48. Face The World

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Hey ya'll!

Sorry the wait was so long; my wi-fi has been out and I've also been going to ROTC camp since Monday - I literally go straight to bed when I get home. But enough of that, I have the chapter up now! 

(Sooner than I thought, actually)

And btw, I know there are a lot of plot holes and things that need to be fixed. I forget many things that happen in the story and I'm sorry about that :/ but thank you to those who read and vote and comment on this story! It means so much to me </3


Third Person POV:

One year ago....

It was mid-winter on Thorix and the snow was impossible to see through.

Thirty girls in their seventh year at The School were making their way in the harsh weather, trudging up a large hill. No one spoke and small, clouds of warm air puffed out of their mouths and noses. Each girl wore large snow boots and a heavy, fur coat over wool clothing. Despite their layered clothes, the cold wind bit at their skin and powdered their hair and faces in tiny snowflakes. 

Leading the group was a woman with a bright, flaming lantern  who was in her late twenties with sharp eyes and a steely expression. The girls were a younger version of the woman's features. Brown eyes, long brown hair, and tan skin - even in winter. Though one girl stood out from the rest. Twelve year old Meira made her way up the hill behind the huddled group of girls, her long white hair and pale skin blending in with the snow. Only her eyes could be seen, two glowing blue orbs of light in the tornado of white. 

Meira had not fallen behind, however, in fact she had more energy than most of the others; the young girl had found it wise to distance herself as much as possible from the ones who surround her. Meira knew she was taking a great risk in getting lost in the snow storm, but it was better than being cursed at or ignored. Finally, they all made it to the top of the hill.

Even through the snow, they could all see the bright yellow light coming from The School, some of the city was visible as well. The eight story tall building was hard to miss; it was made out of dark brick with iron spires on each corner, and a brazier larger than two bath tubs was lit at the front of the building. The roaring fire chased away the snow and was a beacon in the storm.

"The world is harsh," the teacher began, holding up her lantern, seeming immune to the cold. "And those who do not face it, shall perish." The group of girls shivered, but not because of the cold. The teacher scanned the small audience, her eyes landing on Meira. "You there," the teacher spoke. "The outsider. Come." Immediately, everyone turned to the blue-eyed girl, who tucked her head down and walked through the parted crowd. 

"Take off your coat." The teacher said as thought she were irritated. Meira hesitated and shocked whispers flitted around the group. The woman stared Meira down, waiting. Meira swallowed, and slowly began to slip off the coat. As the coat dropped to the ground, a cold gust of wind blew over the hill, causing Meira to gasp and double over in a vain attempt to protect herself against the ice. 

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