22. Hiding Among Killers

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Hey ya'll!

Sorry(again) that this chapter is up late. I got caught up watching Teen Wolf ~ I was actually surprised that I would like it, to be perfectly honest. 

Any-who, this is mostly a fight scene chapter so if it isn't that good, I apologize. I don't know anything about sword-fighting or martial arts, so I'm making it up as I go.

***** I am going on a trip to Washington, D.C. next week so I won't be able to update then*****

Please enjoy and have a lovely day! :p

Third Person POV:

The next morning, Tony, Thor, Natasha, Clint, Steve, and Bruce are either standing or sitting around in the kitchen discussing the plan. They are all very tired from the computer screen meeting they had with Fury - who has resurfaced at SHIELD for the moment, but under watch of the Board - that lasted well into the night, but everyone agreed on attacking the Amarog base in the end.

"We can't let Meira know about this." Natasha said. "It's obvious she wants their blood on her hands and will do anything to do that. That little stunt in the jet was only the beginning." She was referring to Meira jumping towards the giant ripped-off-door-hole in the side of the jet, slashing at giant werewolves along the way. 

"I don't see how we can keep it from her," Tony replied and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I mean, the kid can read our minds. I don't know if Bruce and I can keep giving her tests because she knows all of the answers." 

"There's also Lee to think about." Clint said. "No way can he fight, even with Thoranian blood transferred into him." 

"We'll need to act fast then." Steve said, standing up straighter and instantly gaining everyone's attention. "Clint, Natasha, and I will seek out the camp first and then signal you three when the time is right." They all nodded, except fr Bruce.

"I think I should stay here." He said with a half smile. 

"You sure?" Steve asked. "We could probably use the other guy for this fight." Bruce nodded, positive of his decision. The Hulk still had yet to be controlled, but Natasha had been working SHIELD on a plan to do so. 

"Then it's settled." Steve announced. "We leave at sunset."


Meira's POV:

They were planning something.

 It was late in the afternoon when I finally began to notice something was off. Usually, when one of the others pass me in the hall, they try to stay out of my way. But this time, they were completely avoiding me. When I talked to Thor about this, he would barely look me in the eye. That hurt me a lot, considering what he said to me last night, and I almost threw the blue dagger out the window. But I'm not that childish. I'm used to being ignored. 

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