42. The Renegade Sleepwalker

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*****All Rights Reserved to the owners of the song Make It Rain, sung by Ed Sheeran*****

Hey ya'll!

Now, I'll admit, this chapter is sad. And you might also hate me afterwards. IDK. But, as always, I hope you like it anyways. 

(I thought this song sorta fit with how Meira's been feeling lately)

Meira's POV:

The last couple of weeks, I haven't had many dreams. In fact, I haven't dreamed at all. But after that night, my mind was once more plagued by nightmares.

 Each night after the attack in North Carolina, I've woken up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat and a scream ripping out of my throat. The nightmares are worse than they have ever been in my entire life. Dreams I had as a child and long forgotten about resurface in my mind, the dreams about being on an operating table like in those old sci-fi movies and the person cutting me open are the people protecting me, and dreams about being back on Thorix during the Scrimmage and seeing everyone dead.

There are nights where I wake up and can't remember what I dreamed of, but that it was horrible and nothing could make me go back to sleep. So each night I wake up, I sit for hours until it's finally morning and then move on with my day. We had moved on from North Carolina and we stayed in some motel in some state I didn't care to know the name of.

After the third night of waking up screaming, I had fallen out of bed and knocked a lamp over in the process, shattering it. Thor and Lee began to take turns staying in my room to make sure I didn't get hurt during the night. Some nights I would wake up in tears and Thor would sit on the bed with me, and hold me in his arms until I somehow would fall back asleep from exhaustion. I would be awake for hours, crying into his shoulder or pushing him away, beating on his chest in pure fury - but he never spoke and just let me take out my pain on him, like someone who truly cares for another.

Like a father.

Lee on the other hand, most nights just told me to calm down or splash some water on my face. Lee can be cold, he doesn't show much affection and acts like he doesn't care. He'll sit in the chair next to my bed and fall right asleep, not even noticing how some nights I stayed awake for countless hours. Though, this morning I woke up and found myself curled up in Lee's arms. I figured I must've began lashing out in my sleep and Lee had laid down with me, holding me until I calmed down.

At first, it seemed like a sweet thing to do, but then I realized that it wasn't what I thought. I sat up, careful not to wake him, and looked around the room. The framed paintings were either knocked on the floor or tilted largely, a chair was turned over and papers from the small desk in the corner was strewn about, and last but not least - one of my swords was jabbed in the wall. Light rain fell softly against the window.

I turned to Lee and my fears were confirmed. His lip was busted, his scarred eye was red and swollen, and there were large cuts all over his arms. I swallowed the lump in my throat and quietly got out of the bed. Lee grumbled something in his sleep and turned over with his back to me. I shakily stood, walking around the small room, replying the scene in my head from a third person's perspective. I could see it clearly.

I begin to thrash in my sleep. The images flashing through my mind. Lee wakes up, knocking the chair over. I slowly set the chair back up, retracing my steps. Lee desperately tries to wake me up, to quiet me, but my fist collides with his face, causing him to stumble and crash into the wall. I stand against the wall, holding my left eye and leaning into the Lee-sized elbow and back dents. I spin around and raise my arms. I jump out of bed with my arms raised, getting ready to fight. I grab the sword at my beside and slash Lee in the arm. 

My breath quickens slightly as the image plays through my mind, but I keep going, following the trail. Lee cries out, cursing and grabbing his arm, ducking as my sword swings where his head would be. "Meira!" he shouts. "Wake up! It's not real!" But I don't listen. I charge towards him, cutting open his arms as I went. I bend down and touch the blood spots in the carpet, leading to the sword in the wall. Lee drops to the ground at the last second, causing my sword to slam straight into the wall, dust caking around my arm.

I look down at my hand in a daze, brushing off the beige powder. I try in vain to get the sword out of the wall, but something grabs me from behind. Lee picks me up and holds me in a death grip, dragging me away. I walk backwards along the foot of the bed, keeping an eye on Lee as he slept and stood near the other wall. I thrashed and kicked, but my strength was depleting and I suddenly felt tired and sleepy. 

Lee pulled me to the bed, sitting down and holding me in his lap. "Go to sleep, go to sleep," he said over and over, freaking out even more as I still fought against him. Finally, my eyes rolled and I fell back into his arms, falling into a deep sleep like I had never even woken up. I fell back against the wall in disbelief. I had attacked Lee in my sleep. In my sleep! And I had almost killed him.

I've gotten a lot of people killed in the last few months, and for what cost? My life? This stupid crystal I never asked the burden of having? I might as well turn myself into Vrukore and end all of this death and pain. I looked up from my feet. Why not do that? If Vrukore really wants me so bad as to kill so many people, why shouldn't I just give myself up to him? 

I bit down on my lip, thinking it over more. Without hesitating and stopping to think anymore, I quickly got dressed. As quietly as I could, I packed a bag full of some food and extra clothes. I grabbed my dagger and tossed it in my bag. I slung the bag over my shoulder and headed towards the door, my hood over the cap on my head. I stopped at the door, thinking for a split second that maybe this wouldn't work, and tears dropped to the carpet next to my shoes. 

"I'm sorry." I whispered, a sob building up in my chest. I didn't want to leave, I was terrified, but if it meant I could save more people from being hurt or worse, then I'll do it. I open the door and walk out into the hall. The rain pattered on the roof and it felt as though I was walking to my own funeral. I stopped short at Thor's room, reaching out to knock, but stopped. I didn't have a note or anything, and I will most likely be killed if I go through with this. With more tears flowing from my face, I kept walking, praying that no one else will get hurt if I do this.

No one else can die because of me.

What'd you think?



(Please don't hate me now XD)

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