13. King Vrukore

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Hey y'all!

Jeez, exam week is crazy! Hopefully I made okay scores so far.......0_o I dunno.

Any who, please enjoy the chapter! This is pretty short, but I hope you like it anyways!.

(p.s. what do you think about the cover?)

Third Person POV:

Vrukore threw a blackened skull at the wall, it shattering instantly. Heidi flinched from a few feet behind her master. She wore a silk dress of shimmering red and her hair was pulled into braided crown around her head. Heidi looked menacing, dark and her face was gaunt as if she had forgotten to eat a sleep for a while.

The two were on Thorix in the Council building. To be precise, they were in Lady Monroe's bedroom. Or, what was left of it. The whole building was charred to a crisp, the once beautiful ceiling had fallen and dim light streamed in, and the walls looked as though they had been knocked down by a wreaking ball. Outside the Council building a large, deep-space ship hovered above the ground. It was taller than the Council building and almost as wide. Smaller ships raced through the sky and packs of Amarog prowled around, searching for any possible survivors.

"You let her escape?" Vrukore roared. The swirling image of wispy blue in front of the two fizzled out, a jet with the Avengers and Meira inside disappearing along with it.

"My lord, I had not-"

A loud crack like a whip interrupted the woman and she fell to the floor, holding her face and desperately trying not to shake with fear. Vrukore stood over her, his hands swirling with wispy blue light and his eyes blazing the same color. "Be as it may," Vrukore seethed. "The girl is brought to me. No matter who you have to kill."

Heidi nodded, her cheek turning a bright red as she stood and hurried out of the charred room through the cracking doorway. Vrukore's whole body shook with anger. His glowing blue eyes scanned the room, them finally landing on the large hole in the wall. Vrukore lifted off the floor and lowered himself to the ground below, his tightly clenched fists pulsing a light blue.

"Ravjic, Xastreaon!"  Vrukore growled to the nearest Amarog. The beast flinched before sprinting off to the large ship. Vrukore looked up to the sky, pleased with seeing the thick layer of ash covering the suns and giving Thorix a sick, dead look. Xastreaon, a planet of evil and darkness, was where Vrukore had been for the last hundred years, plotting, planning and climbing his way towards revenge against Thorix.

And finally he had gotten his revenge, Vrukore thought with a sinister smile. No more was Thorix;  there would be no more light to shine on the land, no more rolling hills with shimmering green grass, no more gleaming buildings or the sturdiness of the School. Thorix was dead, and shall be for all time. No life with cross its ruins ever again.

Vrukore turned on his heel, his cloak sweeping the back of his legs and his hood gently being pushed back by the ash filled wind. His face was shown now, but it did nothing to ease the dark presence that surrounds him. One line, like a vein, was etched onto his face and it glowed the same bright blue as his eyes. Black, messy hair swirled in his eyes, but Vrukore didn't flinch. It looked as though he hadn't even noticed until the breeze had passed.

Vrukore boarded ship with the Amarog following loyally behind. Or so it looked like loyalty; Vrukore had the poor bastards under his spell, keeping them captive and making them do his killings and stealings. The ship they were traveling, was one of Thorix's. It had managed to be saved. Now, Vrukore didn't have to waste his magic on transporting himself and the Amarog to other planets.

But Vrukore's mood only lasted for so long, soon the cause of his anger at Heidi surfaced in his mind:

The Crystal and the girl escaped.

Vrukore snarled inwardly as he sat down at the front of the ship looking out the massive window as the ship rose off the ground and began to sail out of Thorix. The only way to find Meira was to use a complicated spell with his all-seeing eye, which was quite similar to the one who guarded Asgard's Bi-Frost. The spell was painful to Vrukore and required time, but fortunately, time was on their side.

Yet, it isn't just the Crystal that Vrukore wants. He also wants Meira. But he wants her alive, he wants to see her kneel before him, he wants to see her with crown on her head and her fighting alongside him. Vrukore knows the girl is powerful, but that's only half the story.

For Meira is not only a princess.

She is Vrukore's daughter.

*Large gasp*


There. All better? Good.

Tell me what you think!


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