, but he was in a deep conversation with Steve about Mjolnir and how the hammer worked, not paying attention to the sky at all. I suppose summer and winter is different here on Earth.

The longer we sat there though, the more uncomfortable I became. I looked over my shoulder every few minutes, even when Lee plopped down next to me, silent as ever and perfect for bothering. I noticed how the rest stop slowly emptied out and it was just us and a few others.

"Meira, what's wrong?" Steve asked me. I then noticed that my hand was resting on my dagger that was tucked inside the waist band of my jeans. My skin crawled and a chill ran down my back, making me look towards the woods nearby. 

"Someone is in there..." I said quietly as I slowly pulled out my dagger. 

"How do you know?" Thor asked. I shook my head. I don't know what was pulling me towards the woods, but I just knew that we had to go there. Or get away. 

"I think we should leave." Steve announced. I stood up a little too quickly, making me trip a little, but I didn't care, all I wanted was to get away from this place. I shuffled down the path from the picnic tables, looking all around me as I reached the SUV. Just as I opened the door, time seemed to slow. I heard Lee shout something and another sound I have heard time and time again - the sound of an arrow being released. 

Banished| Book One In The Series | Avengers Fan-fic| ****ON HOLD****Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora