26. War Child

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( A/N Currently writing on my phone. This is not fun at all, I seriously have a new appreciation for the writers who do this continuously; my hat goes off to you.)

Hey ya'll!

Sorry I haven't been updating in a while; my computer is broken ( good job Athena, you keep dropping it ) and ACT testing has going on this week and I don't know if I'll find the will to do anything except mourn over my dark future this weekend.

Any-who, enjoy the chapter and don't forget to COMMENT and VOTE! I love it when people do!

Meira's POV:

When I wake up, all hell breaks loose.

"I'll pound your face into the wall!" I screamed at the attractive boy being held back by Clint.

"I'm gonna make you wish you never set foot on our planet!" Agent Aaron Tyler yelled back.

I was struggling against Steve's strong arms around my waist, pulling me away from the young agent. Other than the fact that I was trying to claw out Agent Aaron Tyler's throat, we had left Alabama very quickly after Thor and the others found us knocked out in the mall. The Avengers had decided to stop once we got to Arkansas, taking Agent Aaron Tyler with us after checking in with Fury.

We were hiding out in an old barn for a moment, considering my face is still plastered all over the country, but the Avengers had made do with what we had by getting sleeping bags at a local sporting goods store. The second I woke up, my head instantly began to feel like someone was pounding it with a sledge hammer. Bruce was there at my side and explained to me what had happened and that I had a concussion, but because of my rapid healing abilities, I should be okay within a few days.

I had gotten up and only walked a few steps before I saw him. Agent Aaron Tyler sitting on a small hay bale, talking with Tony and Clint. Steve, who was leaning against the wall listening to their conversation, immediately jumped forward and grabbed me as I started towards the young agent. Agent Aaron Tyler had done the same and Clint grabbed him before Tony could.

The agent was pretty hurt, that much I could tell. His lip was busted and their was a large green and light purple bruise forming around his eyes. That gave me pleasure.

"Hey! Hey now, cut it out!" Steve shouted, silencing our threats for a moment. "Could you both please try and not rip each other's throats out for a second and listen?"

I huffed and shrugged off Steve's arms. I sat down on an giant tire and took a look around the barn, trying to calm myself down. It was only one large room and the ground was covered in hay and grass. The ceiling was high and spacious landing went all around the room. There was farming equipment along the walls, including a large, dark green tractor off the side with a long table that seats ten near it. Light was streaming in from some holes in the ceiling and I figured it to be around mid-day.

I saw Natasha and Lee standing over by the late door way, watching us and chatting every now and then. Thor appeared in the doorway then and began to walk over to me, a hard expression on his face.

"Can I leave now?" Aaron sighed, sitting on the hay bale again and holding an ice pack to one of his eyes. "No." Everyone spoke at once, not even looking at him. I smirked to myself and shook my head at the floor.

"Oh, and what are you laughing at?" Aaron said before Steve could speak. I narrowed my eyes at him and clenched my fists but didn't stand. "Nothing," I coolly replied. "I'm just amazed at your stupidity." Aaron jumped up again only to be held back by Clint and Tony this time.

"Everyone just stop - just stop it - I said stop." I flinched slightly at Steve's raised voice, surprised at the bark in it. Natasha and Lee were standing around us now with the others and Aaron was sitting back down. My anger didn't go down however. "Look," Steve continued. "No one is going anywhere until figure this all out. Now, we need to know how long we can stay here, when we need to head out, and how much supplies we need for now and for the road. Aaron, though, I think the director of SHIELD might like to have a word with you."

The scowl on Aaron's face only deepened more and he crossed his arms and looked away. "Don't you have something you'd like to tell us, Agent?" Clint said, placing a hand on the boy's shoulder. That's when I noticed they all had changed clothes. They were all wearing jeans, boots, and either flannel or tee-shirts. It was still strange to see Thor in Midgardian clothing.

We looked expectantly at Aaron and he shifted under the gaze of so many people. He mumbled something incomprehensible, by one look from Clint made him speak louder. "I lied," he finally said. "I came out here on my own, not because my officer assigned me the task..." He trailed off then, a shadow crossing his face. He suddenly looked much older and sadder.

"Why are you here?" Natasha asked. Aaron looked at me then and something dangerous flashed in his eyes. "My mom and little sister died in those attacks in San Francisco." He said point blank.

I had almost forgotten about that, it seemed so long ago. I looked away from Aaron's hate filled eyes and my confidence slipped away. I was still a murderer, no matter where I go, where I hide, someone gets hurt. "So you thought you could get revenge?" Natasha said and once more Aaron tried to stand, but this time it was Natasha that needed to be held back. She crossed her arms and didn't meet anyone's eyes. All you could hear int eh barn was complete silence, except for the occasional bird tweet outside and swaying of trees.

"I'm sorry." Steve said finally. Aaron snorted. "Yeah, well, sorry isn't going to bring them back. But taking her to SHIELD might make me feel a hell of a lot better." I bit my tongue and looked at the wall ahead of me. "No one is taking anyone anywhere." Tony clarified. "And you aren't going back to SHIELD. Don't you realize what you've done? Vrukore, the evil sorcerer that's after the girl you're trying to arrest, he'll know that you've been with us - heck, he probably already does."

"Doesn't matter." Aaron said. "She's still a fugitive. A killer. And as an agent who's lost more than she ever will -"

The glass windows shattered just as I stood and sparkling dust rained down. I was shaking with anger and my fist were clenched so tight I thought for a second I almost broke them. "You think you're the only one who's lost things?" My voice barely above a whisper and shaking dangerously. "You lost our mother and sister. I lost my entire planet. I lost all the people I've ever known. And you want to know why? Because I was banished to your planet, so Vrukore wouldn't find me."

I stormed past them and out of the barn. I gripped my crystal necklace tight, closing my eyes and refusing to let the tears fall. I will not let him make me feel weak. I am a warrior. I am a warrior. I opened my eyes to the vast valley beyond. Large trees dotted the sides of the roaming fields that seemed to go on and on. I watched the storm clouds at the edge of the plains gather and form and grow darker and darker by each minute.

I hated it here. I hated all of this. I just wish that it could all be over with and done, that I could give myself up to Vrukore. No one else could get hurt then, no more innocent lives can be taken and no more worlds burned down to nothingness. The wind picked up and whipped my white hair behind me in spirals. I needed to train more, better and harder than before. I needed to be ready.

There is a war coming.

What'd you think?


Banished| Book One In The Series | Avengers Fan-fic| ****ON HOLD****Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora