39. The Road So Far and Thor's Visit

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(Yes, the title is a Supernatural reference XD And yes, Loki is in this.)

Hey ya'll!

Sorry about the last chapter being so short - I promise to make it up with this one! It's going to be more like a review sort of thing for chapter 40. (Except for that little part at the end of this chapter.)

***Also, shout out to my lovely friend, _frenchie_ . You're an awesome writer and the toughest girl I know - you can fight through this. Give her some love, guys, she's going through a lot right now.***


The date is now August 15th, Monday - and this is what has happened.

The last two months have been hell for The Avengers and earth itself. In the beginning, Meira was in a Magic Scrimmage, ready to fight Freya, her somewhat of a  sister. In less than a week, her whole world changed. Soon she met some pretty amazing people and learned many things about herself and her powers. 

SHIELD is back up and running full speed, keeping the trail The Avengers leave behind covered and away from those who try to follow it. It wasn't the best decision to put a bounty on Meira, but since the attacks on New York , SHIELD was put out in the open for all to see. So, that had to do something, thus setting off series of search parties that swept the globe, all in search for the fourteen year old, snow white haired, Thoranian named Meira.

Vrukore has been successful in his attacks so far, especially with the Golden Gate Bridge and then Asgard. The Amarog are still locked under his spell and killing when he orders them to. The Kriktas  that he had been using to deliver messages across the universe to his troops though have been infiltrated by an imprisoned trickster, who then relays messages to Thor.

Despite being separated, The Avengers have done fairly well in the job of keeping the Amarog at bay. There hasn't been a sighting of a camp of the were-wolf like creatures  in a long time, and for the first time, they have decided to relax about that little fact instead of pack up and leave. Both groups wanted to settle down, at least for a little while.

The United States, compared to The Avengers, is in great turmoil. Police forces have doubled and army trucks race down every back street and corner in the country. The President has been in countless meetings in attempts to find the girl in question from the attacker, but many are not willing to give her up so easily. Is this an act of terrorism? Who is she working for? Where is she from? Who is this girl? These are the questions being asked.

Other countries are doing their fair share in the search as well. News stories of soldiers bursting through the doors of homes spread like wildfire across the internet and fear settles into everyone. Families are keeping to themselves more, going out less, and turning off every light in the house in the house at night. Many are afraid they'll be the next ones in the attacks that seem likely to happen again.

Agent Aaron Tyler is the most confused in all of this, however. When he finally tracked Meira down, he was expecting someone like Thor to be slashing a sword through people's throats, not an angst-y fourteen year old in blue jeans. The hate that had bubbled inside him for so long towards this girl, slowly began to die out the more he got to know about her. The more sarcastic things she said, the more normal things she did, the more Aaron grew to accept her - but not forgive her, mind you.

Banished| Book One In The Series | Avengers Fan-fic| ****ON HOLD****Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant