45. The Deer

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Hey ya'll!

This chapter is going to be relatively short, but I hope you like it anyways :D

Be sure to check out my 30-Day Writing Challenge book!


Third Person POV:

Heidi stalked through the trees, the ground getting rocky and uneven the further she went. Heidi was in a remote area on Earth, alone, and gripping her sword tight in her hand. She was dressed in simple armor that covered her arms and chest and torso. A tattered red cape swept behind Heidi as she walked, drifting like a ghost. In these last few months, Heidi's appearance had changed drastically. Her hair had darkened to black, her eyes a bright glowing yellow, and her ears pointed sharply. 

Heidi dashed through a small opening between two cliffs, crouching down into the mist and following the deer that she has been hunting. Ran faster, jumped higher, and stepped lighter than ever before, the thrill of the hunt fueling her energy. She stopped, kneeling down and holding her sword out. Twenty paces away, in a break in the mist, the deer stood, nibbling on a patch of grass. The deer couldn't see Heidi through the dense fog, and the woman was so skilled that the agile animal couldn't even hear her. 

Heidi grinned, exposing two sharpened teeth.  Swiftly, she lunged towards the deer, rolling and throwing her sword a it. The deer fell, the sword having penetrated straight through its heart. Heidi walked up to the small, bleeding animal, enjoying every second as she pulled her sword out of it's body. 

"I did not realize that you spent your time preying on animals, rather than finding the girl." 

Heidi turned, smiling. "I find it a pleasurable activity. I like seeing the life drain out of their eyes." she replied smoothly, barely fazed that Vrukore stood before her. He wore his cloak  and simple clothing, his white hair and wild blue eyes making him look dangerous even without armor and a weapon. Heidi sheathed her sword, still smiling cruelly. 

"Answer me this," Vrukore said as he crouched next to the dead animal, it's small eyes still wide with fear. "Why do you leave the bodies?" Heidi hummed quietly to herself, not quite knowing the answer to that. The warrior had never thought much of it, but it as true, she did leave the bodies. There were plenty more dead animals miles back from this spot. 

Vrukore frowned, something flashing in his eyes. Slowly, he held his hand over the large wound in the animals side. Bright light swelled from his hands, turning from a bright blue to a searing white light. When it died, the animal's injury was gone. The deer blinked, then sprung from the ground, leaping away into the mist.

Heidi said nothing and only stared after it, itching to track it down and kill it again. "Why?" Heidi asked after a moment, turning to Vrukore who stood watching her with a blank expression. "You have killed hundreds, why heal a deer? It's life means nothing."

"I keep you alive, do I not?" said Vrukore. His expression didn't change, but he took pleasure in Heidi's obvious irritation. The sorcerer turned to leave when Heidi spoke.

"It's because of her isn't it? Kaija?" she sneered. "After all this time, you are still in love with her. I believe the fables to be false, but they are true." Heidi walked towards a frozen Vrukore, continuing on. "A young prince in the early days of Thorix, the heir to the throne, before the time of the Crystal Era. He visits a faraway village, meeting a mysterious woman intoxicated with life." Heidi stopped at Vrukore's side, watching him as he stared straight ahead, his eyes wavering slightly.

"The two fall deeply in love and make plans to run away and live together," Heidi's voice was barely above a whisper as she slowly stepped in front of Vrukore, tilting his chin up and meeting his eyes. She paused briefly and Vrukore took this moment push her hand away, turning from her. "But unfortunately the young woman died during childbirth." Heidi snarled, irritated that he pushed her away. 

"Do not speak of her." Vrukore growled, grabbing Heidi's neck and pushing her towards a large boulder. Heidi laughed, not even aware that she was challenging death. Vrukore shook his head, dropping his hand and walking away from Heidi as she laughed more, taunting him. Vrukore faltered in his strong steps, blinking furiously. His eyes dulled, turning a normal brown. A wave of confusion fell over him and he looked up as though he didn't know where he was.

He shook his head again, his eyes reverting to a bright blue, and once more the blank expression took it's place on his face and he disappeared into the mist, his fists clenched tightly. 

What'd you think?



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