31. And So He Runs

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Hey ya'll!

This is a relatively short chapter because I have finals this week (yikes) but there's a Vrukore part, so I hope you like it!


I saw CIVIL WAR!!!!! It was amazing and I cried. I admit it. I did actually cry. XD

Enjoy the chapter and don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT!

Third Person's POV:

Vrukore stood at the foot of the Captain's chair, overlooking the many monitors controlling the warship he was currently on. Amarog shuffled this way and that on the monitor deck, their eyes glazed over with bright blue and their movements and speech robotic. Vrukore's own eyes blazed the same startling color. The raid on Asgard had been a success, many were killed and the much of the palace was burned. 

Vrukore couldn't keep up his veil of magic to hide the ship in Odin's realm, so he sent out small suicide ships with only one aimed to survive. The plan worked of course, and Vrukore got what he wanted. Now the warship floated in the dark of space, far away from the planet of the gods. A smile crept onto his scarred face as a wounded Amarog made his way up the steps to the Captain's Deck where Vrukore stood and knelt before the sorcerer. In his clawed hands was an enclosed tube of metal with strange writings down the sides. 

"You have done well." Vrukore said lowly. The Amarog bowed his head. With a smirk of pride, Vrukore took the tube into his hands and grinned. This is the moment he had been waiting for, ever since his banishment from Thorix nearly twenty years ago and his discovery of the Cove some time before that. 

"There is one more thing, my lord." The battered Amarog said in perfect English before Vrukore could send him away. "The child. She was there in the palace. I and two others found her and a servant girl." Vrukore's jaw clenched in anger and his eyes flashed dangerously. "Do continue."

"The child seemed weak and sickly, she could barely lift her sword. I assume she is wallowing in guilt for being the reason the servant girl could not be saved. Killed by my own blade, she was." The Amarog was about to speak again, but Vrukore's roar echoed throughout the whole ship.


Silence fell down upon the large room and the Amarog kneeling before Vrukore looked anywhere but the sorcerer's eyes. "You must understand my lord, it was either the girl or the map-"

Vrukore's pale hand shot out from his side and locked around the Amarog's neck, causing the creature to look up and gasp for air. "Do not," Vrukore whispered dangerously, "Speak out of line." He let go of the Amarog go who hurriedly slipped out of Vrukore's range. The sorcerer slowly sat back down, one fist shaking with anger and the other tightly clasped on the tube. His eyes locked on the galaxy outside of large observation window 

"Find her!" He shouted for all to her. "Find the girl who wears the Crystal! I do not care what you have to do or who you have to kill, just find her before you are all dead!"


Third Person POV:

The small diner was nearly deserted, save for the few people on their lunch break and the quiet group of people seated in the corner. Natasha, Lee, Aaron, and a hoodie drawn Meira sat in the back of the diner, each picking at a variety of different sandwiches. Every now and then, Aaron would look over at Meira and glare, but stopped when Lee kicked him under the table. Natasha lightly snorted and smirked at Aaron as she took a bite of her grilled-cheese. 

The diner they were currently in was right in the middle of the small town not far from where they were hiding out. The population was less than 500 and seemed strange that more people weren't at the diner, but the four had figured that this was a low key town that didn't usually have much going on. Despite this, Natasha had found a poster of Meira's face plastered across it, and so they could assume that everyone has seen Meira's face. Every time the waitress passed, the fourteen year old would sink a lower in her seat and pull her hood over her face more. She was even wearing Lee's sunglasses. 

"You look too suspicious," Aaron hissed, glancing over his shoulder. "Cut it out."

"Well what do you want me to do?" Meira growled right back. "It's not like I can just forget that I'm being hunted down by the whole Earth."

"Well maybe if you hadn't come here in the first place-"

"You think it's my fault I got sent here-" 

"It's your fault that people are dead!"

Aaron and Meira were practically leaning over the table, scowling in each other's faces. Despite the dark tint of the sunglasses Meira wore, bright, blazing rings of blue shined through at Aaron.  A few other people in the diner had noticed their arguing and resorted to glaring at the two adults at the table. Lee gritted his teeth and yanked Aaron down by the back of his shirt, Natasha doing the same to Meira. 

"You two are causing a scene." The red haired woman said. "It's not Meira's fault that people died on the Golden Gate Bridge; that was all Vrukore, we need to keep our heads out of the clouds and focused on what we're really doing."

"What we're really doing?" Aaron nearly exclaimed. "Last I remember, you guys dragged me here against my will and made me join your team."

"No on is making you do anything, Aaron." Natasha said in such a tone that chilled Meira down to the bone. "You want to leave? Leave. Want to tell everyone where we are? Go ahead. We won't stop you." 

The boy stared at her. His shocked expression soon turned cold. "Fine." he muttered. Aaron quickly stood from the table, slung on his leather jacket, and left the diner. The three watched him climb onto his motorcycle, the junior agent having followed them there, and pulled out of the small parking lot without looking back. 

It was quiet for a moment. Meira looked down at the table. It was obvious that what Aaron had said affected her deeply. "Meira I-" Natasha started, but the young girl shook her head.  "Let's just - let's just go." Meira dropped the sunglasses on the table and stood, her abnormally blue eyes still shining. Lee and Natasha followed suit, grabbing the boxes of take out for the others.

"Look at the bright side," Lee said as the now group of three walked out the door and headed for the large truck. "You can start training again, and this time, Midgardian style."

What'd you think?



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