37. Fight Him

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Hey ya'll!

*****I just want to clarify something: I don't own the cover. I thought that was pretty obvious, but I guess not. I don't own anything except my own characters. Okay? Good.*****

This is sort of an important chapter. I mean, I never really know XD


Meira's POV:

We had finally arrived in North Carolina late last night. 

Somehow, Tony managed to rent a summer home for us. It was built on a hill in the middle of a forest type area. There was also a small lake nearby, but we were all so exhausted from the trip that we didn't take the time to look around. I took a room in the back of the house and collapsed onto the large bed, not bothering to change clothes and falling asleep instantly. 

 I had strange dreams all night of me running down tunnels underneath The School on Thorix and dark shadows that could change shape. I woke up many times with my heart racing and cold sweat sticking to my skin, voices and words I couldn't understand echoing in my ears. 

When it was finally the next morning, I was woken up by the covers being yanked off me and Lee yelling at me to get up. "What for...?" I groaned, trying to forget the unnerving dreams as he paced in my room, pushing back the curtains and throwing clothes at me. I groaned again when I saw that the sun wasn't even up.

"Now it's your turn to be woken up too early." said Lee, pulling me back up when I tried to lay back down. "Come on now, sweetheart." Lee chirped. "Time to get up and face the day. Or the workout, I should be saying." Once I could sit up by myself, Lee left the room so I could change into some shorts and a tee-shirt. I rubbed my eyes and checked the time. It was nearly 5:30 in the morning. I sighed and started to get ready, falling out of bed in a groggy stupor. I was gathering my hair into a pony tail when he walked back in.

"Great! You're ready; let's go for a quick run down one of the trails."

When Lee said "quick run", I thought maybe a nice jog around the lake and back, but no. We had to run at least eight miles up a hill, which wasn't too horrible, but then Lee decided to go down another trail that led off into the woods. For the past two to three months, I had gotten out of my rhythm of exercising nonstop. I, and the other girls, would train almost everyday on Thorix. And now I guess this meant the Mid-guardian training Lee had mentioned before, began now. 

The sun had risen by the time I got back to the house, or log cabin I should say when I got a good look at it. I collapsed onto the porch, ignoring Steve's raised eyebrow. He was sitting on one of the outdoor furniture with a cup of coffee in his hands. "You okay?" he asked, taking a sip of his coffee. I just gasped for air in response. I caught my breath after a few minutes and just laid there and closed my eyes, sweating in the hot sun and listening to the endless sounds of nature. 

"I hate this planet." I muttered under my breath, meaning every word of it. Lee or Steve didn't say anything.  "I want to go back home." Someone sighed lightly and I figured it to be Steve. "I know how that feels..." Steve said quietly. "But you'll get through it. It's not so bad after a while." Steve had explained to me back in New Zealand that he was part of a Super Solider project back in the 1940's. I wasn't given all the details, but Steve told me there was an accident and he crashed into freezing waters, and then waking up in the future 80 years later. 

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