41. The Distraction

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Hey ya'll!

Wow another chapter! It's probably really sucky though and it's kind of short, but I hope you enjoy and please VOTE and COMMENT!

Meira's POV:

The somewhat quiet ride suddenly became a horror show.

Once we drove out into the city, we relaxed a little, thinking that the Amarog hadn't reached us yet, but we turned a corner and saw otherwise. People were screaming running down the streets, fires were everywhere and worst of all, there were Amarog killing people. Tears stung my eyes as I stared at the massacre taking place. "Meira, come on!" Steve's voice jolted me out of my trance and I finally saw that we had stopped. He opened my door and quickly pulled me out. "We have to save as many people as we can," Steve ordered; Lee was already running down the street.

"I-I don't know if I can," my voice trembled. "What if I hurt someone?" I yelped as the windows of the building next door blew out in a large explosion, causing more screams to follow. Steve placed a hand on my shoulder and leaned in, a cold expression on his face. "Don't think like that." he said, shaking me a little. "Just go out there and fight. You're a soldier now."

Steve ran off into the smoke, sirens and voices following him. I stood there and spun around, watching the madness unfold. Buildings and shops were being burned, bloodied bodies were everywhere, and Amarog raced past the SUV. I hid behind it, watching it all, my breathing getting faster and my whole body shaking. I couldn't do this, I couldn't go out there, I'm not strong enough for this. Steve was wrong, I'm not a soldier. I'm just some kid.

A piercing scream ripped through my thoughts, making me whip my head towards the alley across the street. A young woman was backing down the alley, her terrified face covered in soot, and an Amarog following her. Time seemed to stop, and something I had long forgotten resurfaced in my mind. In The School, they would teach us to be warriors, fighters, but most of all, protectors.

"You will always protect and fight for your people."

I stood, taking a deep breath and unsheathing my two swords. With unnatural clarity, I ran away from the car, dodging bullets and jumping over fallen bodies, racing towards the Amarog. I dashed into the alley, jumping and running along the brick wall, flipping and landing right between the Amarog and the young woman.

"Stay behind me," I told the girl holding up my swords at the beast. She nodded, backing up. The Amarog growled something in it's language, hunching down and it's claws growing sharper. I only glared back, holding my two(much smaller) weapons in front of me. The Amarog continued to advance, making me and the girl back up more. "Run on three." I whispered loud enough for her to hear. "One." We we nearly against the back wall. "Two." The Amarog raised it's claws. The young woman clung to my shirt and whimpered. "Three!"

I slashed my swords across the Amarog's eyes, causing him to howl in pain and stumble. The girl sprinted past, but stopped to look back. We locked eyes and she gasped. "You're her," she whispered. My heart skipped a beat, but it no longer mattered. "Go!" I yelled. "I'll take care of him!" I flipped my swords around in my hands, circling behind the Amarog. He was still screeching and holding his face, leaning against the wall. I looked back briefly over my shoulder, watching the girl hesitate, but then run back into the smoke and dust, disappearing from view.

I dodged just in time for the Amarog's claw to swipe over my head. I rolled and stood in a crouch, watching as it sniffed the air and turned it's ugly head. I had slashed out it's eyes,so now he relied on sounds and smell. But that still gave him an advantage. If I wanted to stop him, I had to kill him. I lunged towards the Amarog, spinning and jabbing my sword, but he sidestepped each one. I gasped when the Amarog slammed his elbow into my back, causing me to fall to the ground.

I coughed and and dots swam in my eyes. I searched for my swords in vain, they had toppled out of my grip, my hands getting cut from all the scattered glass. I fell to the ground again with yelp, the Amarog having kicked me in the stomach. I quickly got to my feet and dashed out of the Amarog's way as he slashed the ground where I was. He growled, blood pouring from the sockets of his eyes.

"What a pity." he growled in English, sniffing the air and turning his head this way and that. "The Thoranian girl cannot even go up against one Amarog." I yelped again and rolled out of the way as he charged towards me. I slipped and fell, holding my gut and crawling away from the Amarog as fast as possible. All the confidence I felt earlier as gone.

"To think Vrukore wants you alive, I cannot imagine." The Amarog said, his back to me. I held my breath, but I knew it would do no good. "You and your friends are not that bright, are you?" he made a sound between a growl and a laugh, turning my way. I pushed myself against the wall as much as possible. The Amarog stood over me, my focus on his sharp teeth and claws. "You can't even tell that this was all a distraction...."

My body froze. What was he talking about? A distraction? Was all of this, just to keep us busy? "I'm sure Vrukore will be pleased when I bring your dead body-" the Amarog didn't finish his sentence. A look of shock and confusion settled onto his face, his raised arm freezing. I gripped the gun shakily, my finger on the trigger. A hole the size of a nickle bleed out from his heart. I gasped and scrambled to my feet, holding the gun in one hand and grabbing one of my swords with the other.

With a scream, I swung the sword just as the Amarog turned to face me. He coughed and sputtered, his throat spilling blood. He fell to the ground, staring up at me with empty eye sockets, and I kicked him in the chest. He fell to the ground, sputtering and coughing up blood. Soon, his body went still. I stood there for a moment, staring at nothing, and then slowly put the gun back in the waist band of my jeans, and sheathed my sword, finally noticed the large gashes on my face and arms.

I ran out of the alley, knocking right into someone. I pushed them away, but realized that it was Lee, of all people. "Lee what's happen-" I started, but he cut me off.

"No time." he said as a few people sprinted past us, the chaos still in full swing. "But you need to see this." I followed him up a large hill, turning my head away from the damage that surrounded me and focused on my feet pushing me forward. Blood caked my hands. How it got there, I didn't know. I saw Steve and Thor, standing a few yards away in the middle of the street on the rise of the hill, looking across the city below. I noticed this was the highest point that we could see all the city from.

"What is it? What's going on?" I jogged up next to Steve, Lee right behind. I looked between the three men, but they only stared below. I followed their eyesight and nearly screamed, covering my mouth. The entire city was destroyed, fires taking out blocks of homes and buildings, flashing lights and sirens of police cars and ambulances and fire trucks swirled in with the flames, but that wasn't the thing that caused me to stare in disbelief.

Large scorch marks covered the entire city, spelling out only one word in that shone like a beacon dark night:


What'd you think?



Banished| Book One In The Series | Avengers Fan-fic| ****ON HOLD****Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt