12. Meet The Avengers

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Hey ya'll! Sorry this is late. Again. Next week I have exams (yikes!) so I'll be drowning in note cards and books, which means it'll be unlikely that I get a chapter up. But Christmas break is soon! Woo-hoo! I promise to have at least two chapters up by then. And if not, you have permission to hunt me down.

Jk, please don't do that......XD


Third Person POV:

Clint watched the helicarrier sink down through the clouds in flames, Amarog still running on its deck or jumping on the ships that they came in. They had just left and Natasha was flying the small jet. Everyone was there, including Meira. And Agent Hawthorn. He had been close and Clint grabbed him and pulled him in just as they were taking off.

Clint wasn't worried about SHIELD. They would bounce back. They have connections everywhere. He turned away from the window and looked over his team. Tony was leaning against the wall with his helmet off, staring down at the floor. Steve was siting down and running a hand through is hair, his shield next to him. Bruce was tending to Agent Hawthorn ( he had managed to not Hulk out ) who had a large gash on his forehead and several burns on his arms.

Thor was standing next to Meira. She was laying down on a cot in the back, out cold. Thor was holding her necklace in his hands, frowning. It may have been a trick of the light, but Clint could have sworn that he saw Thor rest a hand on Meira's head, like a father would have, and worried expression cross his face.

"Where to?" Natasha piped up, breaking the tense silence. Tony looked up, snapping out of his trance. "Avengers Tower." He blandly said and the woman nodded stiffly. "We'll have to be quick," She said, thinking the same thing as Clint.

"Grab the essentials, make some calls...." Natasha went through the list Clint knew all to well. The two assassins knew what this meant. They couldn't stay in New York for long. Steve suddenly stood. "The question is though, why did those.......things, attack the helicarrier?" No one answered. Tony looked back down again and Bruce paused, and the two assassins glanced at each other. All of them knew the answer.

Thor looked up finally to see all of the Avengers and Agent Hawthorn watching him with grim expressions. Once it clicked, Thor's face settled into a frown. "No," he said before anyone could speak. "This changes nothing." Steve opened his mouth to say something, but a small gasp made everyone stiffen. The sound, so small and weak, came from Meira. Her chest rose and fell shakily and her breaths came out short, as if she had been startled by something. Her eyes remained closed.

Steve slowly sat back down, Tony looked away, and Natasha and Clint locked their eyes on the night sky in front of them. Agent Hawthorn waved off Bruce so the doctor could see to Meira. Thor stepped back and watched with troubled eyes, for he knew a secret. Such a secret that could risk everyone's life, a secret that risk the whole world. But he also knew the others couldn't know, not yet. This secret about Meira burned away at him and fell unsettled in his stomach.

Meira can never know, Thor concluded silently, she can never know who she really is. Though this made Thor even more uneasy. He remembered the legends of the Crystal, he knew that the wearer could have unlimited power. The power of the stars themselves - Thor was positive, from what he has seen, that Meira wields this power - the power bring life to the deceased, and even the power to......hear one's thoughts. Thor didn't know what else Meira, or the Crystal, could do. Together, they could be nearly unstoppable, but Meira has yet to control this godly power.

Thor knew one thing, however.

He knew that no matter the cost, he had to keep Meira, the Crystal, and the secret safe.

Even if he dies along the way.


Meira's POV:

I awoke to silence, yet I did not open my eyes. I was lying down, on a cot of sorts, and I felt that my right arm and left ankle were wrapped. As I woke up more, I heard a distant, low continuous hum and every few seconds or so, I felt the sensation that I was moving. This time, I did open my eyes, and I found myself looking up to a grey ceiling.

I turned my head and saw many people either sleeping on the ground or on the small benches on the walls (that is what they seemed to be at least). It was dark in the odd room, but I could recognize only a few. Agent Natasha Romanoff sat with her dark red head in her knees with a man in sleeveless leather sleeping on the ground by her side. Bruce was curled up close to me, his brow furrowed as if he was angry. Agent Hawthorn, the guard that stood outside my room that I figure a cell, was lying flat on the ground in the middle of this room.

A man in red and gold armor slept half way on one of the benches as if he has been intoxicated by the strongest of drinks. And Thor, he sat near the armored man, his arms on his knees with his hands clasped tightly together. His head was bowed. The prince almost looked as though he was praying. I had barely shifted when he quickly looked up.

"Meira," he breathed out heavily. From the small circles under his eyes, I suspected that he must have stayed up through the night. That is, if it was morning already. There were no windows in here. Thor got to his feet, waking up the armored man momentarily before he fell back asleep. Thor helped me sit up and then kneeled down in front of me.

"Meira," he said again, but with a slight smile. "How do you feel? What do you remember?" In all honesty, I remember little. I remember Agent Hawthorn grabbing me and then.....nothing. "Enough." I replied, my voice rough. I cleared my throat as Thor woke Bruce. "Hello, Meira." Bruce greeted kindly as he stood then took two steps over to me.

I nodded to him as he leaned down and picked up a small box with two red crossing marks on it. I was silent as he opened the box and took multiple things out that I warily looked at. "Do not worry," Thor said. "Bruce will help." So I let Bruce tear off the bandage on my arm and ankle, wincing at the burns. I have no recollection of how this might have happened, but I suppose now it matters not.

"Where am I?" I questioned. Bruce glanced at Thor and he nodded once, crossing his arms stiffly. Bruce picked up a slender tube that lit up and he passed the light over my eyes. "We're on a jet." Fear immediately clutched my heart and without realizing, my hand had gone to my side. The side that had damaged rib and burned with lightening.

Thor and Bruce noticed my hesitation, but said nothing. I played with a strand of my snow white hair for a second, biting the inside of my mouth. Crown. I paused. This thought.... I didn't understand, it wasn't mine. "We'll be landing in England soon." The three of us looked up to see Agent Natasha Romanoff was sitting in the chair at the front of the jet, he back of her shoulder length red hair facing us and windows had appeared in front of her.

"Where in England are we heading to?" Bruce asked.

"Classified SHIELD base."

The man that was sleeping next her was now up as well, sitting on one of the benches. The other three began to wake too, jumping in surprise or shaking their head to clear the fog. I did not bother to ask where this "England" was. These people, the must be Thor's friends. The must be the Avengers. I do not know if I can trust these Avengers, but it appears I have no choice.

For the jet began to tip down.

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