40. Doubt

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Hey ya'll!

Here's another chapter - The 40th chapter (squuuuueeeeee!!!!) - and I hope you like it! This one caused some writer's block, but I think it turned out pretty good. 

Warning: There may be some cute little brotherly/sisterly love with Lee and Meira :D


Meira's POV:

"So blue fire, slight super strength, mind reading, crazy weird light stuff, and psychic visions?" Lee rattled off, tapping the notepad with his pencil and ran his fingers through his dark hair. "Quite a party you got going on here."

I groaned, flopping back onto the couch and covering my face with a pillow. It was an early Monday morning and Lee woke me up to go running and then learn some new fighting techniques as usual. The first few times I beat him, but when he tried to teach me some SHIELD agent moves, that's when he began to beat me every time. Thor was in Asgard - he said he needed to do some prince stuff or whatever - so it was just me, Lee, and Steve in the large house. 

Before Thor left, he mentioned that I should try and figure out how many powers I have, new or old, and wait for him to come back to try and use them. Lee had taken up the task of doing just that. "Alright, is there anything else we need to know?" he said. "Do you fly or something?" I heard Steve laugh quietly from the other couch and I scowled into the pillow.

"No." I said, my voice muffled. "I can assure that I most definitely cannot fly." I pushed the pillow off my face and it tumbled to the floor. I looked at it and sighed, picking it up and stuffing it under my head. "Why are still doing this? I don't even think I can do half that stuff anymore."

"What makes you say that?" Steve asked. "And while we're on this topic, what was Thorix even like? Did the people there actually make children learn how to kill someone?"

I dropped my scowl. I was quiet for a long time and I felt both of their eyes on me, waiting for an answer. "Not always," I finally said. "Thorix is a planet that mirrors Asgard in little ways, even though they are sister planets." I sat up and was surprised to see that Steve and Lee were both leaning forward, as if wanting me to go on. The notepad with the list of my powers was on the coffee table. I swallowed, preparing to go on.

"Many years ago, before both of your times and before your parents - yes even you Steve - Thorix was ruled by King Urthar....my grandfather I suppose." The thought made me feel uneasy, but I continued, looking down at my hands. "In this time, journeying to other worlds and space travel was a glorious feat and a warrior's adventure. Vrukore ,a prince and the son to King Urthar, in his younger years, set out to do just that."

"Though instead of finding new worlds, he lied to King Urthar and searched for the Crystal Cove." I glanced at the two of them briefly to see they were both still intently listening. It was a strange feeling, to have someone want to listen to what you say. I sat a little straighter. "The Crystal Cove was thought by most to be a myth, a children's story, but as you can tell," I pulled out my necklace, holding the glowing blue crystal hanging from it, "That is not so."

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