49. The Snitch

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Hey ya'll!

Well, I just had an extremely large dog the size of a small pony walk up onto my porch and had to walk him back home, so that was an adventure.

Any-who, here's the next chapter! Chapter 50 will be next - wow, that's crazy to think about....


Meira's POV:

Something didn't feel right. 

I started getting a bad feeling sometime after I managed to shatter the glass bottles. At first, I thought it was nothing - everyone else was talking and trying to plan where we would go next. The later it got, however, the more anxious I became. I began pacing around the barn and peeking out the doors or cracks in the walls, but all I could see was just rows of some green plant and the farmer's house.

"What's got you all freaked out?" Tony asked me at one point. The sun was starting to set, and Steve decided that even though Thor still wasn't back from Asgard, we needed to get moving. (Thor had left for Asgard late last night.) I couldn't agree more and packed up faster than anyone else. I then put on a long jacket-coat-like thing over my hoodie and tied my hair in a low pony tail, bring my hood over my head. 

"I-I don't know," I stuttered slightly, shoving my hands in my coat pockets and walking away from the doors. "I just have a bad feeling." Natasha, who was a few feet away, looked up at me. She and Tony shared a brief look before going back to shoving clothes in bags and hiding weapons here and there; but this time a few steps faster. 

I sat on a wooden crate for a few minutes, trying to calm down, thinking it was only my imagination that something really bad was about to happen. When everyone was finally ready, I was the first one outside and into one of the trucks. Lee hopped in next to me, the right sleeve of his leather jacket hung lazily over his shoulder.

"I guess we won't be training today. I really got to break this thing." Lee muttered to himself as he dropping the half of a cigarette that was in his hand out the window. I was too occupied with my nervous thoughts on leaving the barn to make a comment. Natasha climbed into the driver's seat while Clint got into the passenger's. 

Finally, we were driving down the dirt road away from the barn. I sighed in relief, relaxing slightly. It was a few minutes until we got to the main road, and by the then the sky was turning a dark blue, Lee and Clint were talking about some kind of fighting tactics while Natasha stayed quiet. I caught her eye in the rear-view mirror and quickly looked back out the window. 

"You okay?" Natasha asked me, glancing back at me again. 

I nodded, rubbing the back of my neck. "Yeah, I think I just -" I stopped abruptly, freezing. Just near the main road was the farmer's house. He had nicely let us stay in the barn and didn't ask too many questions as to why, but as we passed the large house, I saw him standing on the porch steps watching us leave. And somehow I knew. I knew he was looking directly at me.

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